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Joined 1 years ago

As an Air Force veteran this all is all hitting home so hard. I joined the Air Force right out of high school because my dad was in the Air Force and my grandfather was in the Army Air Corp, so of course I bought everything they were selling. We always made jokes about turning the Middle East into glass, or said little slogans like, “When it absolutely has to be destroyed overnight, call the Air Force.” I wish I could chalk that up to being young and dumb, but the leadership perpetuated these things and after 9/11 it really dehumanized what we were doing. I felt proud knowing that bombs I loaded on a plane were not there when it came back. I never once questioned why they attacked us in the first place. And I certainly didn’t learn about global politics with my high school education from Texas.

After I got out, and got educated, and started seeing the world through a larger lens, it shifted my point of view. I’ve gone from hardcore republican who voted for George W Bush, to voting for Bernie Sanders. I feel ashamed of how I used to think and act. I am very anti-war on all fronts. No one should ever have to lay down their life for some shithead politician.

With that said, I made the horrible decision to go to the Air Force subreddit to see what they were saying about these recent events. And it hurt me to see them all spouting the same shit I would have said 20 years ago. Crap about how the middle east has been fighting each other for 1,000 years, so we should just let them all kill themselves. And they strongly pushed the Aaron Bushnell was just some crazy radical anarchist. Or people saying his leadership failed him, or how did he have a security clearance, etc. There was not one single mention of how what was going on over there is beyond fucked up.

So, seeing other veterans stand up for this makes me feel a little better and gives me hope. I just hope that is makes it’s way down the ranks and into the young service members and recruits.

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Thanks. It definitely helps to hear someone reframe it like that. It was actually cathartic just typing that all out. The hope that it could encourage others is even better.

I was arguing about locking immigrates in cages and separating families with a religious person and told them the verse

When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born.

He then told me that was a mistranslation. That foreigner really meant someone from the next town over, but not from another country.

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All extremely valid points. Especially...

  1. your mindset needs to change: you‘re now a guy responsible for implementing rdp correctly, embrace open source and make it work for everyone. See the amount of influence you can actually have.

This is the mind set I need. I was most likely so frustrated at the driver issues by this point, I probably didn't give it the go it needed. Like I said when it came to compiling a dev branch, I just said f it. Hopefully I'll get some time in the coming days to approach it with a fresh mindset.

I've been in therapy for years and it is very much accumulated stress. At this point I don't know what other stress I can cut out, so I figured of maybe I could lessen the impact across the board it might help. Like if I could compress my stress so it takes up less resources.

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As someone who lives in Texas, I can sympathize.

I feel you. Luckily I don't have to deal with it at work because I work remotely and refuse to discuss politics with my colleagues (although I'm sure most of them know which way I lean). But I do have family to deal with. I'd say 90% of my extended family are either Trump supporters or just hate Democrats so much, that they will vote for Trump. Some have gone so far as to call me unpatriotic for things like supporting BLM, not liking Trump, and calling the people who entered the capital on Jan 6th terrorists. The most ironic part is not a single one of them served in the military. I am the only living veteran in my family, and I'm seen as the crazy left-wing guy.

So, I'm coming to learn that about Nvidia. I figured with the 3080 being a few years old now things would be alright. I was wrong.

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The problem here is you are trying to resolve the problem. The thing is Republicans don't want to solve the immigration issues. They want to use immigrates as scape goats, distractions, and hot button issues that get their base riled up.

An agency spokesperson claimed that the move had nothing to do with politics. Internal emails show otherwise.

Texas Monthly continuing to fight the good fight here, and telling it like it is. Sadly half of my family calls them fake news.

That's awesome that you had a teacher who did that. That is one of the main reasons I'm planning on moving out of Texas. I want my kids to get educated by teachers who are not under constant threat from the state.

I would say you are pretty spot on. I was raised by a narcissistic father, who always told me I wasn't living up to my potential. It's taken years of therapy to get over that feeling and it still creeps up from time to time.

I like the thought on should. I never thought about it that way before. Which is funny because that is what I always tell me kids. If they do something wrong I don't sit there and harp on them about what they did wrong like my parents did to me. I talk to them about how we can handle that situation better in the future. Guess I need to listen to myself more often.

