The Race to Find What’s Making America’s Dogs Sick to – 119 points –
The Race to Find What’s Making America’s Dogs Sick

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This isn’t your normal seasonal flu and that vet has been investigating the disease for over a year and still doesn’t have anything definitive, hence why it’s not in the article.

It is sensationalist cause yea, it’s not murdering your dog but it’s been going on long enough that we should have had some answers by now and don’t.

No, it’s a spike in the seasonal pattern, vets and doctors say it happens every few years or so, and is nothing to be concerned about.

Veterinarians say fears about 'mystery' dog illness may be overblown. Here's why they aren’t worried

And National Geographic has a much better source on it:

All communicable diseases have seasonal patterns but I agree it may be overblown. I think what’s interesting about this thing in particular is that it hasn’t been identified and it isn’t the usual respiratory virus you get at a dog park.