9 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

lmao, this is fucking hilarious
I can't believe I'm saying this but... based elon?
The feddiverse as a whole might be soon flooded with people tho, prepare yourselves, they comin'

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Another aspect that people ought to consider: monopoly is actually bad. Shocker, I know.
But if you have a corporate browser engine that pretty much controls the entire browser market, then whatever standard that browser implements it will automatically become the default. That's bad, Google is evil.

Fuck cancel culture.

You know what we did to the nazis, right?

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In regards to the hatred/animosity/bigotry that we see today against Russian people, I've been saying this for a while: this is nothing in comparison to what the future holds, at least that's the feeling that I get.
And the reason why I think that is rather simple: the children will grow up. The children that had their parents raped, mutilated or killed, the children whose houses and cities were bombed and pillaged.
And its not going to be like how it was in the past when post-war children grew with nothing much but stories from their family members, eventually some newspaper articles or some movies sprinkled here and there. No, these children will have readily available hundreds of thousands of videos, pictures and media on top of the all the stories they'll hear from people around them, not to mention the mass-media that will most likely talk about this for decades to come on a daily or mutiple-times-a-week basis.
Like I can't even begin to fathom the level of hatred these children will feel and I do really hope Ukraine finds a way to diminish that, because that level of hatred can't be healthy for a society.

Germans efter ww2 were easy as they still knew what decency was as they had the weimar republic right before things went south.

See, I don't necessarily agree with this point. The main reason why the post-nazi German society changed was because it was forced to do so, they were quite literally under occupation.
I don't think Russia will be occupied and as such I don't have much hopes for the rehabilitation of the Russian society. On the contrary, I think it spiraling even deeper into fascism/imperialism/revanchism is a valid concern.

Didn't bother to look how he called Xi a dictator before, Biden was even more based than I thought lmao

“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment is he didn’t know it was there,” Biden said. “That was the great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened.”

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Hope she's not going away, I need her to trigger more right wing chuds just by breathing in their general direction.

btw guys, there's no intent of defederating from kbin, right? We're good, right? I don't want to lose you, lol. You're really cool, it seems to me.

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My brain has been completely fried by the American racialization of people because my first reaction to reading that title was "well, calling them a racial slur is not very nice"

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There's a part of me that always wonders what would happen if some folks dressed in black cult-like robes would hold a public prayer in front of a school/kindergarten in order for the children to be welcomed into Satan's warm embrace.
Technically it'd be legal, right? Freedom of speech + freed of religion, ez pz.
But I think a lot of people would flip their shit and I gotta say, from an outsider's perspective, that would be pretty fucking funny to watch.

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I legit thought this was a Onion article.
Americans really are robbed blind from so many directions.

If you want to see me commit war crimes, take my bread away.

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Every bread you take,
Every move you make,
I'll be watching you 😠

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Romanian here: correct, but not in a way that Americans might think of.
Here's how it went. When I was young (in the late 90s - early 2000) computers were becoming more and more of a thing. We were poor as shit so we got really crappy ones, Pentium 486, 586, I, II, that sorta stuff.
Now, being dirt poor meant that we could barely convince our parents to get us computers, there was no way in hell they would be convinced to pay for an expensive internet connection.
So what we did instead was we chipped in and bought network gear and then drew cables from one apartment to another, from one bloc to another and form tiny local networks in between us so we can share pirated movies/games/music/porn and also play network games.
Then we chipped in money so that one of us got an internet connection and share it in our tiny little local network (unless you had a rich neighbor who could afford it by himself and you could beg him to let you use his internet connection).
Of course, the primary motivator for that was: piracy, gaming and porn.
These local networks happened in every city, all over the entire country. Lucky for us, the government didn't intervene at all, they just completely ignored everything that was happening.
Gradually those tiny networks started communicating with one another and some entrepreneurial people saw that as an opportunity. All sorts of neighborhood companies sprung up and started offering cheaper internet connection using as a base the existing infrastructure that we created with those tiny little networks.
The competition between these companies was so fierce that it became ingrained in the culture, cheap and good became such an expectation that people had that it carried over to mobile phone services too. And even though nowadays we no longer have small companies competing with each other, but a handful of large companies, that expectation for cheap and good services is there.

That's how you get 1Gbps internet connection for $9 (tax included) - the idea of a data cap on a broadband connection is not even a thing, doesn't exist.
You'll get data caps for mobile internet, for example Orange's current offer is for $6.6 you'll get unlimited calls/sms + 20GB internet or for $9.7 you'll get unlimited calls/sms/internet. But if you want something really cheap, there's other available for example Digi's connection: for $2.2 you get unlimited network calls/sms, 200 minutes with other networks and 50GB internet.

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Good, the more damage he does to reddit, the better.

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@Mr_Buscemi is right. It's about Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group and Putin's ex-best friend getting removed out.
Ever since the armed rebellion that he attempted the Russian state media apparatus and all of the millbloggers as a whole have been ordered to remove Prigozhin completely, to erase him from the public view.

And that is similar to soviet tactics from Stalin's time, where similarly erasures have been performed.
The most well known ones was the picture in which Stalin appeared next to Yezhov, Yezhov former chief of NKVD eventually fell from Stalin's grace, long story short he got a sham trial and later executed.

I heard it from someone (not me) that they've been using a modded spotify app downloaded from for more than a year now and it's basically free spotify premium. They (again, not me) say its pretty damn good, unbelievably good actually. They (NOT me) are pretty happy with it.

