US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video to Not The – 776 points –
US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

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Like, do it in private, but don't bother other people with it. Seems fair.

Religion is like a penis. You can do whatever you want with it at home, but don't go waving it in people's faces, and especially keep it away from children.

Would you be ok with people being Nazis at home? If someone commits to an ideology at home, it affects their entire personality/interactions. I'd argue this is a form of tolerance which is bad.

Would you be ok with surveilling everyone to make sure they are not Nazis? While I am uncomfortable with the knowledge that there are some people out there who are Nazis in secret, that is still much better than them feeling comfortable enough to be Nazis in the open.

Also I would prefer even Nazis marauding in the streets to universal surveillance, which for me at least is hardly imaginable without at least a little Nazi ideology at government level.

Also I was talking about religion which in contrast to Nazi-ideology can be benign, when practiced in private.

I wasnt advocating for surveiling everyone. I was suggesting creating an atmosphere that continuously shuts down religion just like we do with Nazism. I accept that not everyone agrees with Nazis, but our general consensus is that Nazis are bad. The same cannot be said for our general consensus of religion.

Well, as I see it, it's only organized religion that is harmful.

These groups get their legitimacy and authority by following an ideology everyone worships. There's a reason why Scientology is seen as a stupid idea while Christianity/Islam are "ways of life." It's because the latter religions are popular and they become legitimate because of popularity. That's why I think it's really important to shame anyone who considers themselves a true religious person, to errode that legitimacy.