Almost on the ground

dalë to – 153 points –

I can hear the tinnitus from here.

Surprisingly it wasn't that loud. Pic was taken with a Pixel7, so yes I was kind of close.

Where is this? Great picture!

Gibraltar Airport. Taken from the eastern side of the rock.

I believe this is Maho Beach, Saint Martin.

See OP's response, Maho Beach is just similar.

I was getting similar SXM vibes, but easyJet is a British airline with only A320-ish jets that goes around Europe and nearby (Northern Africa and such).

I suppose their A321 could probably get there from London though...

Correct, A320-214. Most of what we see in Gibraltar are EasyJet/BA, Airbus 319/320

I wish 😂. No, it's Gibraltar airport Southern Europe.

The way the cloud is positioned in front of the plane keeps making my mind think the plane is flying backwards despite how ridiculous that would be lol