
1 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you turn on resist fingerprinting then supposedly yes. It does pass the test with fingerprint.com then. Assuming you’re using a VPN of course.

I’ve been running with resist fingerprinting enabled for about a year and aside from the annoyance of having all your new windows spawn at a very small fixed size, the only major issue is knowing that for some websites to work you may have to enable HTML5 canvas for them. (It’s an icon that will appear in the location bar and you will know to look for if things that are supposed to be graphics in the web page are just a bunch of striped boxes instead.)

TLDR version is that Amendment 14 Section 3 says if you were involved in an attempt to overthrow the government you no longer are allowed to hold public office.

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

This definitely feels like a “you made your bed now sleep in it” situation. If they underbid to get the grants, that’s their problem. I am so tired of corporate socialism.

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Let's do it slightly differently, let's make the mandatory retirement age for political office the median life expectancy age for the entire country. If the politicians, etc can manage to make everyone live longer, they can hold office longer.

Similarly, take away their separate and different medical coverage and put them on the same Medicare system everyone else in the country has to use.

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Oh definitely Mastodon. I'm having a blast over there, tons of fun people. Plus, the fact you can follow hashtags makes it super, super easy to populate your timeline with interesting content and then if it's too much, you can pick a few people you like who are interested in that topic and just start following them instead, which gradually translates into a very organic feeling timeline without a long period of crickets while you look for friends and make new friends.

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I would absolutely send him an email to the effect of

"Per our multiple verbal conversations, this is just to serve as notice that, in my professional opinion, your refusal to allow me to upgrade a system at risk of multiple security vulnerabilities on a platform that is no longer supported is a risk that you are choosing to accept against my advise."

with a list of known major vulnerabilities attached if possible.

That way at least if this comes back to bite the company on the ass, he can't say "Well he never told me this was a problem!"

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Let 3 or 4 go under as an example to the rest and see if they suddenly find they can make it happen after all? I do feel like there’s some merit to the idea they are gaming the system with lowball bids.

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I mean… I've been using Firefox since Google silo'd all log-ins together.

On the other hand, search.brave.com is freaking incredible. It's so much better than Google, Bing or DDG at this point, it's shocking. I switched a couple weeks ago and it's surreal to see so many usable, useful results on the first page again.

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I feel like it’s unfortunate they didn’t highlight the open source options where the customer is not the product as their article closer, but rather of a quote about how Reddit could be such a better place. Seems to entirely miss the point.

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Article talks about how Chrome will be happening almost immediately and I'm like… why? Why would you switch to Chrome when you know it's going to reduce your ability to keep things private. Firefox will be a different story hopefully, but even then it will be interesting to see if it can pass the fingerprint test finally on an iPhone. (Currently nothing can.)

I think what you are looking for is Containers. FF uses containers to wall things off from each other, whereas Private sessions are still all sandboxed together, as you discovered. I know this is quite different from how Safari, for example, handles things, but you can accomplish the same things, just a little differently.

In the demo I saw they did an agent spoofing to Chrome and the delay went away, but it didn’t look very extensively tested. As others said, the disappearance on reload could easily be because they thought he was returning to the page and had already seen the ad/been punished for not seeing the ad and so something ad-related disappeared instead.

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Someone still had faith in Google???

I feel like a Brother laser printer is a much better solution unless you specifically need color. Also, if you try and print with a laser printer after a couple months of disuse, it should fire right up and print. The same is not necessarily true of an ink jet, where things may have dried out and clogged.

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All we want is 1990s Google, guys. That's really all we want. None of this AI BS that kind find a country in Africa that starts with a K, just Google without the evil enshitification layer on top.

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This is insanely priced, particularly when you see that it literally loses on everything but battery life compared to the original iPod 5gb, let alone the Classic.

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The big box store chain esthetic. Ostensibly about passing value onto the customer (we put a roof over the products, what more do you want?) but probably more about maximizing shareholder value.

Judge: And what forms of inducement did he use to hire them away?

Elon: Uh, well your honor, after I fired them all, he offered them stable employment?

The enshitification of Windows compared to macOS has really accelerated a lot recently it seems. I work with both daily and it is weird and irritating how much extra crap keeps getting hurled willy-nilly into Windows updates this last year.

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I mean… while I defend the right of Israel to defend themselves from attacks, they're basically committing genocide in the name of "defense" by not discerning between innocent Palestinians and Hamas. And thus, they have become the bad guys through their bad actions and are getting a lot of hate over it.

I think iMessage and whatever Google had at the time were "good enough" here that WhatsApp never caught on? Like most people already had unlimited texting by the time it hit the scene, so It just felt like a scam back in the day and I remember it wanted my phone number to complete a sign-up and I was damned if I was going to give it to them.

