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Joined 9 months ago
  • Attempted robbery
  • Hate crime
  • Targeted attack by someone with a personal vendetta unrelated to Woll's religion
  • Random attack by a nutter

Among any number of other potential motives. There's a definite hierarchy of probability but random blind assertions in public are not how you build an actual fucking criminal case.

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Yes. That's the idea.

It's all about PayPal, isn't it?

Holy fucking shit.

PayPal is Musk's Obama burn.

PayPal shitcanned him because he's a fucking idiot so he takes that money, gets SpaceX going and memes Tesla to success by sheer accident. At the point everyone's thinking he's "Rill Loaf Toony Sturk" he's STILL fucking boiling that PayPal canned him because he's actually terrible at everything. He then proceeds to start sniffing his own farts, building rescue submarines that would never work, calling people "pedo guys", impregnating every woman that will take the payoff to have his moron seed implanted in them, moving to Texas and wearing a fucking cowboy hat to show how much of a REEL MAYUN he is (despite the fact that fucking nobody wears a cowboy hat in this state outside of actual cowboys and people that want to announce that they're fucking idiots to everyone).

He renames Twitter to X so trigger his nostalgia balls and then a few months later announces he's going to replace banks with X. Which would also, theoretically, replace PayPal.

He really is nothing more than a little bitch that happens to have money.

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Fully blocking only if you aren't using uBlock Origin, which you just have to update the filters on.

Complete waste of effort.

Alphabet needs to be broken up.

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"We absolutely cannot have ten years of Cities Skylines 1 content done" for the launch of the sequel, Colossal Order CEO Mariina Hallikainen says in the latest issue of PC Gamer. As a result, the studio decided to focus on "those things that we feel should have been in the original Cities: Skylines, but we didn't have the time or manpower."

Anyone that's not a fucking idiot already knew this, because we understand how temporal reality works. But the whiny "everything sucks and is bad" Stephanie Sterling crowd won't care.

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Only in Linux Land would "daily desktop tips" include "REINSTALL YOUR ENTIRE SYSTEM FOR SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FEATURES."

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"He was 5'5"."

Racism is an inferiority complex with a different name.

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Yeah, my thought is that this is a game they'll be supporting for 8-9 years so what the fuck does it matter if it runs like dogshit on day one? Don't fucking buy it until the performance increases and the problems you mentioned are ironed out.

It really is that simple.

Anyone that expected this game to be perfect on launch was clearly not around whenever Cities: Skylines launched. The performance was godawful to the point that I refunded it. A couple of months and a couple of patches later shit was cleared up and I repurchased it. Didn't have an issue after that.

So yeah, the whole "Why doesn't this brand new game not have the same performance and features as a nine year old game with numerous DLCs and mods?" thing is getting fucking tiresome.

34 more...

Cruising is just driving around a given area, showing off your car, talking about cars, doing general car guy shit. Imagine it being illegal to drive your car around the block where a bunch of people are hanging out.

But of course it's something that's selectively enforced. You will absolutely never see a cop roll up on a classic car night at whatever local burger joint hosts one unless said burger joint just happens to be in an area that's not majority white. Middle aged mayo motherfuckers such as myself have zero issues. It was and always has been a cudgel against minorities, like a FUCKING TON of laws that were enacted in the 50's.

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What kind of fucked up people come up with this shit?

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I've said it before... all we need to do is get every major food and beverage produced to put a fuckin' Pride flag on their shit and within six months all conservatives will have starved to death.

I mean, I assume they will. It couldn't be that they're hypocritical trash and would eat food with a Pride flag on it... right?

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Did you know that two companies had ownership of that trademark? Does anyone associate "Taco Tuesday" with anything but being alliterative? Do people immediately think of Taco John's or Gregory's when they hear "Taco Tuesday?"


They probably think of every elementary school that had a Taco Tuesday at least once a month. They probably think of the Lego Movie. They probably think they're hilarious and just made it up for the first time.

Even if you knew of Taco John's and knew they had Taco Tuesday, did you know that it was their trademark?

Taco John's did not relinquish the mark because they couldn't fight it. They relinquished it for the same reason Gregory's did... they knew their claim to the mark was MINIMAL at best and it would be trivial to show common usage of the term that would render it generic.

