Democratic lawmaker screams at ‘exhausting’ Matt Gaetz on House floor to politics – 110 points –
Democratic lawmaker screams at ‘exhausting’ Matt Gaetz on House floor

"Exhausting" is entirely their plan. If you can't keep refuting their utter bullshit, every time, forever, they think it means they win.


Gaetz is easily one of the most detestable and dislikable representatives and that’s saying something considering who else his colleagues are.

I'm not sure why he still has a voice while being investigated for underage trafficking...

The fact we haven't had a straight up fistful in Congress recently is amazing. I would've straight up Rey Mysterio 619'd dozens of republicans by now.

wasn't there a michigan state rep that kicked some guy in the balls? (and, uh, broke some ribs?)

That was one Republican kicking another Republican in the balls, but yes.

When I turned 30 or whatever age you have to be to run for Senate, I thought about have a fake but real senate run campaign announcement where my entire platform would be to punch Mitch McConnell or other GOP congressmembers in the neck every time they were hypocritical sacks of shit.

I mean, it doesn't matter what we actually do, Republicans are going to call anyone on the left unhinged and violent and whatever else anyways. Might as well actually use that as cover.

The Republicans are winning if this is happening. Their entire goal in life is to wear down progressive ideals, bring them down to their shitty level so they can point and say 'look how inappropriate these liberals are' because their base laps thsts garbage up.

Right, the key is to figure out how to put cracks in the base so they find this to be against their interests