78 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Not a game dev but I've done some programming and I love games so I'll take a stab. There's a few reasons I can think of:

  1. That's how the engine they're using works. Game engines take a long time to develop, and so if you're using one off the shelf or from a previous project, it may be from a time when tying behavior to the frame rate was a low overhead tool for timing that would cause few if any issues. Given that Wolfenstein is a Bethesda title and they've made many games with similar engine level limitations, this seems most likely to me for this particular case.
  2. They never intended to release it that way, and just set it up that way early in development to start getting to the real gameplay work. Then the deadline came around and it wasn't a high priority in terms of getting the game out the door.
  3. Probably doesn't apply to Wolfenstein, but for indie games that have one or only a few developers, none of those people may have done much programming before, instead being more focused on other aspects of game design. So if you're learning as you go, there's a good chance some hacky things will make it in to the final product.
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Hey, this comment reads like you're just dunking on another user. If that is not what you meant to do, please try to communicate more clearly, and if that is what you meant to do, please refrain while commenting on Beehaw in order to be(e) nice. Thanks!

Based on the content of the linked post and the evolution of the thread here, the mod team has decided to lock this post. There is an important difference between standing up for people who are marginalized and harassment, which this thread has been more or less equating. Please deal with this topic in a more nuanced manner going forward.

The thing that upsets me most about this article is that when I try other search engines, I still find myself needing to use Google to find certain things. Usually that's information or questions and not products, but if it's this bad for Google I can't imagine it's any easier on the others.

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OP made a normal post. This is uncalled for and rude. Please try to interact with others in a more friendly manner.

Hey y'all, this is a great post, but please try to keep topics relating to the reddit blackout on the appropriate megathread, which should be pinned here:

Going to lock this to focus further discussion.

Can you be more specific about what community you're seeing this in? I'm not aware of a c/Random on Beehaw. Also, please report these posts if you see them, mods will clear them out for everyone.

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Hey, I know this is probably a topic you are very passionate about. However the mod team is starting to see a pattern of behavior from you n terms of failing to assume good faith and turning arguments toward personal attacks. This is not okay going forward. While Beehaw is much larger than it was a few weeks ago, it is still very small; you will have to interact with everyone you speak with again, and there are no points for the biggest slam dunk on someone else in a comment thread. Consider if you would say the things you are writing to your next door neighbor, knowing that you'll have to see them again every day for potentially years to come.

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A human pedaling on a stationary bike IS a heater, if he's getting 100 watts continuous at the generator then he's probably producing a 2-3 times that amount in heat. Plus that's heat injected directly into him, so it's well retained by wearing warm clothes, no space heating needed.

This isn't really a news article, and it's by a US source about a US topic. Please try to post things like this to Politics or maybe US News in the future. Thanks!

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Ah okay, annoying then but such is life

Hey, not sure if you're maybe more used to Mastodon or something, but the hashtags in the title don't have any particular effect here. Not sure what your goal with them was exactly, but figured I'd let you know.

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I did manage to spend a bit of time today making caramel. I followed a recipe I had written down on a sticky note last time I tried this. Currently it is chilling in the fridge to be cut tomorrow. The bit that I scraped out of the pot after definitely has the right texture, stuck to my teeth and very chewy. That said, it didn't really get a caramel color, I'll try to take a picture and add it here along with the recipe, but it stayed almost white even though it reached firm ball temp. I have another recipe that I tried before, so I might go to that and maybe use it as a starting point for experimentation if I can get better color out of it.

This comment could stand to be nicer and/or more open to further discussion, like some of the others in the thread. Please try to incorporate that into your future comments.

This is the second post about crazy expensive cereal today and I'm debating arbitraging cereal near me cuz I'm paying like $1.70 for a 14 ounce box of store brand Cheerios

If you're willing to roll your own a bit, whisper.cpp is pretty good

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Hey y'all! This thread has sparked a lot of discussion and it is obviously a very tense topic being discussed at a tense time in the world. With the way the thread has been going, the mod team doesn't feel we can moderate this thread thoroughly enough to make it follow our rules, so I am going to lock it.

Hey this is a great contribution, just wanted to request that in the future you try to have a more descriptive title. Totally understand that it might have slipped your mind on this one, this is a charged topic to say the least, just a note for the future. Thanks!

This is a great resource, thank you for posting it! However, it would likely be a better fit for the Beehaw Programming community. Please post links like this in that community in the future!

Frankly I'm just confused why Goldman ever agreed to this in the first place. No fees on the card, no cut of interchange fees, where did they think they were going to make that up? I guess maybe borrow cheap to front people and then let those people carry a balance, which doesn't work so well with higher rates. And even then, I kinda doubt the people who are so into the Apple ecosystem that they get the credit card are going to be carrying balances often and large enough to make that math work out.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to make any more caramel, and based on what's going on life wise I'm not going to have a chance to before the end of the month. I'm still happy that I was able to make a few attempts and make some progress though!