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China is most definitely looking at how western countries (and not only) respond to Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine and taking notes, preparing for the future.
It's one of the many reasons why a bad response to Russia's invasion could lead to a bigger conflict in the future, possibly a world-war scenario.

When I came across the app (I think it was on reddit), users were recommending that you set up another account in case Spotify catches on and bans your account (so you don't lose your favs/playlists/etc)
And that's what those people (not me) did, they set their original account playlists to public so they can be accessed by the second account.
However for as long as they (not me) have been using that app nothing has happened to their account.

Also just checked, they (not me) have been using that app since august 2021 with zero problems.

This whole scenario is insane.

It shouldn't be. Folks need to keep in mind that these kind of corporatist scum will quite literally kill however many people they need as long as they'd get away with it, all in the name of profit.
The reason they don't do that is because they're afraid of getting caught.

if the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the poor

Spot on.

Thank you, you put in words my thoughts exactly. Not all communities need to have the same rules as the others, not all need to be as open as others and that is more than fine.
Homogenization of the internet led us to a handful of corporations dominating social media websites and that is awful.

Didn't they say that they wouldn't never do something like this when they were talking about "muh brexit benefits" and that it was all "project fear", or am I misremembering?

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Sorry, this is wrong. Programmers are not femboys, they're furries. Everybody knows that. How do you think they have so much money to spend on drawn porn and fursuits?

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it didn't even cross my mind that other sites would have a different sub-whatever shortcut.
I foresee a lot of banter, bickering and drama about it in the future.
Imagine being one of those /t/ guys. Awful. Can't be me.

Am I on beehaw? This is so confusing. Can someone explain to my dumb ass?

No, you're on kbin. Kbin and beehaw continue to be federated. But beehaw and have ceased to be federated.
So it's like having a group of friends that all talk to each other: Mary, Joe and Mark.
Mary talks to Joe and Mark.
Mark talks to Joe and Mary.
Joe talks to Mary and Mark.

Then one day Mary and Joe decide to stop talking to each other. Mark however continues to talk to both Mary and Joe.

So basically us (kbin) have no current beef with any of them, we continue seeing posts from beehaw, and, regardless if some of the ones that we federate with decide or not to stop talking to one another.
We're pretty much that friend who is liked by everyone (so far, lmao)

I hope I didn't say anything wrong. If so, anyone is free to correct me. Ty.

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Ah, you're from the Balkans too, I see.

What. The. Fuck.

bruh that k6qw lemmy instance 45.9k users right now but ZERO posts. wtf.
these bots are gonna be a problem
And my conspiratorial side makes me think that they're not here by accident

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Btw the reason most of these news companies use quotation marks for things like "traitor", "sexual assault" is not to show that they disagree with a particular stance.
They do it to show that they themselves aren't calling someone a traitor, instead they are quoting someone else who calls that person a traitor. So that way they are not implicating themselves in case problems arise.

Otherwise they can have legal consequences if the things that they say about a certain person lead to that person suing them. This way they can easily say "hold on, we didn't call you a traitor, it was those people, we were just quoting them"

Or at least that's how it is to my knowledge. (aka covering my ass in case I'm wrong :)) )

Btw, can we personalize what tags appear in the Microblog page of a magazine?
I've noticed that only posts tagged "Europe" show up there (because of the name of the magazine), what if I want other countries to show up too?
Also, is there a way to turn off notifications for the Microblog posts, but allow notifications for Threads?

Also also, do tags apply for threads in a magazine, or are those just useless for now? (I'm under the impression that they don't work at all lol)

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What Does it Signify?

Biden trying to draw in India, what bloody else?

Disappointing but not unexpected.

This might sound like a stupid question, but how do I do that exactly?

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Unlocked article here:

I want to remind everyone that these things aren't the norm, they're the exception.
The Kremlin's strategy is to make an example out of select few for the purpose of instilling fear into the population, thus keeping them politically complacent and subservient.
The vast majority who went out to protest when the full invasion started didn't go to jail, they were just detained for a couple hours and given a fine.
If you go to VK/Vkontakte (Russian version of facebook) you'll easily find anti-regime, anti-war voices that aren't being silenced. I've had an account there for more than a year, it still up and running despite all the shit I've said about the Kremlin/Putin/Army/Russia/Russians.

Also, in the year prior to the full scale invasion - 2021 - there were more protesters detained than they were in 2022, but in 2022 there were more people made public examples by being given long sentences than in 2022.

I'm saying all of this not to minimize the suffering or oppression that Russian anti-war activists are subjected to, but to bring to light the actual reality in the Russian society, because I've got the feeling that a wrong picture is being painted.

In this situation medically assisted dying should be absolutely illegal, wtf.

Oh, found a post by the admin of that instance, it's from a week ago

its the default setting of every new instance to require approval, on my instance i dont require email verification so i thought i could at least have people write something to let me know they’re human. in the end no one uses my instance so I just opened it up, maybe after some registrations ill make it an application again.

Boy oh boy, @gaylord you're in for a fun time there, bud
48k users right now btw, he's getting a lot of bots

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I get the hype for what he said, but realistically

He's on point with foreign policy for now. Humiliating world leaders is never not good.

No, it's not a good thing in the long term. Diplomacy is a must, shouldn't push others away, especially China.

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Breaking! The weapon has been found! /s


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fr, fr. Every time I see an entire different instance I can't help but go "Awww, look at them have their own lil discussion/drama over there, how cute" and the fact that I can also interact with them makes it even more adorable.