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I don’t use chrome but this is a whole lot of nothing. It’s basically saying if you save a file or an article to your reading list it’ll still be there…and that remote websites will still stuff your face with cookies and try to track you…but it’s not like they’re giving you a special chrome cookie to link your private and non private browsing. Server side tracking never goes away, not even with Firefox.

Anyways, who cares. Delete chrome and start using Firefox. But again, make sure you delete the files you download in incognito or they’ll still be there. And your ISP can still see which domains you’re going to if you use them as your DNS.

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How about shit breaking because everyone at some point is a bad programmer? Even Apple Music doesn’t work when I walk into the elevator until halfway through presumably because hitting play sets of a bunch of useless blocking network calls for music I have saved locally.

What those calls are, I can’t say for sure. Downloading artwork, license checks or telemetry. I’d venture to guess it’s the latter since music will play with placeholder artwork on a slow connection and license checks aren’t required if the subscription was recently validated (works offline for days).

But who really knows. I never bothered to inspect the traffic. The point is, if a company like Apple is creating such a crummy experience for a function so absurdly basic, you can imagine how easy and prevalent telemetry based user degradation is. Go browse the web with a tracker blocker and tell me it isn’t snappier.

PS: I’m also a programmer and collect error reports. So many developers will forego using connection pools, much less collect data with async api’s.

And let’s not even get into how telemetry is a shit tool that is misused 99.99% of the time and only used to surface popular features that aren’t necessarily good features only because we attach causation to every metric (x feature is highly used, therefore it must be good).

“No entry found for ‘time flies’”

Let’s just make room for the next generation

That or they’re planning to lean on generative ai to produce content

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Trailer park boys. The only peaceful moment in any episode is the opening.

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Nixos…from arch.

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Probation means released. And a $1000 fine.

I replied elsewhere but YES! Telemetry is notorious for causing devs to hyperfocus on shit features due to their high usage. Just because a user is clicking X over Y doesn’t mean Y sucks and X is better. Maybe Y is in their periphery, or camouflaged by the background artwork or worded badly. But hey, since X gets a lot of clicks, it must be good, right?

It’s just not actionable. It’s not something you can do.

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Maybe you’re a dev on the Reddit team and own a lot of shares for what you know is about to go public?

Nope. That’s extremely misleading.

Thanks for the insight. It’s quite tiring to watch human beings distilled into binary good or evil based on something as innocuous as adding proton support to a game…

Can you do ray tracing on Linux? I played today a bit and the option was grayed out. I’m on X though, using official drivers.

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They’re spending every dime suing Google and Apple. Epic is now a law firm.

You really can’t tell the difference?

git isn’t even that great…

What? Th E fuckv

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What are these?

I'm just confirming here but prevalence implies that these statistics take into account size of the population measured? Like, suicide per capita has gone up?

Didn’t they also release schematics for 3D printing parts?

Or just answer this questionnaire I just made up:

Is that water? Yes Did you melt it from an ancient glacier? No Is it from planet earth? Yes

You’ve got microplastics flavored water!

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Welcome to the court of public opinion.

First time?

Reviewers getting copies a week before launch are generally netting like 40-50 hours of game time in a short timeframe. Combine that with the fact that it’d be more like hundreds of reviewers and you might actually have a decently active community.

You’re reading into that the wrong way. There was one incompatible charge about firing indoors. Somehow you can be guilty of that without being guilty for shooting someone? That’s almost definitely what the hangup was about and the judge is going to hear arguments for it next month even though it was the only charge they found him guilty for.

Cloud doesn’t have access to local drives…but in this day and age, python could be containerized or sandboxed. Sounds messy though.

I’m on NixOS using the beta drivers and it does everything as far as I can tell. DLSS, ray tracing all work and performance is the same as windows with the same settings. I don’t think I ever need to go back to windows.

This isn’t your normal seasonal flu and that vet has been investigating the disease for over a year and still doesn’t have anything definitive, hence why it’s not in the article.

It is sensationalist cause yea, it’s not murdering your dog but it’s been going on long enough that we should have had some answers by now and don’t.

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All communicable diseases have seasonal patterns but I agree it may be overblown. I think what’s interesting about this thing in particular is that it hasn’t been identified and it isn’t the usual respiratory virus you get at a dog park.

I hate to even say this but now in America you can go straight for the top shelf drama and say your kid needs a phone in case of a school shooting.

Hey look everyone, this guy only sees black or white!

I looked at their test app and nothing looks like zero knowledge to me in the settings. The closest thing I see is private vault but that just sounds an extra layer of password locking (and encryption too) but not in a way that would prevent the company itself to see its contents (confirmed here). The dev in that thread failed to disabuse the user of that notion will leads me to believe the term is being knowingly misused.

Zero knowledge is supremely annoying to implement and also very risky because if your users lose access to their private encryption key that they have to write down during signup, their data cannot be retrieved and it's gone forever. That means if you specifically were using that feature, you would know it from all the nagging during signup about those risks.

And again, there's a very simple way to test this. Just try logging in from a new device. You should not be able to see any decrypted notes without either entering in that private key or having another device be online to share it. If you're thinking maybe the private vault is a secret key only you have, just see the github issue above. It's not.

Having said all that...

I'm not advocating for zero knowledge in every service. I mentioned it because the marketing bugged me and felt misleading. I honestly have no idea if their app is good or not but it does look pretty. Just make sure you trust them with what you're putting on their servers.

/edit I'm sorry I want to make sure I'm not spreading misinformation and stumbled on this thread where the author claims they cannot read any of the users' data on their servers but then everyone else in the comments is debating whether it's just end to end encryption or some other derivative marketing term. Honestly I'm just gonna say it "I don't know". If it's zero knowledge and you didn't get a special string on top of your password then that means your password is your key and password resets should be impossible or come with a side of "losing all of your notes".

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And in case you think this is just coming from random users: https://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1700627373&count=1

Yep, I’m aware. It’s how that one guy hacked his airplanes wireless, by setting up a certificate with his domain and the airlines and then using that domain + port 443 as an ssh or vpn tunnel.

So TLS rollout is slow because the websites can still be seen with packet inspection? We’re talking about TLS 1.4 right?

Before mankind was rebooting film franchises it was rebooting religions.


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In an attempt to be funny, I missed that! I should have known because if I’m not mistaken microplastics are super hard to measure accurately and LCMS isn’t even one of the methods used!

I get the sentiment, but what is it rooted in? Extreme experiences giving you a new perspective making old anxieties feel like nothing. That's just statistics. That's saying that the longer you live, the more likely you are to experience those kinds of things.

That's fine, I was just trying to add the the conversation.

There's this page that actually explains the encryption as it is: https://vericrypt.notesnook.com/ Zero knowledge is mentioned here and in a few other places. They're misusing the term as a marketing device, knowingly or not I couldn't say.

As for how I know? It's easy enough to check zero knowledge by logging into the service. If a password is enough to display your notes, the service is not zero knowledge. There should be a second set of credentials known only to the user that gets entered with each new login to actually decrypt the contents of your notes. If you've ever used matrix chat you would either enter in the private key yourself or match some emojis on an already authenticated client that would then pass that private key in a peer-to-peer fashion.

I haven't verified this myself but I can clearly see from the website how the encryption is described vs the marketing terms being used.

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Potential earnings then. You can sue for anything and I hope they do. Even if they lose it will add to the anticompetitive pile of shit that will eventually force them to open up.