
2 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Carbon offsets are a scam. John Oliver did a piece on them last year. Lots of it goes to existing forests (which doesn’t help offset new carbon usage) or to the development of mono-culture forests which have all sorts of issues.

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If you get sick with ANY infectious disease you should stay home and isolate. End of.

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It’s the same with electronics and people holding the hot part of a soldering iron

I dumped Twitter in the first wave after Elon took over and found a new home on Mastodon. Deleted my Reddit accounts during the API crisis (I still visit but no longer contribute) and spend some time on Lemmy (haven’t yet found the community to be as engaging). Sadly there isn’t a viable alternative for YouTube yet.

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Finish a task without getting distracted after five minutes man.

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By “long illness” do they mean the distance between the hotel window and the concrete?

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A couple of weeks ago my wife and I got jiggy for the first time in five years. After our third kid she just went completely off it and we’ve been in a dead bedroom situation ever since, she told me how she felt and despite my frustration I understood and respected her wishes. A couple of weeks ago I just opened up about how I was feeling unloved and then blam! It happened out of nowhere. I was in a daze and couldn’t believe it. Now I’m scared it’s going to be five years before it happens again.

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If it makes you feel better I have a presentation to deliver in three weeks and so far I have created the deck in Google docs and given it a name. I’ve known about this for a month.

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It’s worse in China. WeChat is EVERYTHING.

Friday night. My kids made me watch Up.

And about time too!

If you want to do AA without the god bit, the Satanic Temple has something called Sober Faction (in case you didn’t know, Satanic Temple is an atheist organisation and doesn’t actually worship Satan)

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I’m torn between the Defiant and Serenity

Elon would want $4.20 cos he’s a fucking dolt

The way that I’m contributing is my reducing my own usage. I don’t drive a car (electric bike or public transport) I removed the gas supply from my house, signed up with a renewable energy supplier, insulated the ever living shit out of my house including triple glazed glass and installed a Heatpump. Cost a small fortune but I can say I put my money where my mouth is!

As a parent myself I often have to pause my kids internet because modern games and social media are addictive. I tell my kids it’s time to get off (because bed time, family activity, meals, etc etc) and they’re stuck in that “just one more” mind set. They can’t see that they’re addicted and we need some way to break the connection. We give them 30 minute warnings and remind them all the way down to zero and they still won’t shut down. If the parents are enforcing public usage it’s likely because the kid has been caught behaving inappropriately in private.

To the OP, maybe instead of trying to get around your parents rules, listen to them and understand why. Show some responsibility and they might start to trust you.

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Just the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple:

I empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.

VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. Crest image by Luciana Nedelea.

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If the movie industry is anything to be believed my Plex Library is probably worth tens of millions.

I just don’t get it. Having a relationship with one person is hard work (anyone that says otherwise is either very lucky or their partner is making all the effort). Why on earth would you want to make your life even more difficult?

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Upvoted for Red Dwarf!

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My employer gives us a commuting payment based on the distance from home to work (paid per km) on days we go to the office. We get an additional €60 a month to cover our working from home costs.

I’m pretty sure someone at Tesla or SpaceX put the Twitter idea in his head so he would fuck off and meddle with something else and let them do their actual work instead of dealing with his stupidity, micromanaging and narcissism.

Do tridents have a “cutting edge”? It’s more of a “stabby end”.

I bought a low sided frying pan for when I make pancakes. It makes getting them out so much easier

Beau Miles. Makes beautiful little documentaries voiced over with his beautiful Australian accent.

There’s also no proof he survived.

Also DB Cooper was Loki

Ok so hear me out.

If you’re a “normal” person who rarely needs to scan things just use your phone! I’ve sent all sorts of docs including legal stuff for a mortgage by just taking pictures! It’s even quicker than actually firing up a scanner!

If you are a “professional” who has a persistent need to scan high quality docs then get a dedicated scanner!

If you’re an “enterprise” go buy a proper office printer from the likes of Brother and you won’t have these problems.

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Yeah the scale of infrastructure needed for video hosting at a scale needed for creators to move over is nutso. The creators won’t move without the audience, the audience won’t move without the creators. Only way it could work is if another “megacorp” decided to take on YouTube and incentivised creators to move.

Pretty much only Apple and Microsoft have the funds to pull that off.

This is probably by design. The “system” keeps cities designed and built in a way that they are impossible to traverse without cars, which forces people to buy cars. Youngsters are earning shit wages but can’t get to work without a vehicle so they get into debt. It’s all fucked. I live in the Netherlands and can do everything I need to do with just my cargo bike. It rocks.

I work for one of the companies in the Priceline group and I can categorically say that this is not something we do. We do differentiate for logged in users vs not logged in and for different levels of our loyalty program. The hotels can change their prices on a whim though and many hotels update their prices multiple times per day depending on availability and other factors so it may just be a weird coincidence (you may be correlating an effect with something that isn’t actually the cause).

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No work would get done because of all the cats on keyboards!


I guess the Axolotls are totally fucked now then ☹️

It’s Private (need insurance) but regulated by the government to ensure prices are fair and there is a fallback for people with low income.

So fire people because they have allergies?

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I’m a Mac guy so my goto answer would always be something from Apple. If I was looking for non-apple hardware though I would look at Framework laptops because lack of upgradability is my biggest peeve about Apple gear.

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Also stopped using Insta after the fuckers randomly blocked me and demanded access to my ID to release. I’m not giving them my passport just so I can doomscroll.

My wife used to work for one of those “paranormal investigation” companies. She saw it as a bit of fun but lots of people took it very seriously. One night I went along to a spooky old Manor House to see what it was about and I had this digital camera with an IR night mode. I took this one photo during the night and you could see a ghostly figure standing in the background. The camera used long exposures along with the infra red to get the night shots so I knew it wasn’t really a ghost but I showed my wife, she showed the organisers who shared it with the “community” and a few months later I got calls from a paranormal magazine wanting to run the picture.

Hanging out in old houses at 3am is super fun though and I enjoyed it a lot.

Nationalised? More like INTERnationalised! Those things aren’t just clogging up the skies over the US, they’re blocking the whole freaking planet.

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You go girlfriend!