Social media giants to face multimillion-dollar fines for spreading fake news

Los@beehaw.orgmod to World – 134 points –

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Who decides what is fake news? The metanews agencies? The government? Which one?

Well, this article does a pretty job of outlining what fake news is and how to identify it.

How to Spot Fake News

Its usually pretty easy to tell if a story is sourced and verifiable.

He's not asking how to spot it. He's asking who gets to be the ultimate arbiter of fakeness?

Even reputable news sources make mistakes. Sometimes their sources give bad information. Maybe they reported in good faith, but with bad information?

What happens when they work around it by JAQ-ing off.

True, but I think this law is not about punishing reputable news sources who make mistakes. No matter how careful news outlets get things wrong, sources turn out to be mistaken etc etc

That is not fake news, and that is not what this law is tackling.

They are talking about demonstrably false, unverified info, masquerading as real news. (Disinformation campaigns)... dangerous conspiracy theories such as anto-vaxxer propaganda, dangerous medical advice, Q nuts, just easily disproven bullshit.

This law is about there being consequences for social media allowing unverified bad actors to run wild and spread dangerous bullshit.

Hopefully the law is nuanced enough to distinguish between mistakes, I see the potential problem for misuse if it is too vague. However something like this is REALLY needed, social media is a hotbed of bullshit since since that crap means more user engagement . It angries up the blood and keeps users hooked. And then when this stuff is left to fester users get radicalized and start overdosing on horse medicine and shouting about lizard adrenalin or whatever...

I think a law like this is necessary to make social media companies do literally anything. They clearly wont if left to their own devices.