Probably want to play with enemies off though. I find with enemies on the constant possibility of attack makes it hard to focus on audio content, plus combat requires your attention when it happens.

Ah, makes sense with the world aspect, but still a better fit for the politics community.

I was not terribly successful on this last year so I have two ideas, both aiming to scale back a bit:

  1. Complete my project from last year, which was a round shield inspired by Viking round shields
  2. Hammer out a good dairy free caramel recipe. I already have a dairy free fudge recipe which I make at Christmas every year. There's also caramels, but my SO has a dairy allergy so she cannot partake, so I would like to work out a good caramel recipe. I have made previous attempts at this, but they all fell victim to various mishaps, ranging from becoming overcooked into burnt hard candy to having a fly nosedive into the cooking caramel

This will be made a little more complicated by having a week of business travel as well as a family visit at the end of the month, but I am hoping to accomplish something fun without setting too high of expectations for myself.

See but this time it's a heat emergency instead of a cold one, so you can't use a fireplace if you lose power to keep you alive comfortable

That's wild! Would you mind sharing more about the process? My wife knits a lot so I know something like this would be really difficult with traditional color work but I'm not sure how you achieved it.

Not sure if you got latter and former confused, but I for one am hoping things are calming down. That said, I know that this was midterms and since Trump wasn't actually on the ballot, it probably means a lot of the people who drove unrest last time around weren't motivated to show up.

Even better than just continuing to allow cars for people with disabilities, I think redesigning cities for pedestrians and cyclists is a great time to also make it easier for people to use wheelchairs or microcars too!

Not sure what you are talking about with the sockpuppets bit, but please try to be polite when someone confuses you for another user in the thread. It's a simple mistake and there's no need to be mean about it. Thanks!

Alright broad rundown time so I can reference on future posts:

For retirement I am currently following a portfolio allocation from Ben Felix, adapted for the U.S. by this website, with a 15% bond allocation. For those who don't want to click through, this is essentially a total market portfolio that makes sure to cover domestic and international equities, with a bias towards small cap value stocks, which historically have shown additional returns over large growth stocks. The bond allocation is more by accident if I am being honest, and I will probably gradually reduce it as I am pretty young and I find the arguments presented for lifecycle investing pretty convincing, though not actually convincing enough to leverage my retirement without the direct advice of a financial advisor. I am more or less hitting my target allocation now, as I just finished a 401k rollover and was able to get everything the way I wanted.

I have a small hobby investing account, funded from my hobby budget and currently less than $1k in total after getting a $100 bonus for funding the account. The investments there are mostly picked based on what I think is interesting, including the following:

  • Funds
    • NTSX: Efficient core fund that uses futures to replicate a 90/60 leveraged stock/bond portfolio, for only 0.2% in fees
    • RSP: S&P 500 index fund that holds all 500 stocks in equal weight rather than market cap weighting. This keeps the portfolio from being mostly the top few countries, ideally improving diversification.
    • MUB: Municipal bond fund, this is a taxable account and I thought it would be fun. Plus lending to local governments makes me feel like I'm doing my civic duty.
    • VBR: Small cap value ETF from Vanguard, tries to capture the size and value premia. I also hold this in my retirement accounts for my domestic small cap value allocation.
    • DISV: Dimensional small cap value international fund, similar to VBR but outside the US. I hold similar fund AVDV in my retirement accounts
    • ICLN: Renewable energy fund, because oil companies suck
  • Individual Stocks
    • These were selected on the basis of small companies trading at or near book who had consistently beaten earnings expectations around last fall. It's been mixed success, but a lot of fun! These are sized at ~1/4 the size of my individual fund positions
    • MHO: U.S. homebuilder, up around 80%
    • CLS: Software and hardware provider for logistics solutions, up around 27%
    • UNM: Insurance company, they do life and critical illness but not main healthcare, up around 17%
    • WRK: Paper packaging company, down around 30%. I let a cheap valuation blind me to the fact that they don't actually make that much money, and their Q2 reports were BAD.

For things that are too risky or capital intensive for my hobby account, I have a paper trading account. Right now this is mostly options strategies, and it's a good thing it's not a real trading account because I fat finger the app on my phone regularly enough that it would be a problem lol. Anyway, the main plays there are:

  • Bullish call spread on F using LEAPS. This was originally a backratio spread which I think is a neat defined risk trade but I wanted to roll it out to a further strike date and messed it up.
  • Poor mans covered call on GLD. I originally opened a relatively deep in the money LEAP position on GLD during the debt ceiling talks, thinking it would be a nicely leveraged way to get some exposure to gold in the event that things went south there. Happily, the government continues to function, and so I decided to use the position as a way to practice the PMCC, though realistically I should just close the position and take my loss.
  • Iron condors on SPX opened on Fridays to expire on Mondays. Originally I thought this would be a very pure theta play, but upon further review I am shorting vega. I don't think this is an egregious trade overall given how volatility has declined in the last few months, though it has burned me the last two weeks and I think my timing and management of the trade could be significantly improved.

