11 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

People who know know that the crabs survive and are released back into the wild after their "donation"

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Never give a fascist a platform.

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Well, after all it couldn't POSSIBLY their horrific policies, or their proud racism, or thier proud nationalism, or their hate for the LGBTQIA+, or their stance of abortion, or birth control, or wanting to outlaw divorce, or them wanting to leave people starving in the streets.
No, it must be some other thing causing their losses.

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How are these women able to just walk into school libraries in the first place? Is there NO SECURITY in those schools?

Everything that reddit has that is of any value is the contributions of it's users. Disrespecting those users will make them leave the platform, if not today, someday soon. Redditors! Choose to delete all your content NOW and let Spez IPO the ashes.

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What the hell happened to CNN?

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What a fucking idiot. What is it about being a reality tv star that gives these medical grade morons the idea that they are smarter than everyone else? I mean the public getting fooled sure, that's in the editing and show runners keeping the idiots on the rails. But the idiots themselves thinking they are the smart ones? it boggles the mind.

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The right wing fought SO HARD to prevent his from happening.

But it's not like the loss is going to do anything to change their beliefs or actions.

Part of the deed that allowed Mar-a-lago to be created in the first place is that it would not be allowed for ANYONE to EVER use it as a residence, not even allowed to tear it down and build residential in it's place.
The “deed of development rights” outlines that “the Club and Trump intend to forever extinguish their right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use”

Prisoner Number P01135809 is ALREADY breaking that covenant by living there.

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I deleted 14 years of posts and 2 weeks later they banned me for a non-existent TOS violation weeks after the post in question was overwritten with a single letter then deleted.

So, ya, People are going to be looking for a replacement. reddit can go suck a failed ipo.

Quoting them directly, "Fuck your feelings."

Fuck that, just send 'em to russia.

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Ohio as being a backwards state.

The People that LIVE in Ohio are not nearly as backwards as the gerrymandered elections elect representatives from.

Clearly, this result is absolute proof that the gerrymandering of Ohio is ABSOLUTELY NOT properly representing the WILL of actual Ohio Voters .

Reddit isn’t profitable, despite having a billion dollars in advertising dollars coming in every year? And someone thinks that spez should remain in charge?

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Again and again and again and again. I get more spam on my linkedin email address than I do on any other.

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I did the same and 2ish weeks later caught a perm ban for a non-existent TOS violation.

What makes them think I fucking care?

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There isn't a chance in hell I'm buying a car without a steering wheel.

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It follows the House January 6th committee’s investigation last year, which concluded that Trump incited the insurrection

So, clearly then, without any doubt, he has been found by congress to be disqualified by the 14th Amendment section 3.

Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Clearly, allowing him to be the GOP is a Constitutional Crisis as he CONSTUITIONALLY CANNOT be president, even if elected.

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It should be against the law, or subject to legal penalty in some way. .

As an American, You are 100% right. Unfortunately these endless fuckholes think otherwise.

As of January, the company had 175 employees, and its revenue was in the double-digit millions.

And yet, it is not enough. Perhaps the lesson is to NOT take that VC money if you want your company to survive.

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Because insuring free speech includes everyone and the most strident assholes believe themselves to have the right to speak first and as loudly as possible.
It doesn't mean we don't discount their bullshit and laugh at them, it just means they are the loudest and quickest.

Just to be clear, if they do somehow bring up a valid point, it is not dismissed out of hand like the obvious bullshit is.

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The courts had BETTER fucking decide that he is personally liable to pay off the promises he made to the employees he forced or conned out. Seriously. He lies, cheats, and dchanges the rules tro suit himself. Let that sink in.

The republican right wing has been de-funding public schools and decrying all education as leftist indoctrination for about 50 years.
Actions have consequences, or in this case, results.

Republicans and the right wing in general are happiest when they can cause others to suffer.

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Firefox is littered with bugs.

Links or it didn't happen. Seriously, I have used FF and only FF for the last 15 years and have had zero showstoppers.
Link me some links that work in chrome and not firefox, I wanna see!

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Has he started paying them yet?

undefined> Show some kind of respect for the truth.

The truth is that moms for liberty is a right wing group that is totally for grooming their children to only believe the right wing viewpoint, hates all of the lgbt+ and is also racist as all fuck.

It's easy to pretend to be even handed but reality says...

You don't make the SPLC list unless you are a hate group.

So how about you have some respect for the truth?

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Jesus fuck I am glad I got married before any of this fucking bullshit became possible!!!!!

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Ya, that's a lawsuitin

Joke's on them, everything I wanted was copied to local storage when it happened and the rest of my 14 years of reddit posts were overwritten with a single letter a and deleted.

As some other redditor said, reddit's only value is our posts. delete all your content and let spez IPO the ashes.

The republican "leadership" learned the same thing about the tea party and evangelical crowd.

You can ride the tiger, but eventually it turns and eats you.

And exactly who's fault IS that drop, elrod?

A new dvd/blueray drive for a PC needs to have it's region set the first time it encounters a region locked disk. I believe most can be reset a maximum of 5 times before it locks.
Build yourself a "Media Player PC" and set the region to US.

Or sail the high seas like they seem to want you force you to.

You put whatever ink you want in it via a syringe. You manage to make it not clog after I forget to print a color page for two weeks (make it a decade) and I will buy & recommend your printers exclusively for the rest of my life.

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What could possibly go wrong!?

Oddly this is way more entertaining than reddt was on it's best days.

Being wealthy has exactly NOTHING to do with being smart after the first generation. I think that they in fact get STUPIDER and more disconnected from reality every generation.