
0 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Daily use of fossil cars and motorcycles.

Bringing your religion into other people's business.

Depending on how lab meats come along, meat from slaughtering animals.

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London has Hyde and Regent's Parks. Paris has the Bois de Boulogne, Berlni has the great Tiergarten. Big parks are a common feature of cities.

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The problem here is that you're competing with tourists sleeping four to a room and you just can't outbid them for apartments, even with high wages. The solution here is to set aside properties for resident locals so that they aren't forced to.

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I would go the Social Services office and explain my situation. Provided I could prove my identity I would walk out with a couple hundred dollars cash, an address for decent temporary accommodations, and an appointment with a case worker to find a more permanent solution for me.

That's the security of the Nordic welfare state.

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The main quesiton is what you want long term. If you want to eventually move in with a romantic partner, I would advice you to get used to independent living beforehand. Having to cook for and clean up after a partner who never learned to live without mommy and daddy is a huge turn-off for most people and can sour a relationship very fast. I would ask you these questions:

Do you cook dinner for the household at least every week?

Do you clean the kitchen yourself after cooking?

Do you do the grocery shopping for the household?

Do you often tidy up the pots and pans after meals (not just your own plates and cutlery)?

Are you the one who takes a walk around the house putting away stray plates, glasses & clothes and tidying up? Do you do this at least once a day?

When something breaks, are you often the one who repairs or replaces it?

Is it typically tidier & neater when your parents are away than when they are home?

If you want to live with a romantic partner in the future, and the answer to any of these is no, I suggest you have a long hard think about whether you're preparing for the life you want, or just staying where it's comfortable.

Putin's bridge is falling down

falling down

falling down

Putin's bridge is falling down

like his armies

Genocide Joe? 🙄

People are really working to rob that word of all meaning

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people aren’t their government

But they are their actions. If you go to Ukraine as a part of the killing, raping, looting Russian army, that's what you are.

You're pretty far off the deep end to call the present campaign unprovoked.

Disproportionate, bloody, horrible, inhuman, this you can say, but to claim that Israel wasn't attacked and hasn't suffered is frankly insane

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Criticise the willfully misinterpreted doctrine

Do you think there is something inherently good or harmless in religion and that harmful practice is always the result of misinterpretation?

It's a built-in feature of internet groups that they are bad at producing messages and leaders for a wider audience. The dynamics of facebook groups and internet forums reward preaching to the choir and punishes compromises, both with opposition, moderates and reality.

It was seen as a new low when it came to product placement, which was much talked about at the time. There's a scene where someone compliments Will Smith's character's shoes and the camera zooms in on them while he says "vintage 200X" that was incredibly reviled.

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The comment you're replying to doesn't state that Israel has had to do anything, but that their actions have been very predictable. Were you surprised by how they've responded?

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I'll ask anyway. Why do companies like bots?

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Which Arab nations have Joe Biden exterminated, exactly?

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It is a core feature of most religions that

  1. There are hidden forces at work in the world

  2. The workings of these hidden forces are more important than the processes we can see, and follow a grand plan

This belief is strikingly similar to conspiratorial worldviews, and the likelihood of subscribing to QAnon and other conspiracy theories rises substantially with increasing religiosity.

They're not the same thing, but they are definitely related

China is way way worse than the IMF. The IMF restructures the debts of distressed countries to help them avoid bankruptcy. China sabotages this sort of help by refusing to negotiate on the same terms as other creditors, preventing the IMF from doing it's job.

It just boggles the mind. Russian society will be haunted by this for generations.

Even if you halve this figure, it's double the losses the USA took in Vietnam, from a cohort of young men less than a third as large. By the war's end the impact on Russian society will be an order of magnitude larger.

I think going after short-term rentals is exactly what they should be doing. If they take bribes not to then that's a huge problem though.

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Two months after

You're right. The problem is not so much the concept as what happens when residential property can be turned into Hotels by installing an app.