It certainly made me think back to my early days of fighting IRQ conflicts in Windows ME. Or trying to get a LAN party going with mixtures of 98, 98 SE, and ME. And getting excited about the troubleshooting. I guess all these years later I've just gotten salty.

Guess I should have said love USB, but some old habits die hard. Either way having to go in and disable ACPI just to get it to boot is not something most people would be comfortable with.

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I was 8 years old when I moved to Texas. I've never been more disappointed than the first time I saw a roadrunner. My only frame of reference was Looney Tunes.

At least they give you a slip button, unlike Paramount+

I agree. The majority of my issues come down to the manufacturers. I even updated my BIOS to see if it would help with the ACPI issues, but no luck. Motherboard is 3 years old, so it's not like I'm trying this on brand new hardware either.

Also fuck CVS for making deals with insurance companies to force people to use them.

It has to do with the setting. It's not just a Native American riding away on horse back, but the fact that the settler is watching him with his rifle near by. It is like he is driving him away and claiming the land for his own.

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I would say you are more literate because it's in the last sentence, most people never read that far.

Is anyone going to do anything about it? No

It was a great name, until that no talent ass clown started making content.

Do CentOS next

Looks like they have a 7% acceptance rate. That's on par with most ivy league schools.

Just a reminder she was a big part of Microsoft Bob, which without we would not have comic sans. Not relevant to anything here, but an interesting footnote in her career.

Damn autocorrect

swing justice

Kids these days will have no idea what that is

I've worked through that stuff a bunch with my therapist. I do unfortunately have a lot work and family related stress that I can't avoid. Which is why I'm always trying to figure out how not to things bother me. I've been setting firmer boundaries at work, but can't exactly do that with family, but if I could somehow not let things bother me I'd be better. For example, my 12 year old is autistic, and will do things like walk up to me and say, "no TV!". To whichy response is always, "that is not how we ask for things". Then he will ask, "dad, can I watch TV?".This has been going on for years, so it immediately gets on my nerves because I know he knows how to ask properly. But I also know I shouldn't really care that much.

ACT sounds very interesting. There are stressors I'll never get rid of. But that sounds like it could help having them control my life. Thanks!

I did try using the spam, same issues. I tried only using 2 of them and other combinations. Unfortunately no luck.

I use multiple monitor RDP in Windows on a daily basis. I want to keep my work and personal systems separate, but love having 4 monitors. So I just RDP into my work laptop from my desktop. It was buggy in the past, but I've been using this setup for a few years now and it's been seamless in Windows 10 & 11.

The best way to discover new punk bands in the 90s was through comps. The Punk-O-Rama, Give Them the Boot, and Fat Wreck Chords compilations are the soundtrack of my teen years. But my favorites were the Nitro Records ones. Deep Thoughts and Go Ahead Punk... Make My Day were my favorites.

Also special shot out to Punk-O-Rama III

Since the US never ratified the Treaty of Versailles, they can still call it a Reich

I feel that. I have a good 6 figure job, my kids don't want for any thing, but are not spoiled. I have a supportive and loving wife. So I always feel a little guilty for complaining. I know there are people way worse off than me. I know every problem I have is 100% first world problems. But I also know that doesn't discount my stresses.

I really think the Buddhist are doing things right. Ive tried meditating but my ADHD makes it damn near impossible. Maybe I need to find someone who can help with it.

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I've been using Sideload Channel Launcher since they started putting ads on the home screen. It's a simple clean layout that is easy to set up and get everything you want on it. It even has a icon you can add for power settings.

I cut out Facebook in 2020 an Twitter when it became X. I can't tell you how much that has improved my mental state.

It was a strange one. I had never seen anything like it before. It could still see the hardware, but listed it as unclaimed. Nothing I could do would get it to start working. When I finally decided to reinstall, I figured I'd try a different distro.

My doctor actually prescribed me some meds to help me sleep. But instead of something like ambient or trazadone that just knock you out, this one is designed to help sleep problems caused by anxiety. I took it for the first time last week and woke up feeling refreshed for the first time in years. Which in turn has helped my entire mood.

Of course because they are some of the "good ones"

We mustn't dwell. No, not today. We can't. Not on Rex Manning day!

Seriously, I can't wait to get out of Texas. I had some edibles in Colorado and they were 10 times better than any prescription anxiety meds I've taken. The delta-8/9 crap you can get here just makes my dizzy.