Not a direct answer to your question, but if you can upload the images elsewhere and link to here, that would be best. Storage is the biggest server expense and image hosting drives that up a lot long term.

Obligatory I have never insulated a garage door, but I do like insulating things.

Replacing with newer glass could work if the company that makes your door makes replacement windows and you can get ones with more panes or something? Otherwise might be kinda tricky, unless they're a standard size.

Is the rest of the door insulated and are the edges properly weather sealed? Even though the windows probably let a lot of heat through per area and they're harder to work with, the whole door is a lot more area and easier to insulate so could try starting there. And of course weather sealing will keep you from exchanging as much air.

If keeping the windows working as windows isn't too important, you can probably cover them with the same stuff you would cover the rest of the door with, seems like people usually use foam and some kind of radiant barrier, often integrated in one product. If you do want the windows to work, then maybe the cling film type products that work for windows would work? I could also see bubble wrap or something working pretty well for a cheap improvised alternative, especially the kind with the big interconnected bubbles that's no fun to pop.

Anyway, I hope one of those ideas is helpful and you can insulate your door!

I am not an expert and just cobbled this together based on a couple of searches but my guess would be that the adapter is supported by your current kernel drivers but not as well as whatever drivers Windows 10 was able to fetch. It looks to me like MX uses Debian Stable sources, so you may be able to update your kernel beyond what is normally available and see if that helps. If that doesn't work, based on this post and this post on the TP-Link forums, there's a github repo that you may be able to install a better driver from. To my eyes there's fairly good instructions there, including the potential need to disable the driver you're already using in favor of the new one once you build it.

Hey, I know this can be an issue that strikes a nerve. That said, acknowledging nuance is important to having a productive conversation. Judging everyone by a set standard and having unkind words for not meeting that standard even before you know much about the person you are engaging with is not going to be productive, and it's not particularly nice either.

To be clear, I do not intend to ask you to tolerate oppression. By all means you should oppose oppression strenuously! But being harsh to someone you disagree with online is not the way to do that. In the future, please try your best to disengage from the conversation for a bit until you are in a better headspace.

I'm not sure what the intent on this post is, but between not being able to find much else about this game and the installation instructions including using a VPN to pretend to be in Indonesia, I'm suspicious malware may be at play. Going to take this down for now.

I'm not 100% sure this is a free link so if you can't see it let me know and I'll try to work something out.

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I suppose that's what I get for just doing a quick google 🙃

That is really interesting though, my understanding is that Doom 2016 is known for running pretty well and achieving high framerates, or at least that was the sense I got from tech youtube when I watching that more. I wonder what the devs were doing in that case.

I am back on Elite Dangerous after taking some time to focus on Deep Rock Galactic in the first half of the year. I now have a second flight stick and did a little community class on flight assist off flying. Plus there have been lots of updates coming out. Taking advantage of the new engineering changes to build a really good combat ship and then going to focus on getting to Elite in combat probably, which also helps me practice my faoff flying.

More importantly, can it do hands lol

Alright waited until the weekend so I could write this one because it might be long we'll see.

First off, I'm sorry you've had to deal with all this bullshit. I changed jobs last year, and even as someone who was getting interest and interviews in my search, it still made me want to scream pretty much the whole time, and it took like 9 months at varying levels of intensity. I can't imagine how frustrating putting in all that work and getting what seems to be worse than nothing back has been.

Second, I want to echo some of the comments in this thread emphasizing that some less traditional career paths may be open to you. The idea to apply at LMG is great, as is the possibility of freelancing. If you haven't already, you could also consider contract roles. When I was looking there were lots of recruiters trying to pick people up for technical jobs on 6-12 month contract. That may be different now, or you may have your reasons for not considering them just like I did, so I understand if it's not an option or if you've already considered it. If it works for you though, an employer may be less strict on what they think is the "right" background for a role if they know it's only for a shorter time. Also, I think I saw some discussion from you about considering a van lifestyle, which could be pretty compatible with freelancing or moving place to place for contract work, so that is something to account for as well.

Third, I want to encourage you not to give up. Employers frankly suck, and in the absence of better labor organization, changing jobs is the best way to get what you need. Even if all you can do for a week or a month at a time is the super simple instant apply stuff on places like LinkedIn, that's still progress. Or if you need to take a break for a while to keep yourself sane and make sure you're at your best when you do have a new opportunity, that's also a valuable use of your time. And if you represent yourself even half as well in interviews as you do in your writing I'm sure you can make a good impression, the challenge is getting in front of the right people.

Lastly, I actually want to thank you for this post. Job hunting is a super important aspect of personal finance that I'm not super able to write my own posts on since I'm pretty early in my career. I have been thinking of making a weekly discussion thread for this community, so if you want to continue to vent or journal about your search then it would be great to have more posts, either as standalone posts like this one or comments on the discussion thread.

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