13 more...

I trust Forbes to be correct about this about as much as I trust Forbes to be correct about anything.

They're a trash rag that exists solely to fellate capitalist shitbags.

Fuck 'em.

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I worked home improvement retail for a little while. The area I was in was very conservative, very whitebread, very Trumpy.

The number of people that would readily admit to being scammed in some way was distressing. One couple had around $300k swindled from them in an investment scheme because "The guy seemed so trustworthy..." You know, because he said "Gawd Blayuss!" after every other sentence.

No matter the education, no matter the money, conservatism is a sign of a malfunctioning brain.

Dead, because they're a priority target.

Open carry is for inch-dick assholes.

You pull a firearm’s trigger you bear responsibility for what happens. Period.

Utterly wrong. The ONLY person that bears any responsibility for firearm safety on the set of a movie is the armorer.

  • Unless absolutely necessary, no live or blank firing arms should be accessible to actors.
  • When needed, the armorer will verify the safety of the blank or live firearm and hand it to the actor. Depending on the armorer and the situation they may not even allow the actor to do something as simple as turn the safety off.
  • After firing the weapon, the armorer will take the firearm from the actor, clear it, and remove it from the set.

One person has that responsibility. In situations where there are multiple live or blank firing arms there may be multiple individuals with those same resposibilities, but ultimately it will still come down to the one in charge.

Repeat after me: A MOVIE SET IS NOT A GUN RANGE. You are not dealing with even twice a year hobbyist shooters. You are not in a controlled environment. The protocols that are used for firearms on set have been developed after decades of trial and error, and these are situations where said error ends in death. Trying to apply range logic to a movie set is what gets people killed, which is why sets do not work like that. You have one dedicated professional whose job is ensuring the safety of everyone on set WRT firearms. At no point did Baldwin have any responsibility to check any weapon as any weapon available to him at that time, by protocol, should have ONLY been a "weapon shaped object." That is, a chunk of rubber or plastic molded from a real weapon that's used for doing things like blocking shots (which is what Baldwin was doing) and generally carrying around a scene. Instead, the armorer had zero control over where firearms ended up and Baldwin picked up what he thought was a prop gun. Instead, it was a loaded live firearm. The scene involved Baldwin pointing a gun at the camera and pulling the trigger.

In no way is Baldwin criminally liable here.

Note I say nothing about civil liability. In my opinion, he's is absolutely responsible for helping create a lax working environment by continuing to employ an armorer that clearly did not give a shit about doing their job properly.

EDIT to mention that Baldwin and the production company VERY quickly came to a settlement agreement with the family of the deceased. They were always going to win so it basically just skipped over a meaningless trial.


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If you give people good metrics to hit, they'll hit them. If you don't have good metrics then you rely on seeing asses in seats to know if people are working.

By the same token, if you give them stupid-ass metrics you create your own turnover.

I worked for a call center that had metrics based on prior month performance. If you didn't match, you were out. Okay, fine, except this was retail. Oh, you didn't take as many calls in January as you did in December? You're out.

Welcome to corporate reality. It's all run by idiots.

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Given that Paradox has near decade-long lifecycles for their games the launch window is utterly meaningless. Hell, Europa Universalis IV had an expansion released earlier this year and it was released in 2013.

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Assuming you're asking in good faith, the short answer is no.

The long answer is nooooooo.

And the full answer is "No. What the fuck is wrong with you that you think forced sterilization is ever a good idea, ever, for any reason, ever?" That isn't even an issue limited to trans people. It's something that's been forced on indigenous populations, "lesser" peoples (like... you know... Jews and Blacks and Mexicans and Malagasy and literally everyone but "us" and the mentally challenged and also 'hysterical' women, among many others), and anyone else that a particular group wants to genocide without wanting to deal directly with corpse disposal.

Beyond that, this speaks to bodily autonomy. No one person or group of people should fucking EVER have the right to tell you what you can and cannot do with your own body. End of story.

Unless you're on a shit-tier instance "turn billionaires into pet food" is pretty much standard issue chit-chat.

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YouTube. Obviously.

Doom 2... a glorified Doom modpack made by a team of several people. Of course it only took a year.