In a US style first past the post system the Nazis would have made a clean sweep in July 1932, and wouldn't have had to intimidate anybody

Maybe? We're currently trying to implement a different economic transition, from pollution to green. I don't think popular resistance to those changes imply that we should try for a happy medium instead. Similarly, the difficulty in achieving Socialism democratically doesn't necessarily imply anything about how desirable the end state would be.

The big issue with “trying” communism is that it historically has only really occurred through violent revolution. The political instability in these situations gives a perfect opportunity for the seizing of power by exactly those kinds of people.

Gradualist Socialism was the political project for Social Democrats in post-war Europe. They had 30-odd years to achieve it in several countries. The issue becomes that once they started notching up victories, radicalism decreased, and that when they're not starving and oppressed people categorically will not vote to let someone collectivize their farms and expropriate their homes. It seems clear to me that in real-world conditions, a Socialist state can only come about through revolution, because the path in a democracy is far too long and leaves far too many angles of attack from a liberal opposition.

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How true is the dead internet theory, in your view?

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The Council of Mothers and Wives of Russian soldiers shut down after they were labelled "foreign agents" by the state.

Salads and sandwiches should be served room temperature, never right out of the fridge cold

Once you reach a critical mass of people who think one thing, any comment to the contrary is just… obliterated, whether by an exhausting amount of argument, or downvotes.

There's also this effect where when you get further down a comment chain only people who really care about that particular argument keep reading. So past say comment 3 everyone is super duper opinionated.

and hyper-socialist policies

The Nordic Model isn't really all that Socialist. It's based on strong welfare and labor rights, but also very much on the free market. The most Socialist country in Europe is probably France

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The effect of the 2 party system on how people understand politics and society is incredibly interesting

ICE motorcycles are loud and their emissions are difficult to filter properly due to size and weight economy. This makes them a much bigger nuisance than electric equivalents, and I think attitudes will shift to reflect this.

I don't know. You don't see many electric stationwagons around and people will want big boots after fossil cars are history. I really really hope you're right though.

Nei, jeg er kjøtt og blod og stål og smøreolje som deg

The TB one for instance found that TB gets worse whenever there is an IMF loan but not in the same circumstances when there is a loan from somewhere else.

Yes, because the countries taking those loans aren't distressed.

There is a reason China’s loans are so popular.

They are popular because they come with very little oversight. Countries with higher transparency do not find them very appealing, as Italy's recent withdrawal from the program attests.

You don’t seem to realize that IMF loan conditions have very specific governance requirements which directly impact governmental decisions around health spending.

They come with very specific governance requirements which impact governmental decisions about a whole host of things, because those governments have proven incapable of sound fiscal management.

Again, the IMF is in no way perfect and I'm sure there is a myriad ways the conditions of their loans can be tailored to minimize negative outcomes. But that does not mean they cause these problems any more than every cancer death being a failure of medicine means doctors cause cancer.

You will see a lot of bad outcomes following an IMF intervention for the same reason you will see a lot of bad outcomes following oncology visits. Once you've gotten to the point the IMF get involved, things are already going to hell. What do you believe the effect on infant mortality of bankruptcy to be?

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I don't understand how your comment relates to mine. Do you believe that because I consider a cessation of hostilities where Hamas keeps their hostages a victory for Hamas, that I mean to say that rescuing hostages is the scope of Israel's campaign?

It clearly isn't. Israel intends to destroy Hamas and are appallingly callous about the collateral damage they cause in the process

Also bureaucracy and public ownership

A ceasefire where Hamas gets to keep their hostages is a huge Hamas victory. Advocating for something which gives Hamas a huge victory will be interpreted by some as support for Hamas.

These demonstrations are full of Palestinian flags, without an Israeli one in sight. It's hard to argue against them being partisan

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EU carbon permits shot up from €20 and have been hovering under €100 a tonne post-COVID. ~€200 is when existing direct air capture starts to become competitive. If it can be scaled at that price, we might be closer than we think.

Grit your teeth

Stiff upper lip


Many ways to articulate this