It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk to politics – 1187 points –
It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk

It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk He’s telling us what he will do to his political enemies if he’s president again. Is anyone listening?

I feel pretty safe in saying that we can now stop giving him the benefit of that particular doubt. His use—twice; once on social media, and then repeated in a speech—of the word “vermin” to describe his political enemies cannot be an accident. That’s an unusual word choice. It’s not a smear that one just grabs out of the air. And it appears in history chiefly in one context, and one context only.


Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk

So, the situation remains unchanged.

I remember pointing out that trump was using Nazi rhetoric during his ‘16 campaign.

The number of people that argued with me about how it was an exaggeration. Makes me want to scream.

Anyone who says he wasn't is willfully ignorant so they don't have to admit they support facism, or unironically ignorant and falling victim to what facism does best: take advantage of the uneducated

They weren't the sorts of people to listen to his rallies, etc. Mostly just caught the highlights and sound bites. So when rhetoric started they were mostly... unwilling to accept that. it was just... inconceivable.

The dude bragged about how he had mein keimf on his bedstand.

Him and Desantis both studied hitler and wannabe him.

I am not fan of Desantis but never heard he said he was into “Mein Kampf”. Where did you learn if this?

Not of the book. But I heard he studied history in college, and basically he is basically using the same playbook pre-WW2 nazi germany was doing.


though it was probably the picture version for the hitler youth kids.

Slightly. Trump seems to be ramping up the rhetoric. He's getting more and more comfortable emulating Nazi speech. And each step along the way, the media normalizes it by reporting "oh, that wacky Trump said something crazy again!"

At this rate, he'll be posting in September 2024 about a final solution to rid this country of his political enemies and all Jews and the NYT will report "Trump Puts Forward Plan To Unite Washington."

He's been using Nazi talk since day one. "Fake news" is the most glaring example, which is just the most recent take on Lügenpresse.

And that was an actual term before he co-opted it. It would refer to the random blogs that claimed to be news sites that would post laughably false articles with doctored photos and completely made up quotes.

There was stuff with Hillary saying things that she literally never said, but it was "reporting" that she said it. The minor right wing sites would then cite these articles and the major right wing organizations would quote them. It would be proven false (easily) but by then they had moved onto the latest thing Hillary "did" (according to these sites).

Trump took this very useful term and twisted it into "anything I don't like is fake."

Thank you, it drives me batty that it's become so hard to discuss the problems of actual fake news, much of which benefits Trump and needs to be called out, without people thinking we're MAGA conspiracy loons.

But also, I kind of chuckled, because your use of past tense made it sound like those things don't happen anymore, rather than being the cornerstone of right wing media today.

Thank you, it drives me batty that it's become so hard to discuss the problems of actual fake news, much of which benefits Trump and needs to be called out, without people thinking we're MAGA conspiracy loons.

But also, I kind of chuckled, because your use of past tense made it sound like those things don't happen anymore, rather than being the cornerstone of right wing media today.

Thank you, it drives me batty that it's become so hard to discuss the problems of actual fake news, much of which benefits Trump and needs to be called out, without people thinking we're MAGA conspiracy loons.

But also, I kind of chuckled, because your use of past tense made it sound like those things don't happen anymore, rather than being the cornerstone of right wing media today.

I'm sure Trump's spokesman will walk back the Nazi talk.... Oh, wait:

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said of anyone who compares Trump to Hitler or Mussolini that, "their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House"

So they're just doubling down on the Nazi then.

Do not call me a Nazi. The next person to call me a Nazi is the first one I'm throwing in the camp.

Anyone still unclear to the concept? This is his play book, his manual. Nothing else. If you don't recognize it, shame on you and your history teacher.

In 1923, Hitler and his supporters attempted a coup in Bavaria. This seminal event was later called the Beer Hall Putsch. Upon its failure, Hitler escaped, only to be subsequently arrested and put on trial. The trial proved to be a blessing in disguise for Hitler, as it garnered him national fame. Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison, but he would only serve eight months. During this time, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which became the vade mecum of National Socialism. Once released, Hitler switched tactics, opting to instead seize power through legal and democratic means.

