How to watch YouTube without Shorts (on iOS) to – 20 points –

I really enjoy watching videos on YouTube, there are so many great creators that I love, however I find myself getting drawn into Shorts and I just get stuck doom scrolling for eternity. Can anyone please recommend an iOS YouTube client that doesn't give me access to Shorts?


Best option, although still not a very good one, is a browser with an invidious instance website ( e.g ) as they have no shorts. Probably one of the few solutions on IOS.

This might be the one for me for now. Just trying to import my subs (google takeout takes forever)!

My advice would be to enable iOS screen time settings and set YouTube to a small limit.

Once the limit is reached it'll nag you every 15 minutes.

If you're absolutely incapable of controlling yourself you could set up a second account to act as a parent which you'll need to seek approval from to extend or rather lock you out completely.

Or... hear me out, you could just NOT doom scrolling 🤷🏿‍♂️

I could, but a combination of ADHD and addictive personality makes it really hard for me. I'm also the tech person in the house so it's really hard for me to implement hard blocks that I don't know how to get around!