
3 Post – 195 Comments
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Buy the dip!!!

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All the bean memes are in danger! On a serious note, old-skool or not, it's a huge loss of trust in something the community-at-large is excited to see replace reddit.

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The thing with piracy these days is there is a huge fear of legal burden AND extreme protectiveness to prevent takedowns. It's the same thing as being a gang member and suspicious of new blood being undercover cops. Once you find actual piracy that works, the last thing you want to do is post publicly about it!

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Was talking to my non-techie wife yesterday and she asked what I was working on. I said "replacing reddit." I explained the reddit situation and then we talked about alternative social networking and I was shocked she knew what Mastodon was AND said a lot of people were moving there!

Crab people.. crab people.. đŸŽ”

I wouldn't assume reasons why or that it's fixed until that consensus has been more widely reached.

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NSA Access Only!

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Join an instance that does not allow local communities. Then you can subscribe remotely to whatever you want and block whatever you don't.

When you create that instance, do you immediately need to download and store all the data that has ever been posted to all federated Lemmy instances?

Run my own instance. @Candelestine@lemmy.world is right but there are more details. Federation is not a "sync." When your instance needs to fetch from another instance it will, but it does not get history. You can get a specific comment or post from any time however.

Or perhaps you only need to download and store everything that is posted to the federated Lemmy instances from that point forward?

This is not by default either. Only communities that your users subscribe to will be updated by their "origin" instances.

Or better yet, do you only store what the users on that instance do (i.e. their posts, and posts to the communities hosted on that instance)?

This does happen, but it also stores what your users do on remote instances as well as "copies" of what they interact with. Images (currently the only media hosted by lemmy servers) are linked to thier "origin" as well. So you are storing text of posts and comments.

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IMO, likes need to be handled with supreme prejudice by the Lemmy software. A lot of thought needs to go into this. There are so many cases where the software could reject a likely fake like that would have near zero chance of rejecting valid likes. Putting this policing on instance admins is a recipe for failure.

Monopoly busting. Ecosystem lock-in. Right to repair. Software patent reform. Privacy and AI regulation.

What do lawmakers even do these days anyway?

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So any comment or post?

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And now the ENTIRE INSTANCE for lululemon, who’s bot posts 1000 times a minute.

That's fair. I shouldn't have said "replace reddit."

I want this to happen, and then all of the admins join together to block API requests from the Reddit instance and redirect to pay-per-use API gateway.

That is exactly what that means and it's frustrating to say the least, because it's not clear that's what's happening.

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You’ve got something pretty interesting for us don’t you? Let’s take a look. Wow, yes. I think we might have something here. You should be pretty excited about this!

So, I’ve been looking at old memes for most of my career and only come across a few like this.

There were many communities made to capture old memes but only a few were truly popular. The rarity of these communities also plays a huge part in how valuable the memes are to collectors.

I’ve seen a few others in better condition, but collector demand for this item is still very high.

Given the condition of community and the records kept about the origins, at auction: I’d expect this to go for about

 three to four million doge.

sparkle sound effect

“Antique Memes Community - Near Worthless” “Owners Thrilled”

Vendor lock-in is 100 times worse today than it was 20 years ago. It’s vile, insidious and borderline cruel. Microsoft doesn’t want to work with anyone, they never have and they never will.

Any feelings of openness and cooperation you get from them is engineered, from the ground up, to ensure that they are in a position of control over you.

Their crack security team is not the result of some spontaneous and sudden desire to protect their customers. It’s a consequence of having to constantly triage the financial impacts of a never-ending stream of critical vulnerabilities.

Labelling this proprietary shit “ecosystems” is insulting to ecosystems. They mere notion that you should be using Microsoft software to monitor, secure and protect your Microsoft software is downright ridiculous.

Microsoft is not the only, and maybe not even the worst, in a long list of hand-wringing, life-sucking, progress-hindering companies who people will willingly defend because these companies have forced their way into becoming a part of our identities.

Donate to the Lemmy project, but also look at donating to your instance / instance admin. It ain't free to host and operate this stuff.

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It’s not great but it does have the data.

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Nope, but also not nope?

Canada here. Basically, everything I learned is from parodies. American history is not a big deal in K-12 curriculum. If i had to write a 2 paragraph essay to save my life:

It was a period in history where guns were loaded one ball at a time by stuffing it down the barrel with a stick. Wealthy white people who profited off slavery all lived in the southern states for some reason. This group started to hear that other people in the rest of the (northern) states were starting to talk about making slavery illegal. To protect their interests they formed a separate government, formed an army and attempted to overtake and rule all of the states.