So... fuck...

Yep. There was something about people who don't know history are bound to repeat it's mistakes.

And then some people read history and think repeating its mistakes is a great idea.

Orange boy can't even sign his name in the right place.

He’s too old for all that, but good news everybody! Trump isn’t the real threat anyhow – he’s the carnival barker. The real threat is the organised group of fascists who have been working hard on all the plans and slogans he claims as his. People like Steven Miller, Bannon, Stone, and some members of Congress.

They’re younger, smarter, and more determined than trump to replace democracy with their authoritarian utopia. They’ll find another front man when trump is gone.

Yeas, but thank goodness Trump is a senior citizen. He's really only doing this to keep his fatass out of prison.

He is not a mastermind, and I still believe his health will fail sooner than we expect.

He also said upon reelection that he'd oust government officials not loyal to him and immediately begin deporting mass waves of people, including those living in the US legally.

Trump doesn't care about government employees defending the constitution, he wants government employees loyal to HIM. If Trump had enough people like this last time the United States democracy would be over.

Stop voting for Republicans. They are un-American and don't believe in our democracy.

As someone who came here from Ukraine in 76, that concerns me

Is anyone listening?

Yes, his base is, and they love it.

That's exactly it, and this is also why the media CONSTANTLY "discovering" that Trump is a Nazi is just signal boosting his campaign content.

Maybe in another eight years they will move on from "dae notice that Trump is a racist fascist Nazi?" And instead start saying "don't vote for racist fascist Nazis, do this instead."

I saw the Guardian report that "Biden campaign accuses Trump of parroting Hitler"

How about, Trump parrots Hitler? Why this Biden campaign accuses Trump of.

the media are a bunch of pussies hedging their bets with the audience, also willing to skew anything to cause controversy as long as it doesn't come back to bite them. Sensationalism sells.

Likely liability... Saying "X" puts you in the way of more lawsuits than "so-and-so says 'X'"

You're possibly correct, though my understanding is journalism gets enough freedom for it to be OK, but that potentially has to be resolved in court which takes money. They'd rather not be totally honest than lose a little profit.

That title is totally honest though? They are reporting the fact that the Biden campaign said X. Deciding whether or not that is an accurate portrayal of Trump is a matter for opinion and analysis section not news.

Also the Guardian is a UK publication, defamation is slightly easier to win in the UK, thus more likely to be costly for the defendant. Truth is not an absolute defense like it is in the US.

As described in The Newsroom, a great show I personally love, the media is “biased toward fairness.”

This is most likely due to the need to be as profitable as possible, although now that business model is changing in the Trump/Fox/MSNBC-Hyper-Partisan era and we are seeing more catered viewpoints. But the “bias toward fairness” is what has helped shift the Overton window so far to the right. They ignore basic factual truth to appear “fair,” taking this floating viewpoint that insists on looking at everything through the amorphous, yet binary, political lens.

The example used in the show was about flat earthers (this was, actually, a time when that was an absolutely absurd example): “if half of the Republican caucus walked onto the house floor tomorrow and said ‘the earth is flat,’ The Times would lead with ‘Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on shape of earth.’”

It’s one of the many, many, many, many issues with modern society that stack up to give us the overarching problem…of everything going on today. I dunno, maybe this is just me, but any time I think about any nuanced, hyper-specific issue like this, with such far-reaching consequences, our problems seem insurmountable. Because this issue is connected to larger issues and much smaller issues and THE largest issue and the consequences are devastating…it just seems like modern society has become so stacked and complicated that you can’t unravel one problem without digging up and figuring out a million others. And we’re running out of time. But even saying THAT is a multifaceted conversation…it’s all so exhausting.

People have been talking about the unindicted traitor since J6 and the media pretends Nazis hushing up means no one is talking about it. Anyone still pretending he's a legitimate candidate for office has their head up their ass.

He was elected once and I hate to say it but there's still a chance he'll be elected again. He isn't legitimate in the sense that he has no sense of decorum or history or human decency but he could be elected.

The guy is facing like dozens of criminal charges. How can someone like that run for presidency in the first place?

