go $fsck yourself

@go $fsck yourself@lemmy.world
3 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Deleted comment:

They deleted my comments that broke no rules and the reason for it was "annoying". Not to mention they broke the rules themselves by being an asshole. That's far from "unfounded". At best, you can disagree.

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I made one comment because the title was lacking a key piece of information which was frustrating, and provided an explanation on why it was frustrating.

They responded with a childish and asshole response, which breaks the rules by the way. I'm not sure how that makes them "the adult in the room".

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They could have just not responded with an asshole comment. They could have not done anything and ignored me.

What did they do instead? Lash out at me like I was making a personal attack.

That's not very "adult" behavior.

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Happy birthday!

You make Lemmy a more pleasant place to be, not just with your many contributions of great memes, but more importantly with your overall friendly manner. You make a real difference. Thank you.

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Is this a pun I don't get, or did you mean "peek"?

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It's not about being "butt hurt" it's about consequences for abusive behaviors. I don't think people who abuse their moderation powers and status should be rewarded with free advertisement on the place they committed their abuse.

I think that this community needs to change its displayed rules, since it seems that it does not apply to the moderators:

Please be nice to other members. Anyone not being nice will be banned. Keep it fun, respectful and just be awesome to each other.

Calling me a grammar Nazi is not necessary.

I was merely voicing my frustration with the title that lacked information and I felt I had to go into the article to find.

I wasn't berating anyone in particular, like you are trying to do to me right now.

Oh, cool . No sweat

Over the past 4 years WordPress usage has grown from 35% to 43.4% ~ [W3 Techs](https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-wordpress](https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/content_management/all/y)

As much as I hate so much about WordPress, yes it is the most used CMS. Period. Your comment is just ignorant.

This title is great lmao

This seems like a case of "I don't see it, so others don't either"

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Constantly telling people to install Linux, completely disregarding any nuance.

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Imagine the conservative outrage if this judge was not one of their own. But sadly, this is just an average day for a Christian conservative.

how the was he supposed to know

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This whole picture can be summed up in two words:

Can't cook

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Great step forward. Now eliminate debit card overdrafting and those fees.

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You vs the girl she said not to worry about

EDIT: Based on the responses I have to assume some of you guys live in windowless underground bunkers sealed off with concrete. Normal people don't need perfect encryption they just want to add an extra hurdle or two for the crackhead who steals the PC. I assumed Linux had a system similar to what Windows or MacOS has been doing for a decade but I am apparently wrong.

I am sorry you were treated like this and downvoted for just asking for help without being a jerk at all.

It's really not, though. This is only true if you're bad at CSS, which basically can be said about anything.

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I had never heard so much about "tankies" before I joined Lemmy.

Before, I had heard it so sparingly that I couldn't remember what it meant.

Perhaps there may be something more to this correlation. Why are people with this worldview so common here? If it's not more common here than anywhere else, why is it brought up so much more frequently?

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Persecution complex is a helluva drug

Trump is a rapist. Not even just an accused rapist. An actual rapist.

Let me test this.

Windows is better than Linux.

Fuck Putin.

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Ah yes. Libreboo

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I always thought it was scummy as fuck that WordPress.org, a 501c3 nonprofit, is allowed to funnel business to WordPress.com which is a completely separate for-profit entity.

They are even allowed to trick people into thinking they are the same by using the name and trademarks, which they explicitly state you cannot do. But wp.com gets a free pass for some reason? Scummy as fuck.

Why jQuery?

Puter interacts directly with the DOM and jQuery provides an elegant yet powerful API to manipulate the DOM, handle events, and much more. It's also fast, mature, and battle-tested.

'Elegant' my fucking ass. Convenient? Sure. But it's far from 'elegant'.

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The recent headlines saying "discord will be showing ads" is just intentionally misleading. No one even bothered to read the articles. They just saw the headline that agreed "discord bad" and didn't even question it.

Discord already has "ads" in different forms that are even more like ads than what those articles were talking about. They promote games and services as a "perk" for nitro. They also advertise all over for their paid stuff, like Nitro and profile decorations.

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How the fuck was there not a lock-up period? Clearly this was planned.

Would be smart to include a quick description of what Bazzite even is.

Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld


Theory is when you know everything but nothing works

I know it's "just a joke" but this makes no sense.

Ugh. Did the article have to have that pic as the main image?

Counterpoint: idiots who never question things they want to hear are tearing America apart.

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His name was Terry Davis

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Is there a link to the video that is not on Twxtter?

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The menu can be in the shape of a bicep.

FBI? Yes. This guy right here.