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Joined 12 months ago

This is why I always rename all the variables in the project on each PR.

I just drink normal Yorkshire tea, I'm not made of money.

Yeah, this stinks of another company coming under pressure from Exodus Cry/Morality in Media lobbying of payment processors.

Dice, obviously.

I mean, the actual source for this statistic is usually "The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure" by Juliet Schor who in turn got the number from an unpublished paper written by Gregory Clark in 1986. Clark did eventually publish a paper in 2018 where he increased his estimate to 250-300 days (which may still be less than some modern workers work).

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I just write my config files directly to random unused blocks on /dev/sda, filesystems are overrated.

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Did not know the thing about purposefully adding rogue tabs to kconfig files to catch poorly written parsers. That's fucking hilarious and I'd love to have the kind of clout to get away with something like that rather than having to constantly work around other people's mistakes.

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Wtf does their browser history look like to be getting those sorts of ads?!

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Friendly reminder to make sure whatever you're sticking up there has a flared base so you don't end up with an embarrassing A&E visit.

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So, as far as I can see the ruling was that the guy hadn't sufficiently proved through his actions (e.g. protesting, joining any anti-war movements or in this case even expressing this view to anyone beforehand) that he was an actual conscientious objector and not just a chancer who didn't want to serve.

The fact that he played PUBG was brought up as part of the suggestion that he was just having a go but wasn't the whole case against him. Indeed tbh I can't really see anything suggesting it was a particularly important consideration compared to the lack of positive evidence of conscientious objection but obviously it's the bit that's going to get clicks.

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If we're going to be saddled with 19th century British customs they could at least have left in all the drugs.

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So does this also apply to precocious puberty or is this purely a fuck you to trans people?

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Technically that's already a thing. It is pretty expensive compared to a normal refrigerator though...

If you were the judge, what would you do?

Drive a trolley into the rioters

Orgies outside? We don't all live in Mediterranean climates...

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Also what's your date of birth and mother's maiden name?

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apolgy for poor english

when were you when beethoven dies

i was at house watching dog movie when phone ring

"Beethoven is kill"


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Money is a hell of an aphrodisiac

Thanks for the advice, I'll just walk 26 miles to work each day I guess...

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I believe that's generally caused by you fancying them

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input("Input True or False") == "True"

Will work but this strikes me as a likely example of an XY problem. What are you actually trying to achieve?

“It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country," he read. "This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind.”

--Terry Pratchett, Jingo

Must have been a bit of a code brown moment for the crew of the Rivet Joint listening in to someone trying to kill them. Makes me wonder whether the failure to lock was caused by some EWAR the Rivet Joint was packing or whether Russian missile guidance is just that shit though.

They've always been like this, just ask an emulator developer

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"The US government, please help Chinese stock investors," said another, per CNN on Monday.

That's certainly an... ambitious request. I'm sure the US government will get right on that.

I'm confused and bi, does that count?

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Fonzie scheme.



Honestly the most credible theory I can come up with for why Unity is doing this is that it's an attempt to force MS to acquire them to stop the effect this BS will have on gamepass and C#

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Technically the west has supported a two state solution since 1937.

I still don't know where to go to get an expert sex change...


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I mean given that all of the manufacturers failed the test what choice do you have? Old cars aren't going to last forever.

Napalm? Pretty sure the answer is napalm.

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Those careless smokers get everywhere...

Oedipus tore his eyes out once he realised what he had done, it's fair to say he would be uncomfortable with anything incesty...

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Has the US ever bombed an embassy?


"In the pipe, 5 by 5"

Half Life 2: Episode 2: Part 2: Subsection b): Paragraph (ii) will be the real shit

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Infinite improbability drive usually

I mean rats and cockroaches for example are fucking everywhere (I know rats can be cute pets but most of them aren't). We're not as efficient an extinction machine as we like to think.