Innocent until proven guilty. It's important to remember that.

However, I'd argue the President of the United States should be held to a higher standard than merely "not convicted."

Hasn't he now said things in open court multiple times that would be taken as direct admissions coming from anyone else?

I'm civil court. I don't think he's testified in any criminal cases yet. Maybe I'm wrong.

Wouldn't matter, as long as it's entered in open court it's admissable as evidence.

Statements in civil court are admissible. He is allowed to take the 5th if it concerns criminal activity, it's just a bad thing because in civil court the worst is assumed of what was asked.

"Not convicted" is actually not a requirement. Being a natural born US citizen and at least 35 of age are the only ones, although specific convictions could bar him from holding specific offices.

If all of his lawsuits remain undecided until the elections there is nothing stopping him (and presumably finding a way to pardon himself ex post facto somehow).

He will appeal any and everything. He's litigious and has enough funds to run this for a while.

He's also a former president so he'll count on special standing.

Convictions may - or should - move votes, but I fully expect him to be on ballots throughout the nation next year. A few states may use the 14th Amendment, but if any states prevail in that, I don't expect they were likely to go for him anyhow.

Someone will tell me I'm wrong, but states that want Trump enough do shady things. Also, anyone coming here with a sirens song about how Trump will be convicted and the DOJ really knows this matters... Let's see how this goes. I'm sure they're serious. I'm also sure the justice system will give him every chance to prove himself not guilty.

We must beat him at the ballot box. And we should prepare that way.

He's litigious and has enough funds to run this for a while.

That's actually a big question especially if his businesses are seized.

He can get a million idiots to sign over their social security checks just by posting a video. He’s never running out of money.

Can't. That would be another crime.

People can help other people pay court costs. It's done every day across the US.

Where are you getting your information?

His business assets are under audit and he's not allowed to create any new accounts.

He can't accept money, his legal team could buy they haven't been paid by him or anyone else at this point.

His business accounts in New York, which is his main state of operation, sure.

He can accept money. He can use specific funds to pay lawyers.

I need to see a citation for what your are saying. I asked a question and all you did was say it less wrong, but still no reference.

It would be naive to assume there isn't a federal investigation at this point.

Sure, but he's partially in trouble for soliciting money and not using it for that purpose. Similarly his legal team repeatedly complain about not getting paid.

It's fraud, his accounts are being investigated, this is public knowledge I need not prove to you because it is in fact common sense as well given the charges directly related to it.

Still no citation?

It's not all fraud and it's not all illegal. That's effectively what you're asserting not simply to me, but to everyone who reads.

That means a quick Google of things to find the common sense article that says he has no means of support. Not less... You're not asserting less. You're saying or strongly implying none.

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Not literally, mate. But if you can scam a grandmother out of her money by asking for itunes gift cards, you can bet she'll send an actual check.

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He's been pulling millions in donations for his legal defense. He won't have a problem there.

Claimed and he's under investigation for the use of those funds. Similarly he hasn't paid his legal team, it's a big issue for them.

This encapsulates what I've been seeing here.

He will appeal that ruling. They have been trying to set multiple reasons why if should be allowed - and he'll try them all and then some.

The court where this ends (before 2025), is the court of public opinion. Or we get lucky that every layer rejects his claims that an appeal is warranted because x.

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On the other end of the "things I support" spectrum, Eugene Debs kept running as a socialist for president even after he was put in jail (for a speech against the war)

E. V. Debs' Statement to the Court, Upon Being Convicted of Violating the Sedition Act, September 18, 1918:

"Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

I listened to all that was said in this court in support and justification of this prosecution, but my mind remains unchanged. I look upon the Espionage Law as a despotic enactment in flagrant conflict with democratic principles and with the spirit of free institutions…

Your Honor, I have stated in this court that I am opposed to the social system in which we live; that I believe in a fundamental change—but if possible by peaceable and orderly means…

Standing here this morning, I recall my boyhood. At fourteen I went to work in a railroad shop; at sixteen I was firing a freight engine on a railroad. I remember all the hardships and privations of that earlier day, and from that time until now my heart has been with the working class. I could have been in Congress long ago. I have preferred to go to prison…

I am thinking this morning of the men in the mills and the factories; of the men in the mines and on the railroads. I am thinking of the women who for a paltry wage are compelled to work out their barren lives; of the little children who in this system are robbed of their childhood and in their tender years are seized in the remorseless grasp of Mammon and forced into the industrial dungeons, there to feed the monster machines while they themselves are being starved and stunted, body and soul. I see them dwarfed and diseased and their little lives broken and blasted because in this high noon of Christian civilization money is still so much more important than the flesh and blood of childhood. In very truth gold is god today and rules with pitiless sway in the affairs of men.