Hey, at least this fuck was so incompetent he couldn't get the murder part right.

Fucking any of them. Seriously. It doesn't really matter. Eventually you'll come to the realization that until you're talking about oddball shit designed for one douchebag's personal proclivities it's all the same shit under the hood. They just have fourteen incompatible package managers because, again, douchebag personal proclivities.

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I lost all respect for an attorney I worked with when I saw that his LinkedIn was just covered with DeSantis/Abbott praise during COVID. The firm I was with did estate planning. We were so swamped in estate planning and probate (meaning a client had died) we had to bring on multiple new people to handle the caseload.

And this motherfucker was totally onboard with anti-mask garbage.

So I guess LinkedIn KIND OF works in that it tells you who the idiots are.

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Work 70 hours a week until shitbags like this are all ground up and used as an idiot-based meat alternative for zoo animals. Much better use of their caloric value.

Because Lubbock is a meth-infested shithole in the middle of nowhere. The only thing to do there is drugs, alcohol, rape, and domestic violence.

This has always been the meaning among car enthusiasts everywhere.

20 more...

Bibi literally wants "anti-Zionism" to be a synonym of anti-semitism.

That's like wanting "White Supremacy" to be a synonym for "Starbucks."

"Wait, this is a vote to get rid of Starbucks? I'll never vote for that, and I don't even like Starbucks!"

I will never understand what asshole thought adding chromatic aberration into EVERY GAME EVER was a good idea.

Probably someone that also likes CBT and the show Big Brother.

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Ah, to see Bibi standing next to Hamas leadership... facing the same charges of being worthless shits while Israelis and Palestinians have the biggest fuckoff kegger in the world. 'Twould be beautiful.

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Narrator, who happens to be the ACLU: "It was."

Yes, companies with 30 employees are, in fact, money hungry because that's how the employees fucking eat. One person's recurring costs are nowhere near the recurring costs of dozens of people. WEIRD HOW MATH.

Stardew Valley, Undertale, Braid, all of these one-man (mostly) shows generated enough revenue to effectively retire their creators overnight but if they had to pay 30 motherfuckers with the proceeds... yeah, not so much.

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The problem with that is it applies throughout the year. Those weren't the only unattainable metrics.

To give you an idea of what this place was like, I was shitcanned because I spent too much time in "UNAVAILABLE" status. For two whole days I was "UNAVAILABLE." It was on the last day of one month and the first day of the following month. When the next review came up I was auto-termed because I missed my "AVAILABLE" numbers two months in a row.

I was "UNAVAILABLE" because I had been promoted and was in training for two days. My trainer told me to be "UNAVAILABLE."

Apparently that wasn't a good enough reason for being "UNAVAILABLE." Rather than correcting it or even trying to stick up for me my manager gave me a "Sorry, nothing I can do."

Nordstrom, by the way. Garbage company. Do not work for them.

"I don't understand why a business needs people that aren't on the assembly line." - You, showing the world your ass.

A weapons safety course doesn't mean anything when it comes to criminal liability on a movie set. All that does is absolve the studio if stupid shit happens because an actor did stupid shit. It was not an actor that did stupid shit here, it was the armorer.

The armorer that Baldwin hired and continued to employ long after she was shown to be ill suited for the job, which made him and the company civilly liable.

Baldwin and the production company already came to a civil settlement with the deceased's family.

Oh what, so now you were JUST KIDDING BRO.

Shut the fuck up.

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Literally every game mentioned here had massive asset and code reuse. Doom 2 was basically a modpack for Doom. Add a couple of weapons, a couple of enemies, some more levels, job done, call it a sequel. The fact that the weapons and enemies changed the gameplay so much was probably more of an accident than anything else.

GTA 3, VC, and SA are basically the same engine with some changes here and there. A lot of asset reuse. All were buggy as shit on launch. Sometimes with the same bug that was never fixed.

FNV was FO3 with different color filters and fewer buildings. It's why the game was mainly story-driven rather than action and had less in the way of exploration. You do the best with what you have.

It's always easier to follow up than it is to lead.

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They have a lot of things that can be set on fire. That's a form of free speech protection.

I suggest you learn how free software actually works unless you want to look like an idiot.

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