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Joined 4 months ago

This guy is like the anti-Bill Nye. He doesn't want to share his joy of science with you, he doesn't want to educate, he just wants to correct you with some stupid ass analogy. Insufferable. No one asked, Neil.

17 more...

Spez is an idiot who sold reddit to Conde Nast for peanuts, failed in very other start up he tried, and then came crawling back. And they somehow made him CEO. And he is overpaying himself by $193 million a year. Reddit deserves whatever happens to them.

11 more...

Eat shit Lindell. Sell some more pillows if you can. All you had to do was quietly be a millionaire selling cheap garbage pillows to idiots, but noooo you thought you could have an influence on a national scale and overthrow an election. Turns out you were wrong.

"We strenuously object to what is happening in this courtroom," he told the judge. "That President Trump is now going to spend the next two months working on this trial instead of" being out there campaigning for president "is something that shouldn't happen in this country."

"What is your legal argument?" Judge Marchan asked.

"That is my legal argument," Blanche replied.

"That's not a legal argument," Merchan said. "See you all on March 25."

Ice cold.

The article focuses on Trump and his legal problems and his desperation, but the fact that the Boomers are going to start dying en masse over the next decade (the oldest ones are now 78) is another factor. Their demographic is getting old as shit. That's why they are so desperate as a whole.

They are going full blown fascist because it's the only way they're going to be able to retain power in the future.

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A tape was released where he boasted about committing sexual assault. He bragged about grabbing them by the pussy. That tape came out like a month or two before the 2016 election. An October surprise that would have sunk any other candidate in the history of the USA. His fans did not care at all. Most of them probably cheered him on.

Rape? This is the party who think it's impossible to rape your own wife. Rape doesn't even exist to them.

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Hey guys, thanks to anti-vax grifter podcasts we now have diseases we had almost defeated circulating again! Humans are so cool!

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she would pardon him to unify America.

What she means is that she would do it to placate Trumps dangerous cult. There are a thousand things republicans could do if they really cared about "unity" but letting a racist piece of trash criminal like Trump off the hook isn't one of them.

Eighteen percent believe there is “a covert government effort” for the pop icon to help President Biden win re-election, according to a Monmouth University survey.

Why would they need a covert operation? It's already well known she's favors the Democrats and hates Trump. Why the need for a conspiracy layer to it? I'm sure the Biden team would be thrilled if she endorsed him, but that's not "a covert government effort". It's so stupid.

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"I love my son Tyler, who has been through some very difficult, public challenges for a young man and the subject of attention that he didn't ask for," the statement said.

She did this by fostering a circus like atmosphere and trying to be Sarah Palin 2.0. I don't even know the names of any other Reps from Colorado, much less anything about their kids. She forced herself and her family into the limelight. Can't blame unwanted attention for being a shitty little criminal. I'd say bad parenting is the more likely culprit.

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Is his brain even going to last the nine months til the election? It feels like in just a month or two he will have degraded to saying the n-word on stage while talking about how bad he wants to fuck his daughter.

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"When we hit rock bottom, we will bounce back," he said.

Or maybe you'll just go splat.

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Calling us bigots while we engage in textbook bigotry is the real bigotry.

They need to free up the cash to pay the CEO bonuses somehow.

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Why shouldn't they be petty? Trump is a grade school level bully who calls his political opponents "losers" and "nasty people". Tit for tat.

In an exclusive released by Axios, Republican sources state that “people are predicting a shutdown.”

The people who want a shutdown and are demanding policies that violate basic civil rights or else they are going to throw a tantrum are predicting they are going to shut down the government. Wow, it's like they can see the future. Such clairvoyance.

It's his standard operating procedure: offer a down payment and get the goods, then skip town and never pay the rest. Only I don't think it's going to work out for him this time...

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"Scholars? Pffft. What do they know???" Every Trumper in existence. And they mean it.

Meanwhile PragerU will do their own survey with a hand picked group of Magats and right this injustice. The only question is if Reagan or Trump will be at the number one spot.

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Commence the brain drain as students and educators flee to schools in states that aren't batshit insane. Which suits the Repubs fine because that's less libruls voting the "wrong" way in the foreseeable future.

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He meant over half of Republicans. The rest of the population doesn't count.

Once Trump starts ranting about him being a RINO he'll be purged from his position in an instant.

It depends on the country. In the US an artist has rights and deliberately destroying an artwork can get you sued.

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He'll just whine to his cult and they'll donate enough to cover it. But I hope he gets hit with the maximum penalties nonetheless.

And you just know he thinks of himself as some kind of a gigachad alpha male. Dude can't even organize an orgy for his pals without paying the women. Lame ass.

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This guy fixed it in one month

Did he?

Since he took office in December, Milei has slashed public spending, winning the approval of the International Monetary Fund and securing a budget surplus for the first time in 12 years in a country whose previous governments oversaw rampant inflation and multiple fiscal crises.

However, annual inflation has still risen to 254 percent, the price of bus tickets has more than tripled, and the government has frozen crucial aid to soup kitchens that have ever more mouths to feed.>

What did he fix?

They are trying to out crazy each other because that makes them the most trump like. It's not enough to talk about banning books from public libraries, now you have to line them up and do a photo op with a flamethrower. It's just more of that virtue signaling they constantly accuse everyone else of doing.

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There are a few smart Republicans and some that are politically savvy in a Machiavellian sense, but the vast majority of them are as dumb as rocks, although Tuberville is a special kind of moron. He's not even competent to be the village idiot.

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I've only read a couple of his books but don't remember this specific trope. Can you give notations?

And even if you dislike this trope and think it's lame does that mean he should be booted out of the Hugo awards?

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“It’s violence against the speaker,” Rep. Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, told NOTUS of discharge petitions.

What a fucking drama queen. Violence is when we can't obstruct on behalf of Trump and Putin!

It wasn't that hostile. And they never said people couldn't comment, that's a straw man you built entirely on your own.

After Scalia died he wanted to cast off the "Scalito" moniker and decided to be more visible. Only problem is that he's just a natural born asshole. Plus conservatives have a super majority on the court and are basically untouchable and that inevitably leads to arrogance.

Roland Pryzbylewski in the house!

believe it or not

This is your tell.

How exactly do you know the motives of the extreme conservative Justices, half of whom were appointed by Trump? Are you a mind reader?

Your comment is the real rage bait.

"I've seen the footage of shredded children's bodies," the activist told Ogles. "That's my taxpayer dollars that are going to bomb those kids."

"You know what? So, I think we should kill 'em all, if that makes you feel better," Ogles responded. "Hamas and the Palestinians have been attacking Israel for 20 years. It's time to pay the piper."

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US courts are sloooow. It's only recently that he's been held accountable at all. Most of these cases will wind on for years. But the bill on this case is due now.

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Voting for YOUR MOM is also voting against Trump AND Biden.

I've seen other polls that suggest that Gen X is basically a 50/50 split, which means they kind of cancel each other out. But right wing Gen X'ers are basically Boomer-lites so these annoying conspiracy addled people will be with us for the long haul.

I'm not sure how the independents split in the younger generations, but even if its close to 50/50 that's still a huge boost for the Dems as the Boomers die off.

The House majority switches parties every other election. If the Dems retake the House this November they could investigate this. Nice attempt at a gotcha, though.

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We should just ignore his fascist ramblings and not mobilize people to vote against him? Nah. This stuff needs to be broadcast as widely as possible. Sorry if you're bored though. Spend some time away from social media I guess.