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Your car. Just think about the forces and mechanisms invovled for this to happen. Every single day we travel at 100km/h in our 2ton at least metal box surrounded by hundreds of other people in their equally large and heavy and fast machines in a space barely wide enough to react in case of an emergency(not even considering if most are actually ready to act in such a case. All of this with realistically little training. Not to mention most people don't really pay attention while driving and certainly don't consider the life of others while doing so. It's so impersonal and dangerous. If it was a never heard of concept, individual cars driven by any normal person would be considered laughably stupid at the very best.

Funny thing is it can be fixed with money. If only he gave it to the workers instead of lobbyists.

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The one you like and because you like it.

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I cannot stress this enough. They are owned by Hasbro. Last year was a massive win for both Dnd and Magic the Gathering yet they still layed off thousands of the people that made this possible. Even Sven Wincke of Larian who developed Baldur's Gate 3 said he couldn't even properly thank the DnD people he worked with because they were gone short after release. BG3 is probably the best game of the decade if not more and MTG is more popular than ever yet the people making them still get fired. Meanwhile, Hasbro and WOTC CEO's personally made millions in salary and bonuses.

So no, you are not supporting workers and artists by buying their products. You are proving them right.

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That's not the point of the tomb.

Canned water from the alps shipped worldwide is very stupid though. It's not on topic here but fuck these companies too. This branding is also incredibly cringy in any other setting than a party where you want to fit in with beer cans while not drinking. And let's not pretend that most people that drink this don't have access to potable water on tap.

Incomprehensibly depressing. Everything about this should make us ashamed of ourselves as a species. Or we should just stop pretending that we value each other more than cash. Or at all actually.

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Playing music has basically no skill ceiling.

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TLDR: It's voice lines.

Thanks chat gpt. But I'll give you my advice as a 10 year mechanic.

Don't. You'll look like a tool and you'll ruin a perfectly good truck. It's certainly not a "good investment".

Phillips is just common in consumer goods as it's designed to cam out when over torqued by the average joe. Better to have it stripped but tight than a broken head.

Still sucks balls when you know what you are doing though.

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Is there still some that use it because all the others did? Copycat style just to fit in and feel legit to unknowing listeners?

IN what way would that be evil? They produce the very thing that keeps us alive by transforming what kills us.

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All the niche communities exist it's just that nobody comments or posts anything for months on end. I actually think that the existence of many of the same communities on different instances is the main hurdle here. Drawback of the concept of the fediverse I suppose but it does make the experience on Lemmy much poorer in that regard.

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They would because they get paid for it. These people aren't journalists, their job is just to write the favorable articles for the people who paid their boss for it. Whoever gives 10/10 to anything should not be taken seriously.

Hit the nail right on the head. This is just a company trying to rebrand helicopters. And bad helicopters at that. They are banking on naive people who think this is actually a novel and viable technology. It will at the very best be another toy for the super wealthy to send the kids to Disney.

Brings back memories. H22 swapped EG and EK's were the "cheaper" way to pump over 200hp back in 2007-08 where I live. That was in the times when we started to get JDM TypeR engines but those were often more expensive than the car they were put in. So many people either went the B20 Frankenstein version (CR-V block with GSR head mostly) or H22 since these were domestic and almost half price from ITR or CTR drive trains. I remember seeing ONE K swapped civic, they were unicorn rare in those days.

That's not what I was trying to say though. Not the last part at least.

No, not even remotely. I actually feel worst than ever. But I also feel so paralyzed and hopeless.

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Not oc but we are not overpopulated. Every single hunan that ever loved could fit in the grand canyon only. The problem is how we feed and consume.

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Too much tossing and topping and eggs. That's three superfluous actions.

Which is a perfect example of the irrelevance of awards, and not just in gaming but pretty much any other subject. The fact I like pizza doesn't influence how much I love cake and people who love soup are also right.

I'm always happy to put a throroughly frozen meal for 9 minutes in the wave instead of making any sort of effort. But freezing food kinda ruins most flavours and texture.

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Is any form of violence or blood a no-no? If you can accept some, Larian (bg3's developper) was already well known for the Divinity series. Many even say that BG3 is kind of Divinity:Original Sin 3 with a DnD license. You'll still be killing some people though. Otherwise, I suggest searching for Turn-Based games which BG3 is. You might like Battletech which is a mech warrior themed game or the X-Com series where there's an alien invasion.

And also, you might have been mislead by the videos. Yes the brain parasite is important but you're really only directly dealing with mind flayers (the tentacle clad monsters) in the very beginning and very end. The rest is just a classic fantasy setting.

