
5 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I think the Austin Allegro would like to challenge you for a car with absolutely zero redeeming qualities.

Ad-free != Privacy

They couldn't possibly make the experience worse than it already is without an ad blocker.

No adblock = No youtube

Maybe also try making Firefox tablet compatible like almost every other browser.

Currently it's just a bloated phone UI on tablet, it's the one thing stopping me from using as my daily browser on mobile devices.

I accidentally watched YouTube the other night without adblock, OMFG what an experience.

If I can't watch with adblock I'll just stop using it, it's only a rabit hole to waste time for me anyway.

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Or offload them at the DNS so they dont even get to the device in the first instance.

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My scream was internal

I can guarantee you mine would have been, high, loud and extremely external.

I think the expression, I would've woken the dead, would fit.

It's exciting news for them 😀, money money money

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This is why I use Smartube on my android TV and revanced/NewPipe on my phone.

The few times I've witnessed naked YouTube it's made be realise that if any of the sources mentioned stop working then I'm simply not going to use YouTube.

What would be good is if you could have a fediverse LDAP like login so you can use your login on any fediverse account and all your post etc link back to that single ID.

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All these new features, I'm sure are great.

But when, oh when, will Mozilla start supporting tabbed browsing for tables and foldable devices.

It's the one thing stopping me from swtitching.

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Can someone from the US explain , like I'm a 2 year old, how it is possible to pass a piece of legislation as part of a completely unrelated piece?

I.e. If they wanted to not block TikTok would they have had to block the whole bill from passing , so no aid?

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IF FF ever implement support for tabs on tablets I might consider using it.

I only use phone and tablet and to use a glorified phone app on a tablet is not a great experience. Almost every other browser in existence supports tags for larger screens.

Until FF fixes this it doesn't matter how many extensions they allow in the browser I'm out.

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Gibraltar Airport. Taken from the eastern side of the rock.

Not from Israel but our entire water system is desalinated and I've never experienced any issue with the taste, in fact the opposite is true. Pure clean drinking water.

I will agree with the hardness aspect but other than that it's perfectly good, i've tasted worse bottled mineral water.

Surprisingly it wasn't that loud. Pic was taken with a Pixel7, so yes I was kind of close.

My weekend project will be install mint for my first flurry into Linux.

I'm going to set it up for some light gaming and media streaming.

Running on a Dell Latitude 4980, long term hoping to learn enough to set up a home jellyfin server.

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I had a similar issue with Mint on my Latitude 7480, ended up using Fedora where everything just seems to work.

Best advice I can suggest is always use a live USB because if something doesn't work there it won't after install either.

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Voyager app

I also use Thunder but voyager is my go to app. I've tried most of the others but always end up back with voyager.

Thanks Google /s

Now that podcasts have migrated to YouTube music , which isn't available in my location, I've lost access to podcasts via Google.

In fairness I don't use Google podcasts anyway because it was a really poor podcast app but the swap will suck for people who do use it and don't have access to YTM.

Apple may think they're complying with the letter of the law but I suspect the EU will feel they're falling far far short of the moral of the law.

What especially galled me was as I was updating my laptop before flashing to Linux the new outlook will not work unless edge installed, I had just uninstalled that pile of garbage.

Ah well, at least pop_os works great 😃

Thanks for this. I'm on android 14 on Pixel 7 and had no idea you could pin items in the share tray.

Now I've been able to pin my two most frequently shared contacts and my most two used apps.

Your pain has been my gain so thanks but sorry.

I think it's simply because there's less white noise trahing over everything so more proper posts are visible and as there's less toxicity people are more confident to comment on Lemmy.

Long may it continue.

If you view those sites without adblock you'll probably find it's filled with ads DailyMail I'm looking at you.

No solution is perfect but could a DNS based solution with a privacy browser is as good as I can get on mobile devices without not connecting to the internet at all.

This for me has been a work changer:


Can open in tab or sidebar. Honestly, can't recommend highly enough.

And yet still no tablet support 😭

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I think this will be aimed at mainly EU members after a law banning targeted advertising (without explicit consent) comes in which will mean a reduction in ad revenue to Meta, as a result they're hoping to make up the shortfall by charging users for an ad-free version.

Water is my go to drink all day every day.

I dont really have a daily food go to.

And the linked website androidpolice also block adblockers 🤷

If you want ad-free use Instander on android

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In fairness for non-US this makes even less of an issue as my birthday is 20/4 and 4/20 as a date is meaningless.

€4200 with tax (give or take)

😭 when you realise your dreams exceed your budget

Probably because the brown envelope wasn't think enough.

I'm sure for the right "incentive" they'll happily cooperate.

If I even tried to plug a USB into my laptop security would be down on top of me like a ton of the proverbial .... the same way that the only true way to be secure is don't plug into the internet the only way not to piss off corporate is don't f*ck with their stuff.

YT Premium is not available in my location and, as yet, adblock still working fine.

When they catch up with my location I'll use either revanced or LibreTube.

Thanks. Finally after Mint didn't recognise my network adaptor I tried Manjaro (everything worked great, but I don't think I'm ready for Arch) so ended up on Pop_OS .... everything works so I'm going to stick with this for now.

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Yes , the same way almost every other browser does. My tablet is my desktop replacement I don't want a bloated phone browser I would like a desktop experience.