Right wing shit post

no banana @lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 390 points –

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Do they seriously think an extremely liberal, gay as hell power bottom cannot out-fart almost anyone on the planet?

Mans powering the entire state of New York with the sheer amount of "Natural Gas" he's letting off after his GB themed birthday party

GB themed birthday party

As in like golden shower and bullshit-themed…?

Gang Bang

I was implying he arranged a train to be run on himself as a self birthday present

Whoa — the straights are alright. This is the only non-awful thing about Donald Trump.

Hate to burst the straights are alright bubble, but I'm bi

The straights Everyone’s alright!

I’m sorry about my narrow-scoped comment.

Do they seriously think?

The answer is no. They do not.