James Comer faces potential investigation over lying FBI source

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 259 points –
James Comer faces potential investigation over lying FBI source

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The House majority switches parties every other election. If the Dems retake the House this November they could investigate this. Nice attempt at a gotcha, though.

November is three lifetimes away in American politics. If the Dems take control, they're not going back to this, there's going to be something new for them to use to divide the country.....

Good thing the Republicans are doing as much lying and criminal activity as possible to unite everyone! Phew.

Hey, the Rs aren't good guys here but anyone who thinks the D's are going to do anything about this, in the future are just silly.

Simple question: Why do you think this?

Aside from it being a house decision, so they don't have much leverage, of course. Because history says if it happened under a D watch, there would be an investigation. Granted even just a decade ago there would have been one in a R house.

Because it won't be politically expedient for them by the time they're in a position to do anything about it. They will use it as a wedge issue until the next thing comes up, and the cycle will continue.

If this happened when they were in power, they'd certainly capitalize on it.

What way do you think the Dems would use this?

They'll use the corruption and disinformation angle while it's relevant, after the election it won't matter anymore and they'll drop it for the next thing.