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What is your question though? Yes online forums exist, yes the information is often unempirical. But what is your question here? What is the "this" you are questionning yourself about? Are you asking why people debate each other? Why people are curious about subjects even though they are wrong? I just don't get what you are trying to say here.

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Sorry my man but you are not clear at all. I'm trying to understand what you do not understand about people talking with each other. There's nothing more to it. It's neither good nor bad nor strong or weak, it's just a discussion. What happens afterwards with the information each gathered from the discussion is different but we need context. It's what the discussion is ABOUT that is important not the discussion in itself.

So give us some context. Are you talking about journalism in media or are you also questioning whether we should discuss our hobbies with like minded individuals? Are you implying there's something wrong with social media because it allow anyone to talk with anybody about anything?

WIthout answers to these your questions is pointless I'm afraid.

edit: Otherwise, if I try to answer your question as it was written: Yes it's good, Yes it's bad. More details are needed to judge beyond that.

Unfortunately, not a lot of people are that involved in the game to care about OGL and its ramifications. Most only want to play what they've seen in Stranger Things or Critical Role, they don't give a fuck about the rent people they watch and like have to pay to WotC. I believe that's what Hasbro is banking on. They will not back out of OGL1.1 as they knew some more hardcore players would criticize them. But the way news and stories are consumed nowadays, they also knew this would quickly get buried by the unending stream of "information" people consume and ultimately be entirely forgotten or ignored. Most people don't care about businesses practices if it doesn't affect them directly. Mix that with the crazy amount of IP crossovers they made in the last couple of years and you start to see how they are setting up a model so basically anyone who's tempted to try table top gaming will most likely be funnelled into their ecosystem.

I'd say the 2010's or so. The garbage tech from the 70's 80's was finally completely gone. Manufacturing quality seemed to find it's stride with better materials, insulation and finishing even on a budget. Screens also weren't as ubiquitous so interiors were practical and will age well. We got the GTR, some amazing GT3's, Mustangs were better than they ever did, the LaFerrari/918/p1 trio jumpstarted an entirely new category and feel free to add cause I'm probably missing a bunch.

These were great changes from the 90's where the tech was impressive but early CAD designs suck to work and fix. The 00's brought terrible styling on top of that while still being low tech.

A conversation, simply. There's no requirements for having a discussion. That's what we do, we speak to each other whether for good or bad.

And just in case because I'm still not completely sure if you are actually asking something or just making a social comment on online media; The literal antonym to what you seem to describe would be a "subjective" or "speculative" discussion. There's other antonyms but I'll let you search those out to see which fits your need.

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True. But also equally true if you do buy equipment and indulge in every temptation. There is absolutely egregiously expensive gear in all shapes and forms.

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I have done all of this. but thanks for posting this. Somehow venting about this kind of anonymously did more help than anything you just listed.

Ok honestly the article doesn't speak of the demands or offers. But anyway, what kind of agreement? That doesn't really say anything otherwise. I did assume it was a monetary issue since it almost always boils down to more money even when you speak of benefits. More vacation, more sick days, more insurances, more hours, less hours, it all means money in the end.

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How could joysticks replace keyboards apart from forcing you to use a virtual keyboard with a joystick? Is everything else about computing the same or is it some form of fantasy joystick centered computer? Anyway what's more important is that joysticks already exist in computing and we know they serve a specific purpose and really suck for the rest cause we tried. We designed the computer after all so we control how we interact with them. Not like we found them in the wilds and they somehow only had a joystick.

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Wow haven't heard about this album in a while but it has to be one of the most memorable in my life. This song in particular just completely mesmerized me. Their second album is also a must if you like anything you're hearing here.

Thanks for that link it's very enlightening. But isn't that just another way of legislating how work contracts are negotiated? In the end what is the issue that prevents the unions to reach a collective agreement with Tesla? I might not have been clear in my first post but that's more specifically what I meant. There must be some disagreement in the remuneration of workers isn't it?

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What's the draw of having such a small community though? And why do you think that main communities would be overriden? Honest questions here I don't quite understand what you are concerned about. I personally think that it's the main problem with the fediverse right now, it's only flavorless general posts and nothing from small niche interest that drew me to reddit in the first place.

I think we've been far more evil towards them than the other way around. We cut the most beautiful of them to make furniture after all.

In that way games are very similar to musical instruments like Fender and Gibson. Both have been selling the same thing for decades, their new stuff is pretty much just a shiny new version and the older the better.

Mine is currently working fine and without a hitch and has been for a while now since the failed attempts at punishing adblockers. I can't vouch for everyone, but you may be right about your account being flagged for some reason.

Why not both?

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