Don't legislate this! We've got it alllll under control!

This. This is why I am in the “I still buy CDs” camp. DL the album and if I’m still listening to it a couple days later I buy the CD, assuming the artist still even releases on CD…

All this did for me was escalate the memes on here enough to finally make me block c/memes and various imitations…

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Last time I tried to use Blue Sky it was so incredibly broken. And that was like November 23? I assume at the time that Twitter was exploding with people jumping for life rafts it was even less feature complete. They probably would have just doomed themselves via word of mouth if hordes of people had come straight from Twitter to BS. At least this way they are managing expectations a little bit.

OTOH, having said that, I don't understand why anyone would ever get onto a new commercial social media platform again now the Fediverse exists. Kick in a couple bucks a month to your server admins and the dev team and know that at least you're not the product and not just building up something that is on the road to yet another enshitification.

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Everyone absolutely thought the original click wheel iPod, the iPhone and the iPad were all doomed to fail. Hell, the Apple watch didn't exactly get off to a hot start for that matter.

And back at the beginning, the Mac OS GUI. Yes, Steve Jobs saw the idea of a graphical GUI at Xerox Park, but what his engineers turned out is something completely different. And at the time it was easily as revolutionary as the touchscreen interface of the iPhone.

Actual duds by Apple that I can think of off the top of my head:

  • The Cube
  • The Mac IIcx
  • The Mac IIfx
  • Whatever that ungodly massive Unix box was that they branded as Apple
  • The liquid cooled G5 cheesgrater
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Musk finalized the purchase…

Makes sense. Apple has tied their corporate identity pretty closely to protecting personal privacy and they’ve also set up E2E encryption of iCloud pretty recently (end of last year). Probably just easier to turn off those communication options then to try and deliberately punch holes in the protections they’ve set up.

I saw the Marques Brownlee review of this and I have no idea why they actually released it to market? It looked so wildly undercooked.

I mean… they shouldn’t be supporting Xitter anyway. And encouraging people to use IG and FB is just as bad basically.

Ideally they should run their own Mastodon instance and provide announcements and support there.

So I reconnected with an amazing woman I've known since sophomore year in high school during the pandemic and we're fell back into being really close friends supporting each other during pandemic isolation. I believe the attraction initially went both ways and if I'd been willing to travel a LOT we could have possibly tried for a long-distance relationship. But none-the-less, we are still good friends to this day, although it kills me a bit to watch her go from bad relationship to bad relationship just because they are all local rather than 800 miles away, lol.

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I did this the hard way by creating my own plugin and then got schooled in the comments on how to actually do it for any bookmark. Link:


PS: Don't duplicate your post on a bunch of different servers, it just creates a lot of unnecessary spam for people. I can see at least 3 in a row from lemmy.ml.

I personally think the proper approach is to limit them to one instance. If they suddenly start trying to distribute a Meta "easy setup" variant of their server or something such that anyone can set up a Fediverse Meta-based server, that's where the line should be drawn. That does have the potential to run an EEE play.

However, if everyone from FB wants to be able to subscribe to Mastodon or Lemmy content from their FB account, that's not nearly as big a deal to me assuming they all come from @facebook.com or whatever. Because worst case, people just block that one server and their embrace is over.

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And for the record if you want to get the gif to display and play, post it as a link, I guess? Example:


It's Americanized Mexican, at best. Personally, I cannot stand the taste though, so I'm also not the best judge probably.

Because Eugen has been working on Mastodon much longer. It's a lot more mature and it had time to get a bunch of real world testing, not to mention withstand some DOS attacks, some hateful trolls, etc etc.

So pretty much every aspect was more mature and easier to use when people started jumping to the lifeboats from Twitter. Lemmy is cool and it's getting there, but it's got a ways to go for sure. (The lack of RES hotkeys to navigate, vote, open and close pics, follow links, jump between all and subscribed is purely torture to me at this point!)

I feel like this is the equivalent of trying to put out a kitchen fire with hand grenades. Which is to say, very much the wrong tool for the job.

As others have noted, what you really want to do is get the storm over cool water and it will fizzle out on its own.

I would fucking rather pay not to have AI in my browser, FFS…

Anything where the scenery moves, yes I am enjoying it whether I'm riding, biking, hiking, inline skating, trail running, etc. I think part of what works for me is I almost never repeat the same route twice and if I feel myself getting burnt out on one activity I switch it up and do something else. Too much road biking? Go mountain biking? Too much of any kind of biking. Go trail running or inline skating, or at least go for a hike.

But weights and gym stuff? No. Just no, I cannot.

So the gAslightIng is infesting even scientific publications now??