Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data to – 244 points –
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All we want is 1990s Google, guys. That's really all we want. None of this AI BS that kind find a country in Africa that starts with a K, just Google without the evil enshitification layer on top.

I think people forget how awful google pre ~2008 was. Not in terms of the bullshit they do nowadays, just in quality of results really.

Huh. I used it pretty much since the start and I certainly don't recall it being that bad? Like you got a lot of relevant content up front usually.

I feel like you had to learn how to use it, operators and phrasing etc. They dumbed it down with search suggestions and even further by changing search terms to synonyms, and now outright ignoring terms. Height of Internet search was definitely pre 2008. More like 2005.

If you had the right query, yes. But getting there if you didn't know the exact words in the website used to take a number of attempts and google-fu. By early 2010s this was vastly improved.

I switched from Alta Vista at Google in the early 2000s because the Alta Vista index was stale and full of spam. Google search tools were comparatively primitive (av let you do things like word stem search) but the results were really good.