In this country—the most favored beneath the bending skies—we have vast areas of the richest and most fertile soil, material resources in inexhaustible abundance, the most marvelous productive machinery on earth, and millions of eager workers ready to apply their labor to that machinery to produce in abundance for every man, woman, and child—and if there are still vast numbers of our people who are the victims of poverty and whose lives are an unceasing struggle all the way from youth to old age, until at last death comes to their rescue and lulls these hapless victims to dreamless sleep, it is not the fault of the Almighty: it cannot be charged to nature, but it is due entirely to the outgrown social system in which we live that ought to be abolished not only in the interest of the toiling masses but in the higher interest of all humanity…

I believe, Your Honor, in common with all Socialists, that this nation ought to own and control its own industries. I believe, as all Socialists do, that all things that are jointly needed and used ought to be jointly owned—that industry, the basis of our social life, instead of being the private property of a few and operated for their enrichment, ought to be the common property of all, democratically administered in the interest of all…

I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.

This order of things cannot always endure. I have registered my protest against it. I recognize the feebleness of my effort, but, fortunately, I am not alone. There are multiplied thousands of others who, like myself, have come to realize that before we may truly enjoy the blessings of civilized life, we must reorganize society upon a mutual and cooperative basis; and to this end we have organized a great economic and political movement that spreads over the face of all the earth.

There are today upwards of sixty millions of Socialists, loyal, devoted adherents to this cause, regardless of nationality, race, creed, color, or sex. They are all making common cause. They are spreading with tireless energy the propaganda of the new social order. They are waiting, watching, and working hopefully through all the hours of the day and the night. They are still in a minority. But they have learned how to be patient and to bide their time. The feel—they know, indeed—that the time is coming, in spite of all opposition, all persecution, when this emancipating gospel will spread among all the peoples, and when this minority will become the triumphant majority and, sweeping into power, inaugurate the greatest social and economic change in history.

In that day we shall have the universal commonwealth—the harmonious cooperation of every nation with every other nation on earth…

Your Honor, I ask no mercy and I plead for no immunity. I realize that finally the right must prevail. I never so clearly comprehended as now the great struggle between the powers of greed and exploitation on the one hand and upon the other the rising hosts of industrial freedom and social justice.

I can see the dawn of the better day for humanity. The people are awakening. In due time they will and must come to their own.

When the mariner, sailing over tropic seas, looks for relief from his weary watch, he turns his eyes toward the southern cross, burning luridly above the tempest-vexed ocean. As the midnight approaches, the southern cross begins to bend, the whirling worlds change their places, and with starry finger-points the Almighty marks the passage of time upon the dial of the universe, and though no bell may beat the glad tidings, the lookout knows that the midnight is passing and that relief and rest are close at hand. Let the people everywhere take heart of hope, for the cross is bending, the midnight is passing, and joy cometh with the morning."

you said it yourself. He's FACING criminal charges. He hasn't been convicted of anything. Remember in America you're innocent until PROVEN guilty. You've made up your mind about him, but the law hasn't, yet...

Sounds like you've made up your mind on Trump 😂 just another in denial

IDGAF about Trump to be honest. He's a crook along with the rest of them. The whole government is as fucked as the fanboys that pant over what side is right.

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He’ll be borrowing “human animals” from the Israeli government soon.

The Democrats need to go off script and run a fresh face with thick skin and a mouth that can pick Trump apart.

Andrew Santino for president!

I think you might be describing John Fetterman.

Every time I think it can't get worse… This fucker is a pro. I need to stop underestimating him. Speed-run to fascism in less than a decade.

