Every Family Dinner Now

Jeena@jemmy.jeena.net to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 1028 points –

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  1. People vastly overestimate the abilities of AI.
  2. Developers vastly overestimate their own abilities.
  3. There are people on any level of seniority that would be perfectly replaced by a noise generator.

There are people on any level of seniority that would be perfectly replaced by a noise generator.

Im fairly certain that this is what happened I my CISO.

The company had avoided certain destruction, after having fired the previous CEO and putting a new one in it's place. The new CEO had managed to bring a newfound calm to the company and it's ranks, and brought an air of meditative discipline to board room meetings.

Some said it was crazy, but making the LectoFan EVO the new CEO was the best decision the company board had ever made.

I’ve had it with fan shills.

Glorious leader box fan is sufficient. Glorious leader box fan is perfect.

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