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Joined 1 years ago

Containers are a great way run applications.

Docker is a piece of garbage by a company way too far down the enshittification slide.

He was on flights to Epstein's Island. Everyone should care

  1. People vastly overestimate the abilities of AI.
  2. Developers vastly overestimate their own abilities.
  3. There are people on any level of seniority that would be perfectly replaced by a noise generator.
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Smoking is redundant today. Kids are getting enough cancer from the environment already.

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SO is a shithole, just like Reddit. All the work is done by volunteers. When it was time to cash out with the platform, they also did several things to fuck with their community. I've contributed quite a bit to the trilogy sites, and served as a moderator. I regret every second of it. But at least a few people got rich in the process.

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Samsung device telemetry

Says the guy who funnels his entire wealth through a foundation to avoid paying any taxes. Just like he told Epstein to do. Love you Bill

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This is not unique to Lemmy. You can do the same on Slack, Discord, Teams, GitHub, ... Finding unused resources isn't trivial, and you're usually better off ignoring the noise.

If you upload illegal content somewhere, and then tell the FBI about it, being the only person knowing the URL, let me know how that turns out.

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Media platforms are beyond spying. You have nothing to offer.

It's all about controlling information and feeding you what you need to see.

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Why was it his game? He playing alone?

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Trump is a billionaire?

There is no peer review with these scam publications. You pay your flat fee and get published. That's it. This is how climate change deniers and all other nut jobs get their studies too. This has been going on for years. This is a cute joke that cost roughly 3K

The emissions attributed to Shell are the emissions of their customers. People love to play dumb to make a point.

North Stream 2 didn't happen. Industry expected it to happen. Also, our ex-chanslor is Putin's buddy and Gazprom board member for some reason.

Loans are no longer free. Industry expected loans to be free forever. Also, our current chanslor forgot all the details about all his meetings with people involved in Cum-Ex.

Working population has been decreasing for decades. Industry expected to compensate with overtime and worse working conditions. Also, skilled foreigners prefer countries where the police doesn't reliably lose all evidence in neo-nazi cases.

Industry invested billions into a brand revolving around Kanye West.

Industry has been responsible for several global car emissions scandals.

Industry bought Monsanto.

Industry pays their top-level management ludicrous bonuses for laughable goals.

Pretty sure we just need to eat the rich.

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There are companies making bricks in much better quality than LEGO, and they are cheaper than LEGO. What kind of a margin is this supposed to be?

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Oh boy, that au10tix sales pitch:

Did we mention? We built the technology that provided identity intelligence for airports and border controls. Then we added new superpowers for digital enterprise with the help of machine learning and all that other clever stuff.

There is

If you don't own your private keys, wtf are you doing anyway? People are fucking lazy and they are paying for it.

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That's the TLD of Albania though

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Does security.dialog_enable_delay work on that?

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Knowing your gender is highly required? 😂

Mozilla has already said they oppose the idea

As others have pointed out, it's actually: et al.

You're mad about nothing.

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I still find it fascinating that you can go to jail because there's an IP address in a log file somewhere or because of a screenshot of a messenger communication.

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Next level: just type what you want and let the AI figure it out. 1 ad per prompt

We're scared that this Chinese hardware might have backdoors. So we switch to US hardware, where we have proven multiple times in the past that it has backdoors. This will prove that we take national security seriously!

Enshittification had started in preparation of the sale years ago. Now with AI the platform has become worthless and their entire data set has been included in countless training sets. They are grasping for straws. Their active users decrease, as more and more contributors realize that they are volunteering their time to make others rich.

Seems like purely an advertising channel. I see no value in it. I hope it makes the product worse and more people leave it

How exactly are they poisoning a pool of toxic waste?

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Of course I make typos :) But .al is the top-level domain of a country. This is the original purpose of the system. If you type something that looks like a valid domain, and this is a valid domain, why not make it a link? Maybe I mistook your point all along. Why don't you think this should be a link?

I would agree that we have too many useless TLDs, and Google did help in spreading more domains, but I just don't think this is a case where it applies.

Not starting Y at 0 seems misleading

These are awesome! Thanks

Not a small trunk and a pretty clean cut. Did he bring a chainsaw?

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After all, it happens frequently

The great thing about blanket terms like "AI" is that you can slap it on everything.

Given the data points you made up, I feel it's safe to assume that this plateau will now be a 10 year stretch

If you're not paying money for a service, you're paying another way

It is your content. But SE specifically only accepts CC licensed content, which makes you right.