The dominoes have been getting set up since the 70s. Just because it looks fast once they start getting knocked over doesn't mean there hasn't been extensive prep in getting there.

I mean we do have the internet now so it makes sense things are at least a smidgen faster Maybe if you account for that variable the Nazis had approximately the same timeline?

I'm sure Trump has some kind of solution to this "vermin problem"! /s

A concluding solution? Some kind of ultimate solution?
Crikey, surely there must be a 'final' way to say this...

You aren't even being sarcastic, and you're using that stupid shit at the end of your comment? God I hate it. If there's anything I would like eliminated from the face of the earth, it's '/s'.

Clam down dude, some people just can't get that you are making a joke so you gotta use the /s.

Why you gotta? It ruins it.

Like I said some people just can't perceive irony, especially online. My comment would probably be sitting at -28 instead of +28 if I didn't.

Horseshit it's very clearly a joke, and even if it was at -28, why give a shit? And you weren't even being sarcastic.

You ruined your joke.

Since we all seem to know where this is headed, could we all chip in on a Kickstarter to get Trump a bunker, just to be sure that ball's rolling?

He was already hiding in the white house bunker when there was a crowd outside. [1] [2]

I'd prefer the Boulangist ending tbqh.

From chess?

Yes, the controversial ending move where your king flees off the board when the pawns turn against him, and shoots himself.

I opened this thread for Vermin Supreme comments.

I was not disappointed.

Thank you Lemmy, thank you.

Imagine a president using such genocidal language

We better all vote for the non genocide president

And just think if Obama said this stuff.... they would have grilled him alive. Literally.

But the genocidal president promised us a better economy or something! What's a little cultural oppression if it means cheaper eggs at the grocery store?

you mean the one in office that's leading us straight into ww3?

How long have we been almost in ww3 now? Find some new material ffs

Are you fucking joking? Are you not watching what's happening? Do you not realize we've mobilized OUR military? The middle east is a ticking time bomb and all the players are in position. We're closer to ww3 under biden than we EVER were from trump. But go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.

More like the one protecting the entire western world from Islamic jihad expanding more.

There's a reason the leadership of the civilized world has lined up against the Palestinians here. This is a zero sum game BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, with Israel being the first target. They even say Jordan is next. It's wild people are supporting them but not believing them.

Oh, just like in 2001 when 'radical Islam' hated our freedom so we had to invade Iraq? You can say the same about the goal for Israeli leadership, they have long made it clear they don't support a solution that allows Palestine to exist, they want the idea and the people gone. If they got rid of Palestine you don't think they'd have new targets?

What do you even mean Jordan is next?

Actually though it wasn't them that rejected the two state solution, Arafat and now Hamas have been very clear 'from the river to the sea' they will not accept a two state solution or any form of existence for Israel

Edit - downvoting literal facts won't change them

Except for the fact Iraq wasn't calling for the death of all Americans as part of their charter. It's nothing alike, this is more like if Mexico started attacking America every single day and said it wouldn't stop until every American was dead.

The leadership of Hamas has said clearly that Israel is the start, they intend to take Jordan next. They've already tried and failed in Jordan.

Israel has offered something like a dozen internationally backed peace agreements. Each one has been rejected by the Palestinians who refused to acknowledge Israel as a country. What do you mean they've long made it clear? They've made offers over the past twenty years.... they left Gaza entirely in that time. They're not trying now, but they've certainly tried plenty over the years.

Considering Israel has returned land that it's acquired in conflicts, they've shown they're not interested in crossing into Jordan, Egypt and the like. I don't think I've ever seen an argument they're trying to be expansionist beyond the west bank or what their hard right would consider their biblical borders, that's a weird one. Their push to the river is clearly a defensive maneuver to rid itself of a threat that can strike its capital. Peace would eliminate that argument and most Israelis are in favor of leaving the wb and the strip entirely.

People downvoting.... Where is the lie?

No lie, just Jew hate. People refuse to accept that the propaganda they've swallowed isn't backed by the historical record.

