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I think it’s more that not every comment gets upvoted after there is quite a few.

Early comments get voted on by merit. Once there is a few comments that have sufficient upvotes and replies, they become their own ecosystem.

If I’m in the comments of a popular post, I might upvote the first few top level comments I see as all make a good point. The fifth might make the best point and deserve to be higher, but alas, it only gets one upvote. By the time I get to the sixth, it’s just saying the same thing differently, no upvote needed. Seventh is interesting, so upvote, but it’s getting boring now. I don’t read further comments.

Other people stop at comment 10. Others stop at 4. So the first few get magnified, the rest struggle for the same level of attention and eyeballs. But it’s not a competition. So if the discussion is good, who cares. The 10th discussion might be the best because all the people with short attention spans, like me, aren’t there.

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I feel sorry for her, as it's not a black and white case of inappropriate behavior.

Not voting or voting third party is letting other people decide.

Biden is a bad candidate. He's too old and supports genocide in Palestine.

Trump is not fit for office. He's too ols. He's mentally deranged. He supports genocide in Palestine, fascism in USA, NATO being at war with Russia etc etc.

Voting least bad is a poor choice to make but there is a very clear answer.

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As an Australian, not an American, we drive long distances too. We express in km/h and km, not mph and miles. Due to high risks of sleeping on long straight empty roads, rest breaks are taken seriously here. I’d consider a 10 hour drive as door to door including minimal breaks. It would be foolhardy to drive without breaks. However, if I was describing the distance without breaks, I’d say that. If I was taking longer breaks, I’d say it too, for clarity.

My in laws live near the border of the next state. It’s a 6 hour drive without stopping. I’d describe it as a 7 hour drive, door to door. We have done it in 9 hours with stops in playgrounds for the kids. If I was describing that I’d still describe it as a 7 hour drive that we took extra breaks, so it took 9.

Don’t you need to get paid to make bank? I thought he stiffs all the staff. I know lawyers are more careful now, but the good ones don’t touch him anyway. The maga ones are true believers and aren’t in it for the money.

Saying that, I think a lot of the grifting is to pay for legal bills, so it would be interesting to see how much is going to legal bills.

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Yes, it will fracture, but hopefully at the fringes, as you mentioned. So thsie with extreme views find it difficult to get traction due to lack of users or lack of places to post.

It should mean that we don't get brigading from communities. You can just block them. It should.nean that there are safer communities but they miss out on some content.

At the moment, the only large communities are general. That may change over time. I do hope that companies start their own instances. Not to control the narrative, but to be their official communication. I don't want commercial users using the community instances.

Again, then, they can be blocked but also, they can be verified.

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Biden is boring and not a great choice, but I expect most people are sick of the crazy. They have a loud rabid fan base, but it’s a di irish Ing part of the electorate at large. I don’t think they should be underestimated, but trump will do worse against Biden the second time.

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Especially given the armies of people who cross post any decent content to all networks. I hope that here, due to no monetary benefit and no karma, it is only for the love of sharing. All the good content will make it here, but rather than being a firehouse of crap, the community nature should make the relevant communities more focused.

I still use Facebook for local groups. I think even they realise that niche communities without outrage are where the growth will lie. That's likely why they are scared of federated networks. It could easily kill them over time.

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Or they are worried that Intel will pull out due to risk of consumer boycott and want to push the deal through.

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Remember Hezbollah is not hamas. Lebanon is a different country.

Seeing boing boing articles in my Twitter feed was one of the reasons I started using it years ago. When junk started filtering in, that’s when I stopped using it. When musk started messing with politics and using Twitter to push his views, that’s when I nuked it.

It will be good when there is an easy way to back up and restore your subs, your blocks and possibly even your comments. If you wish to change instances, it should be easy.

I still miss the fingerprint reader on the back of the Nexus 5x. And CyanogenMod added the ability to swipe it to see notification shade which was great.

The position is just a natural place to place your finger when holding a phone so the unlock was more automatic rather than a deliberate action being required.

The problem with blocking a community is if you block the one that eventually takes off, you miss out. I am just accepting it for now and assume it will sort itself out.

Another option would be to upvote one and downvote the other, to help speed the process up.

I loved aqua. Barbie girl is obviously relevant with the movie out, so it's reminded me. However doctor Jones was also great for me at the time. I then went online and downloaded all their songs. It pretty much introduced me to mp3s. As an adult I still like it for the nostalgia and some of the lyrics are quite funny. Life in plastic, it's fantastic or You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.

However, O would not be breaking out the aqua for a party or dinner with friends.

I have a giant playlist of songs that are cheesy and fun but not intolerable to listen to for me, to play when my kids are playing. It's got vheesey stuff like S club 7, which is probably more embarrassing than aqua, but don't stop movin is amazing. It also has upside down by the a*teens. I pick songs that have words or concepts that help learn music appreciation or language skills.

Things like ROYGBIV by public service broadcasting teaches colours sits beside Gwen Stefani Hollaback girl teaching spelling.

And b*witched for the denim.

Adding to this, stepping on something can be interpreted as similar. In a guide book for Thailand, it was advised that if a bank note falls on the ground, you should not step on it to stop it blowing away. Placing your foot on a picture of the king would be a sign of disrespect. You could get arrested!

Similarly, when sitting on the ground, say in a groupz you should ensure your feet aren't pointing at anyone else.

If you wanted to participate in the discussion with a less abrasive nature, you could share that story from your mother's perspeyand how it became your own personal culture.

However, I would consider it not to be your culture, but a family tradition. Your culture is more rooted in community than just your own family in my opinion.

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Perhaps a notification when it occurs, so you could unsubscribe if you wish.

