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Joined 1 years ago

The best solution to this problem is not to buy one in the first place.

The only thing that surprises me is that anyone is surprised by this. If you buy a physical book from anywhere, you own it. If you "buy" the rigth to play a movie (or read a book) from amazon, you own nothing. Usually they don't show that so clearly but that's the reality.

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Climate change. I live in a city with decent bicycle infrastructure and good public transport. Yet most people still argue they need their damn car to get to work alone without luggage, less than 5 kilometers away.

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For anyone who thinks that is surprising: I have a bridge to sell you.

Reddit against religion. Hand me the popcorn.

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So you give them $14 and hope, they don't sell your data? I never had a facebook/whatsapp account and never will and I know why.

You are doning it wrong. Whenever I buy new hardware, I read up on linux support before. Formated my last windows partition at home 5 years ago.

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Is there anyone who likes landlords? Why would they?

When you make your business dependent on a single supplier, that's a massive risk. I don't quite understand why many Managers don't grasp that concept. There are two solutions: build your own infrastructure or use something that's either publicly available (like open source software) or easily replaceable (like a library with a common interface that many others also implement in a way that would also solve your usecase).

If you don't do that, one day in the future your supplier will increase the cost until it's just below the cost of switching. If the cost of switching is more than you can afford at that point, you are screwed.

Cloud computing anyone?

Ad targeting should just be banned outright. It serves noone and creates huge pools of easy to abuse data.

I can name one at least:

It's worse. They use "machine learning". So nobody can know the failure modes before they happen.

I would even go so far as to say: I want every household appliance as dumb as possible. Once things are smart enough, they are used to spy on you, or defraud you or both.

Misinformation predates the internet. I would bet it even predates written words. Humans are bad at detecting misinformation unless they are tought a scientific mindset and even that is not a 100% fix.

But who would make cheap license plates then. Who would pay for the profits of the private prison owners or all the predatory companies providing "services" for the prisons and prisoners. I would bet, that most people in Alabama prisons are not white, so you really think Alabama law makers give a rats ass about their prospecs after prison?

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That homelessness and hunger are not ended in the USA is not because the money needed is spent on other things, it is because the government doesn't want to end them.

I'm an atheist and consider all organized religion evil. But restricting what people can wear in school (apart from covering their genitals and not restricting movement or vision to the point that it hinders education) is indefensible.

I did the switch twenty years ago, starting with dual-boot and Wine. Nowadays dual-boot is gone and I never use Wine outside of gaming.

I know you Americans do everything a bit different but here in Europe prison is for rehabilitation, at least on paper.

Is this an established fact? If so, that's quite interesting.

he reality is if you give it a simple prompt, it generates the blandest, most uninspired, badly paced textural garbage imaginable

Which is not too far from the typical sequel quality coming out of hollywood at the moment ;-)

The funny part is that contextual ads are at least as effective as targeted ads. So not only is facebook violating your privacy. They are ripping of their customers at the same time.

Like, do it in private, but don't bother other people with it. Seems fair.

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I would assume, there are some who want to live there and don't see a problem there and others who are to poor to leave or are otherwise unable to.

You must be new here.

To be fair: not pushing lies that are big enough to provoke a successful lawsuit any more is not the same as telling the truth.

I wouldn't do that if I hadn't warned everyone who would and wouldn't listen about this since the start of the business model. I'm just frustrated, that nobody listens until it's to late.

Problem with bulshit is, once the pile is high enough it's very hard to convince people that there is no pony underneath.

And this particular pile has been heaped on for centuries...

Isn't that exactly what they are doing?

Also the half life of windows knowledge is a lot lower than linux knowledge. Under windows: when you have this problem, click here, click there, find this button, select this option and then it might help, until the next version changes everything. Under linux you find this config file, change this line to that and the fix will likely survive multiple system upgrades and could even work on different distributions.

I'm literally waiting for the moment when a disproportionate ammount of Musk-critics die in car crashes.

You only get to become CEO when you have friends in high places. Why would anyone risk the backlash for hurting you when silently letting you go with a golden handshake doesn't cost their own money or at least a neglegible part of it.

That's a really unhealthy diet. Don't do that! But honestly: As long as you have a smart elite, you can change things for the better by getting enough people to protest loudly and a few to protest violently. If your elite has degenerated to much over the generations your only option is revolution, which is usually bloody and not fun.

That is definitely not inevitable. It could very well be that we reach a point of diminishing returns soon. I'm not convinced, that the simplistic construction of current generation machine learning can go much further than it already has without significant changes in strategy.

Well, as I see it, it's only organized religion that is harmful.

When it comes to corporations, the problem is there are no good actors. They are required by law to do what ever maximizes shareholder value.

If I recall correctly there was a time, where they did a deal with Disney a few years back. Disney wanted to bring one or more of their classic animations back to the cinema and Amazon disabled playback of those movie(s) for that time even for people who had "bought" them.

I'm sorry. Before that adapted educational system is ready, civilization will already be doomed by climate change. We have the next 15 to 20 years to act and we are already much to late to prevent some really bad stuff.

I remember the 1984 incident. At the time I thought this is so ironic, it has to be satire. Now, just a few years later it doesn't even register as odd anymore.