Mother fuckers out there claiming Jesus was a Palestinians Arab FFS. Dude died before Islam was even a thing. It's wild watching the disinformation flying around these days.

Hamas =/= Palestinian

I never said it was but.... Palestinian= Hamas as it is comprised of Palestinians so calling Hamas Palestinian isn't incorrect in any way shape or form.

Ok, so (assuming you're american) I can call you KKK then, right? Same thing innit?

Did I miss when America elected the KKK? I'm not American, I might have not seen that on the history Channel....

So not the same thing, not even remotely close to the same thing.

"Palestinians elected Hamas" isn't the gotcha that you think it is. Palestine hasn't had a free election since 2006, when Hamas postured themselves as the moderate party against the liberal Fatah, who were embroiled in a corruption scandal at the time. As soon as Hamas took power, they shifted to fundamentalism and ceased elections.

There are people living in Palestine right now who have never had a say in their own government because they weren't born when the current regime took power.

I'm not saying it as a gotcha, I'm stating it as a fact. Hamas is Palestinian, made up of Palestinians and currently representing the Palestinian people to the world.

It's not wrong to say Hamas is Palestinian, it's 100% accurate and truthful.

Hamas existed well before they were elected, their founding Charter is based on Islamic jihadism. You're not so ignorant as to believe that the people of Gaza weren't aware of this when electing them, and if you are then please get off tik tok and touch some grass.

Yes that's who Israel is fighting, it's a tragedy that innocent Palestinians are caught in the cross fire but when Hamas won't let them leave it's very difficult to avoid casualties.

It's incredibly easy to avoid. stop bombing refugee centers, hospitals, etc.

I think the whole leading us into WW3 thing started with the abrupt pullout from Afghanistan

his lawyers are reading him Mein Kampf during breaks. It's woking

Pretty sure he just gets the TLDR version. His pea brain couldn't sit in one place long enough to listen to the entire book

They just let him watch Jojo Rabbit, he enjoys it because he relates to the main character. He's only seen the first 15mins because his attention span isn't that long.

IIRC he used to keep a copy on his nightstand. I don't know if this is true, but I remember reading it a long time ago.

And every single poll has him winning in 2024. Anything can happen in the next 12 months, but damn, how is support for him so high?

One thing to keep in mind is to think about what kind of person actually participates in polls, and how that type of person will tend to lean politically (hint, old retired people)

That being said, fascism has happened continuously all throughout history for a reason. people like it when they think it's on "their side". A lot of conservative voters genuinely think America would be a better place if the democratic party was forcibly eliminated, and so they're not only fine with what Trump is saying, they're enthusiastic about it.

Combine the human tendency for populism with decades of conditioning from outlets like Fox News that conservatives are the only "real Americans" and that the "radical left" is hell bent on destroying their lives, raping babies, and turning their sons into daughters, and you have a large population of voters who genuinely think that democracy is bad if it means "the other side" gets to win.

Many Fascist movements start out with enthusiastic support from at least a large chunk of their population (Hitler was elected), by the time people realize that fascism only ever actually benefits those at the top, it's too late

Skewed polling.

This is your daily reminder to vote responsibly in 2024.

Don't take polls at face value. The polls said Hillary Clinton was crushing Trump right up until October of that same year and as we know Trump voters turned out and Dems stayed home because they thought it was a free win.

AFAIK the only polls that show Trump ahead right now are landline-only polls, and most younger voters who trend more progressive do not have a landline service so they are naturally excluded from the results. Regardless, even if future polls say that Trump is crushing Biden, show up and vote anyway.

Mostly because the left does nothing but exaggerate reasons to hate the democrats and make grand statements about how they're only going to vote for someone with exactly their opinion on everything (current opinions with the benefit of hindsight applied to their historical opinions of course)

Wait, are you seriously saying "I guess I'll just hold my nose and vote for Biden" isn't a catchy campaign slogan?

“I’ll hold my nose again, and vote for Biden” kinda has a ring to it.

Vote, but be ready for some direct action

I'd say they are probably not going to vote for anyone based on opinion, because things like human rights and healthcare access are not matters of opinion. People themselves don't want to die from lack of healthcare access or atrocities. But you have people who say it's ok if we make it so that OTHER people die from lack of healthcare and atrocities, as long as they don't. Those people are the Republicans.

