Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up to politics – 283 points –
Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

The Florida governor has struggled to break into Trump’s lead and his campaign has been burning through money.


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Biden is boring and not a great choice, but I expect most people are sick of the crazy. They have a loud rabid fan base, but it’s a di irish Ing part of the electorate at large. I don’t think they should be underestimated, but trump will do worse against Biden the second time.

biden was not and is not my first choice, but until we push election reform that allows more candidate diversity I will support a less-than-ideal biden nominarion that acknowledges how important the progresive vote is to his success. progressive victories under a biden admin have not been inconsequential.

progressive victories under a biden admin have not been inconsequential.

I guess this is the part where I ask "like what" and you list off 50 random things that impact like 4 people and nobody else cares about, because from where I'm sitting, the US has teleported back to 1950 in the past couple years.

Even if I'm charitable and say okay, yes, those are all very consequential victories, the losses have been absolutely staggering and I'm seeing little to no fight back against it.

yes, I could point to specific "wins", but I think its larger than that. in addition to progressive federal legislation on climate and the economy, labour organization through unionization and increases in federal progressive representation, we have had increases in state level progressive representation (e.g. michigan, virginia can be connected back to at least 2016 and accelerated since 2020). by every metric I can think of, progressive goals have been codified into the Democratic platform and, in some measure, actually implemented.

despite Republican propganda over the past 40 years on am radio and fox, when I sum the state of the country (as screwed up as it may be) I find, on balance, a net positve movement since reagan - my metric for the obvious beginning of the decline. whether any of it is just in the nick of time to save whats left of the US is still open ended.

your fair comment of feeling like we have been transported 50 years back in time is due in large part to very specifc circumstances that conservatives (a minority ideology bereft of ideas) fully understood would have to align - the mcconnell supreme court fuckery during obama and the subsequent trump stupidity. there is absolutely no getting around those critical losses. however, we have a significantly more progressive society that wants significantly more progressive legislators and legislation - particularly when the legislation is not assigned to a political party.

there will be no positive future for the US without progressive support. biden, I believe, understands this. the invisible fight you have not been seeing is the fact that we have not devolved into a fully fascist theocratic failed state... yet. this stasis is not insignificant in light of decades upon decades of trying by those who wish this. the 2022 election scared the living hell out of the Republicans and I believe they are more disorganized now than ever before. that bodes well for at least a short term window of opportunity to get things back on track.

please feel free to disabuse me of any false realities.


Listen here Jack, if you’re not for Joe Brandon and the Demoncrats, you’re not for Omerica! That’s nuanced critical thinking and we won’t have that here in politics! We can only defeat fascism with…(checks notes)…fascism.

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Yeah, I didn't vote for him in the last primary, but he's better than any Republican, and it's not even close.

Biden is boring and not a great choice

Apparently you are somehow ignorant of or willfully ignoring what is actually happening thanks to Biden's administration.

Biden is a far better choice than ANY that the republicans have fielded since Eisenhower.

Boring doesn’t have to be bad. The administration is competent. That’s plenty.

However, he is not inspiring. And he’s elderly (as is trump).

They just said boring. He is boring. Considering the past 6 years, boring is good.

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