
39 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

The fact that he has all of his engineers afraid to tell him his ideas are terrible speaks volumes about his narcissism.

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FF has way too much groundwork laid and way too much mindshare currently (especially given the rust language and all..) If, for some reason, thousands of devs just gave up on mozilla, more would continue the path and fork it most likely.

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How to win at life: death threats to supreme court justices. Like wtf? Who even considers that an option, ever?

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I really hope China doesn't legitimately try to take Taiwan someday. Would be a terrible day for Earth.

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It's even more weird all that invested time into people who are going to find ways to block them either way, instead of focusing on their userbase that doesn't use them. Seems like they are rummaging through the couch cushions for pennies at this rate.

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I'm a software engineer too. I was born in the deep south where even my grandmother disowned me because I told her people were going to die on January 6th because of trump, she said I was a liar and hung up and never answered my calls again. I moved to a purple state to balance out the MAGA extremists. The whole southeast is full of some of the least educated people in America, and the vast majority are red.

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I don't "feel comfortable" paying extortion prices, either.

If you look around, fast food places and Pepsico and everyone price gouging, it's a race to the bottom for a last cash-grab before what appears to be an inevitable recession -- brought on by some of these same conglomerates. Mass layoffs (tech sector over 250k layoffs last year across the board), among inflation just murdering people's wallets. Credit card debt is over 1 trillion now, people are "surviving" off of high interest debt to maintain life at this point, but it's not sustainable at current rates.

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You can always install F-Droid and side-load .apk on Android. Apple censors anything remotely negative about China, among other concerning positions. Neither mobile company is good, so why ditch Android entirely?

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I use AI to write code for work every day. Many different models and services, including https://ollama.ai on my own hardware. It's useful for a developer when they can take the code and refactor it to fit into large code-bases (after fixing its inevitable broken code here and there), but it is by no means anywhere close to actually successfully writing code all on its own. Eventually maybe, but nowhere near anytime soon.

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I misread the title at first as "Assassin's Greed".

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There's some weird argument by his cult that it's not in the constitution that a president can't be in prison. It's a lot of mental gymnastics, ignoring the fact that he traitorously stole classified nuclear documents from the US government, along with subverting democracy in the RICO case with the 18 co-conspirators.

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To be fair, Senate Bill #4255:

To authorize dedicated domestic terrorism offices within the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to analyze and monitor domestic terrorist activity and require the Federal Government to take steps to prevent domestic terrorism.

They call out white nationalists quite a bit in the domestic terrorism bills.

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I just installed a 9.3 kW system with individual microinverters under each panel for grid stability and it is absolutely amazing how much you can power all day without threatening a massive bill at the end of the month. I still import power at night, but the power companies usually have agreements where you get credits for all wattage exported to the grid to cover your imported power at night, because both parties win in that contract.

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Late stage capitalism is a blight of humanity, there's gotta have to be some sort of revolutionary changes to society at the rate this is all headed. The world is not healthy right now.

What I don't get is that my browser experience is legitimately better overall, I don't know what was keeping me from switching all these years. Familiarity perhaps.

I was shocked as I went through the source struggling to find any modules that had C. Craziness.

I finally made the plunge to Linux desktop for all work in 2016 and have not looked back (and occasional windows VM, extremely rare now.) Even Arch is now perfectly fine as a workstation which surprised me. Recommend EndeavourOS to streamline the install process but it's Arch underneath.

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That was the first level as a child that I learned true patience, few things can compare.

I'm more surprised that they thought they could double prices, but yet somehow still very noticeably drop in quality. McDonald's quality drop isn't quite as bad as say, Taco Bell and others but wow, seems like hubris is in the air lately with these corporations' executive boards.

You mean the whole licensing ordeal? Retroactive type crap? I know a few developers personally that dumped it entirely because of that. Although I heard they backpedaled a little bit on that part because of the backlash, but the damage is done, trust is gone.

It's been my primary desktop for about 7 years now, at least. Ubuntu + gnome, tweaked and extended a bit. It's difficult to boot into windows even for gaming at this point.

Serious question: I've been using Krita to mess around with the tablet, but are there any good reasons to learn GIMP coming from a photoshop background all these years, given that I also know Krita somewhat?

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As someone who writes C++ every day for work, up to version C++20 now, I hate the incoming C++23 even more somehow. The idea of concepts, it just... gets worse and worse. Although structured binding in C++17 did actually help some with the syntax, to be fair.

"As always" is pretty strong, even in this context.

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I didn't find "PPP" in that article, but I'm guessing those loans helped fuel that fire?

Is it possible for you to rephrase that comment? Don't quite understand what you are getting at.

Many people downvoting you without admitting that pitbulls are the leading cause of all dog-related deaths. Facts are facts, unfortunately.

Solar's lack of moving parts is something people overlook, too. Hail storms supposedly rarely damage them, and if they do, you can just replace individual panels.

Are people seriously voting for trump? There is no reason other than authoritarianism. It's kinda disturbing.

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He should have installed neovim with LSPs for Python/Rust/etc for intellisense and linting to really get her all hot and bothered.

Are there though? I haven't seen any so far, but they are a scourge ultimately.

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This. Why do income taxes stop at 170k?? What possible reason is there, logically, surely there had to be an initial reasoning?

The kayaks probably survived their chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation. (jk)

Yeah I wonder exactly where the source of truth database is on categorizing the extremist groups on either side.



Highly recommend this.

A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more...

This is enough to get the intellisense and linters up and running. Only takes ~5 minutes to configure by installing prerequisites, it's worth it though.

That's the unfortunate side effect of rampant inflation where wages stay stagnant as markets decline. Look at how many restaurants and fast food places closed last year. I'm lower middle class and I have stopped getting fast food entirely. Every time I pass by on the way to and from work I just see the total for the meal in my head and drive past them now because it's just not worth the overall financial damage. I honestly don't know how everyone else is affording even Taco Bell meals regularly every week. I used to work there years ago and the food was significantly better back then, and way cheaper than other food sources. Where the hell did they all go so wrong this past year? Greed? There's gotta be a price gouging greed mechanism in there somewhere.

I'm still on the google prompt bandwagon of typing this query:

stuff i am searching for before:2023.. or ideally, even before COVID19, if you want more valuable, less tainted results. It's only going to get worse from here, 2024 is the year of saturation with garbage data on the web (yes I know it was already bad before, but now AI is pumping this shit out at an industrial scale.)

It also kinda glances over the fact that the boost of inflation is there permanently and this is the new baseline, and no wages have kept up to it at all while everyone is getting nickel and dimed to death.

I made the switch to Linux Host OS 5 years ago and haven't looked back. Plus the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 works with an RTX card and wireless game controller out of the box is enough to keep me interested for now.