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Joined 11 months ago

Does Last Epoch belong on this list too?

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I (don't really) like to imagine how if someone were to invent a star trek-esqe teleportation device that beams people from place to place, how the auto manufacturers, road infrastructure organizations, and a probably countless other industries would be up in arms about their "losses" without realizing how stupid and short sighted that stance would be.

It's like we're unable to outgrow anything as a society without toddler-tantrum-like backlash from those who have benefitted from us being beholden to the current status quo.

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As they have every right to do.

Sure, you have freedom of speech, but no, you don't have the right to use my megaphone to say stupid shit.

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Rocket league 😞

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I said, 'fuck it, why not?' when the whole joe rogan boycott happened. Have not missed Spotify one bit since.

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Because everything involved with Epic is a dumpster fire.

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There's truth to that, but there also isn't really any reason why we couldn't have a second exceptional launcher and store for games. It would be nice if we did.

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They ruined a game I loved and I will never forgive them.

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I'm dealing with a similar situation. I'm owed about 30k in attorney fees that they tell me I will likely never see. I will have to keep tabs on that party and if they ever get a windfall of money I'll have to sue the bank for them to transfer the funds to me. It sucks.

For those of you that don't play rocket league, it is a prime example of just how badly epic is willing to fuck up a game for a dollar. Literally Mr. Crabs.

This December 5th, they are removing player to player trading from RL. Why would they alienate such a core faction of their player base?


Apparently, that game is getting a racing mode and they want you to be able to drive your rocket league car in Fortnite. Apparently, the only possible way to make this happen is to eliminate player trading.

Now, every single high value item like alpha boost ($5-7k) or a white hate ($???k) is worthless. Now, if there is a particular item you really want, you can wait for rng to drop it, or nrg for it to show up in the shop where you can expect to pay a minimum of x10 credit it would have cost you on the trading market.

I expect a class action lawsuit. They locked player to player trading behind a purchase of credits. They made hundreds of thousands of players pay for a feature and are now removing that feature in a blindly idiotic money grab.


Gotta make sure the poo is smooth and even on each cheek before wiping.

Nah, they charge for that too.

I didn't know this was a thing until my ex started fully disregard our custody order. I cannot understand how this is acceptable.

no u

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How about you make a popular website and then we can decide how valid your opinion that websites should be a soapbox for vocal minorities really is.

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💰 here ya go

What a maiden-less thing to say.

I can't imagine how rough it would be to pour hours and hours into a passion project only for a vocal minority to be constantly posting irrelevant criticism.

It's gotta be demoralizing.

As the designated email dev at my company I can confidently say this is not true.

Not saying that this specific email is persisted, but almost all that I work with are. It's a very common practice.

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Better than a golf shoe soaked in fake tan spray.

They're in Utah.

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It does, but it takes longer

"F U N G A M E"


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"All my homies hate :wq"

  • :x gang

Well my 5 year old gives it infinity/10

I always kind of felt like those voices began to be drowned out the more and more popular reddit became. You're correct about Lemmy's scale, but there is certainly a sweet spot. I'm happy knowing Lemmy hasn't yet reached its own, and reddit's is long gone. I'm happier here and it's likely only going to get better.

I wonder what the side effects of this would be.. There would suddenly be incentive for people to shape their lives in ways that would make them more attractive to advertisers, at least on paper.

I wonder if we would see improvementw to society at a macro level if people start making changes to be the types that are paid more for their data.


The display settings actually let you make it MORE pixelated if you want.

"Time's Ten Video Games of 2023"

If you want to experience more of the game there are plenty of workshop mods that make it easier.

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Like Jason but with an H

Maybe a response to their 'solution' would be to ask them if they were under the impression you weren't being careful/paying attention before the bugs occurred?

Elixir does have for loops.

That being said, I have worked at a company who uses Elixir 4 years now and I have never once written one.

Fuck that guy. I will avoid anything associated with him.

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Good. Fuck Epic. Epic bozo.

Ive had a ton of fun playing it!

Sounds like you need to answer back with numbers.

Calculate how much time is needed for writing tests.

Then calculate how much time was spent writing ineffective code, then add the amount of time it took to rewrite that same code.

I guarantee the latter amount will be more.

Bonus points if you can calculate the amount of money lost from an unavailable application, then add in the amount of money lost from the confidence your customers are losing in that app.