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It's the same in the UK. I live in Australia, having moved from Ireland and living in the UK. It blows their mind when I talk about PR, yet we have it here in the Senate.

Why risk the bad PR of being on meta when you can be on your own instance that any other instance can access.

It's like email. People don't hold Google responsible if someone emails them with profanity.

I expect there will be sanitised versions and free for all versions. Moderation will differentiate but it may be that it's send regulated, like porn on NSFW instances.

One thing I've noticed is that I've blocked the NSFW instance from my feed and any comments from there are blocked too. So users from instances with a lot of NSFW content may find they have less engagement. L it may be that more regulated instances have less freedom of speech but more people to listen.

Likely the realiry will be somewhere in the middle.

Oh no.that’s disappointing.

Her taxes directly support the war. It's not as easy as people are good and bad. Good people can be in bad situations. Sanctions are supposed to hurt all people. That's how they work. It's seen as a lesser evil, rather than a good. They are damaging for both sides.

Well, at least lemmy seems to be basing servers in the tech hotbeds. Twitter, google, Facebook, Microsoft etc all have bases in Ireland.

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Boring doesn’t have to be bad. The administration is competent. That’s plenty.

However, he is not inspiring. And he’s elderly (as is trump).

Lol, what taxes do you think the lemmy 8mstance would be paying? Ireland is not a tax haven and hasn’t been for quite a while. It does have a moderately low, but non zero, company tax rate, but that’s like saying Texas is a tax haven as their income tax is not the same as California.

Ireland has a well educated young workforce and is in the eu with ties to the USA and speaks English. It’s not odd that tech companies are there. It’s not shell companies there, it’s tech hubs.

The thing with most carcinogens is they are cumulative. If people are going to continue to consume lots of red meat, cutting other carcinogens does help.

Obviously, the media would be better from a public health point of view to focus on the red meat. However, the media focuses on news and changes. Red meat has been a known carcinogen for a while. Not to mention bad for the environment and ethically problematic. It's led to a raise in veganism and vegetarianism and many people have cut red meat in particular or are flexitarian.

The problem with sweeteners in partiyos that many people consume them in an effort to be healthier, cutting their sugar intake. Over time, we've found out that they are more problematic than we knew. Risks for diabetes as well as cancer.

Whatever he says, would anyone believe him or think he's acting in self interest. The only thing politicians have to fear from Trump is loss of support from.his followers. That's exciting less and less of a threat.

Trump is starting to become the emperor with no clothes. He may be the last to realise.

300 million is a big amount of money. No doubt he’s leveraged against it in some way. If it is returned to investors, while facing mounting legal fees, his financial house of cards could come crumbling.

It’s a race between financial or criminal activity coming back to bite him, or getting the nomination and riding an extra year before losing again and crumbling again. It’ll be a wild and damaging ride for everyone either way.

I thought paying staff properly was the cool hipster thing to do? Not wage theft and fines.

Personally, I boycott. It's much easier to boycott companies with terrible overpriced products.

That’s a harder ask if people have already tried it and found it lacking.

Why would they face any legal consequences any more than any other social media? The platform would not be liable for the content of its users. Obviously, they are responsible to remove illegal content, like child porn.

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Capitalism provides an incentive to make money. It allows you to buy things or donthings. However sometimes the thing we want to do is socialise. So people code to make that happen. People run instances to make that happen. The incentive is community instead of money.

Capitalism still provides incentive for innovation. So does our need for interaction. I'm hoping that the decentralised nature and federisariinnmakeanthay possible for other projects. We could all start having our own foss servers in our homes that hold our photos, our social media, email and news. With no ads and no snooping. This could be the next phase of our internet connected lives.

I just can't answer that

It's speculation, but still relevant to technology. You'll find speculation in most news sources about technologym, otherwise it's just press releases. How large platforms develop is technology news.

In Musk's case, he's divisive so people are more likely to share or comment on posts about him. There's also a large element of schadenfreude.

If you don't think it should be here, downvote away. However, your low effort comment becomes more virtual trash than the post it intends to berate. Instead, you could post better content too.

How does that work from a user perspective? If they were subscribed to android@lemmy.world , would the subscription transfer over to the new community without them realising, or would they need to manually subscribe?

I don't have a problem with communities being able to move. The users should be notified and have the option to transfer too or leave. Over time, the values may diverge.

I also think the power should rest with the mods to do so. However, it would be wise for them to consult the community. For larger communities, you'll likely never have consensus, so someone needs to be able to decide. If any instance became hostile or overrun by undesirables, moving would make sense.

I imagine the current threat from meta will be divisive and some communities values may differ from the instance they are on.

Awesome Photoshop skills. Making zuck look like a robot (cyborg) takes a lot of work.

I don't use mastodon. Do users need to reciprocate? So if I followed you and you moved server would I still get a notification, or only if you follow me?

Can anyone follow you, so does the notification let you know that it's a change, rather than a new follower.

If lemmy takes off, like Reddit, and has lots of content, google will adjust their algorithm to compensate and include it. Lemmy will likely focus on better SEO if it helps growth, but scaling and stability and usability are more important right now.

Guidelines are for little guys!

Yes, if you know about that community. However, by browsing the all feeds of multiple instances, you come across communities you weren’t aware of and can subscribe to on any of the instances you have an account on. Assuming, of course, they all federate.

Yes, but look at bud light. Boycotts can be hugely damaging. If people start boycotting Intel, Dell HP and other suppliers will happily offer amd instead. Similarly, companies with policies of not buying from suppliers with slave labour or supporting genocide may decide Intel falls in that category now. They do it as a PR exercise but ultimately it's consumer sentiment that drives it.

Intel will need to decide if the sweetener is worth the risk. From war interrupting supply. From boycotts. From brand damage.