AI Artist Creates Satanic Panic About Hobby Lobby to World – 88 points –
AI Artist Creates Satanic Panic About Hobby Lobby

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There's a part of me that always wonders what would happen if some folks dressed in black cult-like robes would hold a public prayer in front of a school/kindergarten in order for the children to be welcomed into Satan's warm embrace.
Technically it'd be legal, right? Freedom of speech + freed of religion, ez pz.
But I think a lot of people would flip their shit and I gotta say, from an outsider's perspective, that would be pretty fucking funny to watch.

Iirc, the Satanic Temple has done some things like that, usually in reaction to a specific equivalent act by an evangelical organization. They don't do it often, I don't think, because the backlash can end up being more harmful to the cause, but you're not the first to suggest it.

Yeah, if it weren't for the damage that I know such a thing would cause, I would've loved to see it - just to enjoy the resulting circus.
But I know that those kind of people would get others hurt or worse.

Oh, don't for a second think we have really gone too far from burning on crosses!

Probably want to be so many feet off school property and have a lawyer on retainer. Ideally you'd want to use the stunt to point out some problem with a law rather than just to make pearl clutcher clutch.