Sure, and the kill-billies who support you when they're not shooting up black churches and Wal-Marts are upstanding American citizens.

This sounds much too coherent for it to be something he wrote himself. That doesn't make it better. It probably makes it worse. He's still spouting Nazi slurs and may not even be aware of it because he has no awareness of history.

There's no way he's not aware of the precedent he's following. He doesn't care as long as it gets him back into power.

Trump needs to be locked up before he starts a civil war, which is probably his goal tbh.

The messed up thing is that even locking him up might not stop it, and in fact may accelerate it. We're f'ing doomed.

Gosh if only we had some way of altering the flow of events other than locking people up for their ideas.

Guess there’s just no way

— Gulag supporters

Honestly, I'm so sick and tired of anyone left of insane here not willing to do what must be done. Time to make those fema camp conspiracy theories come true

And the concept that all ideas are valid and have the same merit is just as silly as your scenario. The act of locking a person up for very bad ideas is not new or uncommon. For example, making actual plans to commit a serious crime. Or what about lying to a person to encourage them to do something violent? What about encouraging a crowd of people to riot? What about using words that don't directly encourage violence, but imply that they should be angry and should do "something" about it, while giving very clear indications of who the crowd should be angry at? When do we cross the line from an idea to incitement or conspiracy?

Criminal incitement refers to conduct, words, or other means that urge or naturally lead others to riot, violence, or insurrection.

So here we have a former president using very similar language to a historical genocidal dictator to dehumanize those who oppose him. And he's using that language while speaking to a crowd of supporters who might take his words as encouragement to riot or commit violent acts. We have evidence of that mob behavior being a very real possibility, so it is reasonable to presume that the same type of speech may cause it to happen again.

I think it's coming regardless. The losing party of the next presidential election will probably be the one to rise up, regardless of which party it is. Honestly, if Trump wins, I can see the left revolting, and if Trump loses, I can see the hard right revolting. I think it's a lose/lose situation.

This really feels like false equivalency. Yes, the MAGA crowd has a delusional belief that they are an overwhelming majority, and that electoral losses must mean a rigged election. They are ready to try to take power by force, they've demonstrated that, and there are high up instigators pushing them that way. But "the left" isn't really Democrats, and either way, I don't see any likelihood of a revolution from Leftists or Democrats just in response to an election. Mass protests, yes, but not revolution. Now, if the next election after that is suspended, then we might be close.

Think of every no nonsense, tough American you've met. If you've been to jail, the military, hard labor sites, kitchens, factories, barrios, hoods and warzones you know exactly who I'm talking about.

A pussy who has never seen a real ordeal in his entire life just called a majority of them "vermin" for internet points with mongoloids, and thinks it's a great idea to begin threatening them with the idea of "being crushed" by him and his "power," the likes of which places him among luminaries like Scott Baio and Kid Rock.

I can't wait for the world to see what finally happens to him, what we're gonna do to him--one way or another--it will be wild for them to watch 🤣, our proudest days are ahead of us!

Wait, people in the military and jail have never seen a real ordeal? I'd argue just by existing in jail and making it in the military you see a bit of it.

Read carefully

It's the same type of talk of how Israel uses to describe Palestinians

So who are the orcs that will vote for this abomination?

Please stop using dehumanising language when criticizing someone for using dehumanising language

He's not gonna do shit. He didn't do shit last time he was elected, and he won't do shit if he's elected again. I fucking hate election cycle headlines.

Moving the goal posts again, I see. He did not do shit last time, you say.

But hey, maybe you guys can keep dodging these Nazi bullets.

I think you will find there is a whole list of shit, if you actually gave a fuck.

What do you mean by "you guys"? Also you think Biden doesn't have a page like that? He hasn't done shit either.

I'm unclear what you mean by "done shit". Do you mean to say has not enacted any policy or performed any duties of governance? Or do you mean followed up on violent threats?

Also, Biden does have a page like that. It's not even 1/10th the size of Tonald Drump's page.