Their army wore red, and the north's defending army wore blue. They shot at each other with cannons for a few years and many people died, mostly from shitty health-care and infections rather than acute death. The north won and now lots of people who were never in the war, pretend to have the war again to remind them to never have a civil war.

I'd say the impact was that slavery was abolished, but it was abolished in many other countries without a civil war so I guess the impact was a lot of parody material for pop culture.

And that is all I know about Paul Revere and the American Revolution.

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It's just a repeating cycle. Anyone making edgy commentary about decentralization was not around in the 90s. We think the shittification was caused by corporations, but corporations are just out to make money. Since we all need our 401k's to grow, I find it insane more people don't understand we're all just playing ourselves.

The real problem going forward is how EVERY FUCKING LITTLE THING becomes a political minefield; totally devoid of any real, meaningful contribution to humanity.

Christ, I honestly can't keep up anymore. What is a tankie? Am I woke enough? Should I like soy? Can I eat meat? Are electric cars bad?

I care deeply about other people and who they are as individuals, but I am starting to lose faith in our ability to create communities that can do anything but fight with eachother about what's best for everyone.

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The Sleepy Gary starter pack.

Being decentralized will make it harder to just use "search + reddit" because you don't know if it's "search + lemmy.world" or "search + beehaw" or "search + kbin." Also, each admin is in charge of their own Robots.txt.

Nah. I know my stuff. This is for sure the Revolution.

True that. If you look at posts on lemmy.world though, it's clear their users (which is like 50% of Lemmy) have zero clue they're defederated ATM, and probably many that don't know it's compromised.

TBF modern browsers are remarkably secure from being a vector to pwn your computer these days.

EDIT: I don't endorse hanging out on a compromised lemmy.world. Focus on the implication for the bigger lemmyverse though. A hack coming through to you is unlikely.

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Admins: FYI on lemmy logs:

Example of a federation message success (HTTP Response 200):

INFO actix_web::middleware::logger: 'POST /inbox HTTP/1.1' 200 0 '-' 'Lemmy/0.17.4; +https://remote.lemmy' 0.145673

and failure (HTTP Response 400):

INFO actix_web::middleware::logger: 'POST /inbox HTTP/1.1' 400 65 '-' 'Lemmy/0.17.4; +https://remote.lemmy' 0.145673

These are usually accompanied soon with a more verbose reason like Http Signature is expired.

Lemmy is far better at logging INCOMING stuff than it is OUTGOING. You can grep for activity_queue to get a sense if there are issues. This is not good:

Target server https://lemmy.lemmy/inbox rejected https://lemmy.local/activities/announce/9852ff01-c768-484b-a38da-da021cd1333, aborting

Also there are stats indicating "pile-ups":

Activity queue stats: pending: 1, running: 1, retries: 706, dead: 0, complete: 12

I talked to my aging dad the other day and he surprised me with the drag queen issue. “You want this in your grandkids schools?!” he says. I said “hold on, do you actually think someone is being hurt here or are you being stoked up by tv you sit around and watch all winter?” Needless to say, a little reason goes a long way and it’s shocking how quickly people lost sight of that.

What instance is used as a reference for the delay? One you self-host (lemmy.management)?

Yes. lemmy.management. It is purposefully updating subscribed communities to as many as possible (via automation.) This doesn't correct for network lag, but the idea was to capture the "federation" lag. There's no code I'm aware of that allows admins to prioritize outbound federation traffic. I could be wrong though.

 what’s the deal with lemmy.ml 
 that seems to have gone beyond lag and is basically falling over 
 seems like the devs have neglected their own instance’s health?

I just collect the data.

What’s that Redash? Is it a plotly thing or some other product that just uses their graphing library? How have you found it?

https://redash.io I don't remember how I found it. Probably an "awesome" list on github.

They defaced it with dicks and changed the federation list to be only threads.net. I don't think it was a state sponsored chinese hacking group. :)

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The official web app is what you use if you browse to lemmy.ml. Maybe I misunderstanding what you are looking for.

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Who decides what is fake news? The metanews agencies? The government? Which one?

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And it’s only a matter of time until that detection can be evaded. The knife cuts both ways. Automation and the availability of internet resources makes this back and forth inevitable and unending. The devs, instance admins and users that coalesce to make the “Lemmy” have to be dedicated to that. Everyone else will just kind of fade away as edge cases or slow death.

A quick, but a little dirty solution for this, would be communities having “tags” in their metadata. This wouldn’t prevent spam, or an accumulation of four trillion tags, but you could easily add “only these tags,” or “not these tags,” to any feed. User objects have metadata that is used like this (as the “bot” flag) already. I’m just familiar enough with the code to know it wouldn’t be a slam dunk, but it’s also not a breaking change or re-write!

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Isn’t it only if you have something configured in display name?

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aaaaaand we’re done.