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"We as American Jews believe that 'never again' means never again for anyone, and that includes Palestinians," said JVP, referring to the refrain repeated by the Jewish American community regarding the need to prevent genocide. "'Never again' is this very moment."

Something so common sense will surely fall on deaf ears.

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The congresswoman included a link to a longer statement in which she went on to say, “I cannot uncritically accept Israel’s denials of responsibility as fact,” and said, “Both the Israeli and United States governments have long, documented histories of misleading the public about wars and war crimes.”

She told them the truth, and they hated and silenced her for it. Good job, America!

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Jesus Christ what the fuck.

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"...and a mouse and keyboard and an android phone to access cloud services, along with an entourage of fellow hackers that are mostly still at large all over the world" doesn't have the same ring to it, I guess.

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What an absolute shitshow of an article from Wired. I know media often leads with fear mongering and hyperbole just for clicks, but this is bordering on dangerous with how they present it as some super mystery that will infect your furry friend.

They include this part:

David Needle, senior veterinary pathologist at the University of New Hampshire, has a lead on what the culprit might be; he thinks it may have been stalking canines for some time. In 2022, Needle’s team began looking at nasal and oral swabs taken from sick dogs in New England, in cases where no known cause of disease was found and the dogs weren’t responsive to treatment. They found a small DNA sequence of a potential disease-causing microbe in 21 of the initial 30 animal samples screened.

And then never elaborate on what the suspected culprit is, just leaving everyone hanging with their own worst case scenarios for what it could be.

The very next part of the information they are sharing, that they for some reason left out was that the doctor found is that it’s very likely being caused by the mycoplasma bacteria.

Which is the same one causing pneumonia in humans right now.

My understanding is these sorts of seasonal infections aren’t uncommon, and it’s likely being exacerbated by everyone returning to social norms, so all the little bugs are getting their buffet back on for the first time in years on a vulnerable population.

Who knows, though. I am not a doctor.

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So he just wants to stop the federal government from enforcing pronouns or aliases in government settings…?

When does the government actually FORCE or ENFORCE pronoun usage though, using government money?

Am I taking crazy pills or is he just making shit up?

*Just wanted to say I appreciate all the people replying, the implications of his bill may be more severe than I initially read into it.

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I mean, he did it by accident in a building entirely separate from the voting. This whole thing is just another case of republicans blowing things way out of proportion for their benefit.

Basically, propaganda.

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People be lonely, yo.

No, but while doing some tours in Iowa, he instead implied that all Muslims are terrorists, and that we would need to lock up our immigration from their countries and deport any immigrants he didn’t like at colleges here to prevent an attack on US soil from terrorist Muslims.

Just kidding, that was Trump a few hours ago. He also praised the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah as “very smart.”

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The Columbia spokesperson also said the protest “was not targeted at the secretary and dean’s class specifically, but all Sipa classes happening Wednesday afternoon”. They noted its organizers called it an “act of solidarity not tied to any political ideals or figures”.

Nothing to see here, just more misleading titles on Lemmy. Carry on.

The point is to make as much money as possible while paying the workers as little as is possible. Same as it ever was.

They could always pay us more, but we’re just supposed to be happy they aren’t sending the Pinkertons to shoot our women and children anymore, I guess?

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The problem with this attitude is my kids already love elephants and hate zoos.

My daughter cried the first time she saw an elephant at the zoo, and asked me why they were all in cages.

She called it an animal prison and I kinda agree.

The younger generation gets plenty of world information from the internet now, they don’t seem to need or like the idea of zoos like we did growing up, before you could just see any animal any time you wanted with a pocket computer.

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Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has long believed that independent journalism has the capacity to bring about a more democratic and equitable world.

I imagine people of a certain disposition will do whatever it takes to avoid reading from this site.

So many people just got viciously sick in that recent “Tough Mudder” event, turns out there’s a ton of nasties living in the mud that want to make their home in and on you.

So that’s gonna be a permanent no from me, dawg.

This seems like an extremely secure way to find out who owns the dog…anyone can just say a dog belongs to them and then take it and do god knows what with it.

At least this way, the real owner is likely the only one who can step up and claim their dog.

The infamous "government cheese" was given to the needy in the US not because poor people have a dire need for cheese, but because the government wanted to give a lot of money to wealthy dairy farmers.

Jimmy Carter gave struggling dairy farmers money to encourage dairy production at a time when the costs of these products were rising like crazy.

The government bought a bunch to spur production and decrease costs for the average family. It was literally meant to help poor people the most.

*I must correct myself, the dairy farmers were struggling because previous government interventions had tanked the cost of dairy so low that farms weren’t turning a profit. So the government bought up supply to increase prices to a more sustainable baseline for everyone. I apologize for my mistake and will post links below so people can read some sources and decide for themselves.