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He did kinda spin up that whole "overthrow the election" thing.

Which achieved nothing. Everything he does is bullshit.

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I'm no fan of Trump, but "vermin" really is an out of pocket insult. I've also got no idea how insulting someone is Nazi behavior. Y'all just want a bad look for your opposition.

It's not the specific word, but the entire context. Here's the Truth Social post:

"In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American dream."

This is exactly the same comparison Hitler made to his own political enemies. It's not like it's a particularly common word these days, either, so it's hard to see how it'd enter his limited vocabulary by other means.

I stopped clicking on articles about things Trump says... Am reminded why. The full quote is always an order of magnitude worse than what you'd assume from the headline. Literally impossible to exaggerate the toxic spittle that comes out of this man's mouth.

He literally cheated on the election himself, and what kind of freedom is he proposing where a party's opposition should be targeted?

You can't call to exterminate People, you CAN call to exterminate vermin.

Does the fact that hitler called the jews vermin clear up anything for you?

I'm sure he used all kinds of insults. That doesn't give him a monopoly on language.

Other Israeli political, military and religious leaders have at different times described Palestinians as “a cancer”, “vermin”, and called for them to be “annihilated”.

Not Nazi talk, it's Israeli talk

Wrong. It's the talk of authoritarian extremist politicians in all countries.

You'd think that they'd be the LAST group to talk about others like that. But we live in this world.

Didn't an Israeli leader use this same exact rhetoric weeks ago describing Palestinians? So does that make that leader a Nazi too?

Which one? Some of them literally have a criminal record for hate crimes, so yeah, "fascist" might apply, if not "Nazi".

Dehumanising people is bad juju regardless of who does it.

Probably. And if Biden said "Trump supporters need to be exterminated" then we'd be saying the same about him. This is not a double standard.

It's just a word, has nothing to do with being openly a Nazi. It's a strongly insulting word, Trump likes to insult people, eventually he's going to get around to some insults Nazis used. Nothing to do with being inspired by them.

Biden is committing actual genocide so who the fuck cares about words. Genocide Joe puts his money where his mouth isn't.

Like Trump wouldn't turn the genocide up to eleven, we're pretty fucked either way. Democrats at least pretend to want to outsource genocide, right-wingers in the US would openly support it domestically as well.

Trump wouldn't do jack shit more than Biden. He would do exactly as much. They're both shitstains and if you vote for either of them you are a Nazi.

Trolls like you are exactly why lemmy needs post and comment scores.

Sad there are Nazi apologists on Lemmy trying to do mental gymnastics to justify voting for genocidal geriatrics.

What's his alternative? Not much choice when it's a mess your country made and not supporting your spoilt brat would get you strung up in the town square.

Do we live in Russia where you get Arrested when you don't vote for Putin?

Last time I checked nobody at the American voting booth is waiting to arrest you when you vote for a third party.

Yet somehow people willingly vote for a guy they don't want to vote for.

What point are you addressing? Israel is the spoilt brat, to be clear

Kinda like calling your opponents deplorable? Isn't this just modern shit politics?

Deplorable (adjective): Dishonorable or deserving of strong condemnation.

Vermin (noun): Noxious or disgusting wild animals that are difficult to control.

Say what you will but she was right.

It was proven during Charlottesville, again during January 6th, and many more times between and since.

Anyone who still supports Trump, considering everything he's said and done, is deplorable.

Calling them deplorable at this point is just being way too kind.

I don't remember reading about Hitler calling people deplorable. He did call them vermin though.

One is saying that somebody is to be deplored and the other is saying that somebody belongs to a category of animals that are usually to be exterminated where found. Can you see the difference?

They're both off hand insults about their opponents' supporters. I think you'd agree with me when I say NOTHING Trump has ever said has any deeper meaning. He's an idiot just saying what pops into his head.

No, Trump says whatever pops into his head to get cheers.

It has no meaning to him, but it has meaning

It's also very telling where his mind goes to pillage ideas. You never hear him spontaneously spurt out "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" and go on a wild tangent from there. There may be no direction to his streams of consciousness, but the pond he's ambling around in says a lot about him.

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