They also never intended to give the cheese away at all. They were hoping to eventually sell it in some capacity.

It was only later in the early 80s under Reagan that they decided to give the cheese away, once again, to poor people and the elderly specifically.

And they only did that after a public spectacle was made when Agriculture Secretary John R. Block showed up at a White House event with a five-pound block of greening, moldy cheese and showed it to the press. “We’ve got 60 million of these that the government owns,” he said. “It’s moldy, it’s deteriorating … we can’t find a market for it, we can’t sell it, and we’re looking to try to give some of it away.”

At one point they had so much cheese it was recommended they just dump it all into the ocean because it would be the cheapest thing to do.

But yeah, it was given away mostly because we had a lot of it and we needed to get rid of it somehow.

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“It said nude pictures of Anna Kournikova…”

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…ever heard of a little thing called Fortnite? I hear it makes a tiny bit of cash money for them.

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International rates vs domestic, if I had to guess.

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Straight people do that too.

A lot.

Yeah for real, why can’t they just report on what Taylor swift is up to? /s

Starting to understand why they don’t release all of the footage in these kinds of things. Transparency only helps if you are looking at reality.

The two teens used the pretense of doing cocaine to lure Ghey to the park, where they reportedly used the codeword “gay” to launch the frenzied and deadly attack on the unsuspecting trans teen.

Where tf they getting coke at like 15?

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TLDR: Sony would break unlicensed third party accessories connections on purpose with system updates.

That might not be so bad and well within their right you may say, but Sony also would ignore requests from these third-party companies to use licenses for their products, essentially creating a monopoly on licensed controllers.

The combination of the two things is what led to the fine as being anti-competitive and anti-consumer.

Just South Carolina drivers things.

Most things on Fox News.

Dude promised to do it if elected in 2020…soooo.

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Hope I don’t get dragged through the coals but I have to offer a differing opinion for people.

I really didn’t enjoy playing this game. The gun combat felt extremely limited with only two weapons to swap between on the fly.

The abilities were fun and useful and maybe the best part of the gameplay, but not enough to redeem it for me.

The story started out great but really falls flat and felt extremely unsatisfying at the end, to the point I ran around for a few hours thinking I had missed something, until eventually looking it up online to confirm, that yes, that IS where they decided to end it. Felt very incomplete like we were waiting on an extra DLC that never came. (I played the original dlcs, to be clear)

The difficulty spikes were frustrating af. You’d be flying through the game no problem and then suddenly encounter a room where the enemies just took 90% of your health like perfect aim snipers from across the room.

The defensive abilities were key to survival, but it still suffered these issues if you just mistimed a single button press.

I loved the setting but hated the map and backtracking. Seriously, worst map of any game I’ve played recently. If your game is going for 3d Metroid, then at least make the map fucking clear.

Eventually a lot of the areas look a ton alike…

Some of the unkillable enemies were just cheesy.

Figuring out the boss fights sometimes felt more annoying than fun, one particular dlc enemy I think, involving lights was super annoying.

The Maze was one of the best things I’ve ever played/experienced, though. Unfortunately that high of a bar just made the rest of the lows for me feel lower.

All in all I’m glad lots of people like or love it, but for me I’d give it a solid 5 out of 10.

So just a heads up, it may not be for everyone.

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Well considering only like 30 students walked out halfway through, out of a total of 300 or so, and that it was planned, known about and peacefully executed, I’m going to guess she paused briefly while they shuffled out, and then continued her speech to the other 270 kids still there.

Guys is it political to be your big gay self?

Holy shit that lady is insane.

She even somehow managed to blame Obama for starting all of this?!? wtf?

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The article you didn’t read sources straight from the one responsible.

In a statement hours after the incident, Bowman said he activated the alarm by mistake after having come across a door that was typically open for votes but would not open that day.

“I am embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused,” he said at the time.

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I hope you get one one day, but that really has nothing to do with this.

“Well that can’t be right because it’s made more money in 25 years than the entire house of mouse did in like 100” -Some Executive numbers guy, probably.

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On top of this, Qualcomm has introduced what it calls XPAN — Expanded Personal Area Network. Your headphones will connect to Wi-Fi, and as long as your phone (or whatever you're using to listen) is connected to the same Wi-Fi network, you'll get HQ audio streamed right to your ears. That means you can walk around the house or anywhere with Wi-Fi coverage and not have Bluetooth disconnecting or sputtering.

Read it for you.

100% correct and the downvoters can either read some newspapers or cope more.

Don’t forget the tan suit and bicycle helmet!

Worst president ever, ever!


Damn, Kojima guerrilla marketing is getting out of hand.

1 more... have mac in your username…

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