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As per systemctl(1) manual:

If --force is specified twice, the operation is immediately executed without terminating any processes or unmounting any file systems. This may result in data loss. Note that when --force is specified twice the halt operation is executed by systemctl itself, and the system manager is not contacted. This means the command should succeed even when the system manager has crashed.

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For people who don't know. Sweet piss smell is associated primarely with STIs and Diabetes. Anon likely is shit out of luck.

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Working out and cardio helps. Quadratic breathing also might help continuing (4 s breathing in, 4 s hold, 4 s breathing out, 4 s hold)

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Hur durr... You have different interests... Therefore degenerate...

Do you even realize how incredibly stupid the whole concept of tribalism is?

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Putin as monkey with banana

Do eet!

But why should I know it?

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Wasn't there a licensing issue with jpeg xl for using Microsoft's some sort of algo?

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Guix - It's basically an abstraction over software compilation and distribution. It uses guile lisp language as glue to bind it all together. (Full programming language to configure with)

The beauty arises if you want to get a minimal os running with a single application and package it either as a full iso or a docker container you can. Or if you need to get an OS to run as your router.

It's also highly encourages free software to the point, that proprietary software actually feels like huge downgrade to include. (Compilation from source is always available)

I've been using this only for 11 months. I've barely scratched the surface on what is possible. So I'm pretty sure I'm not making it justice on what a gem it is. For example: Only recently I started to use programs in an immutable way.

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Quality shitposting

It's pretty regular thing to beat your father if he abused you before. (Usually happens when the child is around 16). Then the child is kicked out of home. Many such stories here in Lithuania.

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Reddit has a karma sum which is used to deny access from posting altogether. Here if you say something unpopular, you don't get the dopamine hit from upvotes, but you're also not silenced, unless the mod explicitly bans you.

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Yeah, you're missing the part that it's proprietary, and you have no real way of knowing what's running on your system. It could be mining bitcoin at night or forcing ads on you.

It's only illegal/unethical if you view it from the perspective of capitalism. On most fronts it's actually ethical. I know it's difficult to grasp due to heavy advertisement on IP law, but IP barely provides more than it takes away. Shit 3d printing exploded once IP was no longer in effect. Coronavirus vaccine would be available for 3rd countries (Now they pay way more per shot than they should)

Not to mention piracy actually preserves media that is culturally significant. (insert monopoly IP story here) Piracy does seem like a way to protest against a broken system.

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Normal, a child shouldn't be forced to kiss elders.

God I wish it were me

Web is not lightweight. I think Gemini could be better, but it's far from popular. https://drewdevault.com/2020/03/18/Reckless-limitless-scope.html

Intelectual property and patents. (Copying ideas and modifing them was always a part on how societies advances.)

Non disclosure agreements. (Allows company to monopolize on your knowledge and force you out of the industry altogether)

Lottery (a way to extract money from the poorest/dumbest members of the society)

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Both abuse cases are illegal. Throwing away from home is legal once the child is 18. Or 22 if the child is attending higher education (trade school or university)

Zirconium costs around 30 dollars per kg. That "washing machine" gonna cost around 60k on materials alone. I'm guessing it might be great for watches and other low power devices, but it likely won't power homes as is.

You can create content and you can monetize. No one is taking that away. Even FOSS licenses allow it (look up Krita on Microsoft Store as an example). The problem everyone sees is when you take a piece of information as hostage, just to monopolize on it. There are of-course other reasons why people create, not just money. Think about thousands of indie game developers, bands, artists etc. A lot of them are passionate about an idea, hobby and wish to share that with the world. A lot are fame attracted. It's a pity they are forced to work a shitty job and can't allow themselves to truly embrace their hobbies.

I know little about hollywood and it's inner workings, or the scene of indie video creators, so have no argument about it what so ever. Years ago I do remember reading on EU research which showed that music sales and movie sales drop while game sales increase due to pirating. Also I love seeing when pirates encourage to purchase from the creators they enjoy to additionally support them.

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There is a time when you are solving/coding for a specific domain and you quickly start metaprogramming (coding a code generator). That's the moment when you write your own Domain Specific Language. They have a tendency to grow and evolve. In time some of them become full blown programming languages themselves.

My suggestion, learn a few from different paradigms. They are more than eye opening.

I have had the exact same idea, ever since I found out about fediverse. It's just difficult to find ways to trust of the network. Never managed to think of a way for easy self-moderation. Money does bring an insane perversion to try and game the system.

I'm guessing the federation part if done correctly with moderation might bring more trust to the network. Since this is an idea about physical commerce, I'm guessing that having a "store" gps location could be useful for partitioning the network node search priority. Highest chance that you would like to buy from your neighbour and not from across the continent first. Otherwise with the amount of items that will be scanned is nightmare-ish.

Somewhere in the comments there is a mention about dropping crypto as a source of trust. If the store needs trust of a user, it doesn't sound unreasonable to have your national identity there.

Other source of trust and identity, could be friends. It's easy to trust direct friends and friend of friend. Knowing that it most likely will have up to 5 jumps, that could be a way to "check" if you are trusted on the network. That does bring the bootstrapping problem

Hope my ramblings will be somewhat useful.

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To be fair it's a flash drop in replacement. It isn't supposed to be secure by design, just like flash.

Not gonna lie, my eyes pulled a fast one on me. Reminds me of the time with black-blue or white-yellow dress. Thank you.

The media preservation is a side-effect from it, you can't exactly have it both ways. :) Also seeing new shit for free is not the same as losing profits. People who would pay yet pirate are not the majority. Media is fucking expensive.

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You are right. Liquidated is killed wounded captured. If it was pure KIA this war would have been over already. The text below is entered by the poster.

Construction material when building a house. If you want to live there for many years go for overkill.

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Fuck them baltics, eh?

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Feudal Tactics found on f-droid. Extremely simple yet very fun, so many hours spent just conquering islands x3

I doubt they do not admit they want and enjoy shit for free.

Before arguing for the ethicality maybe come up with a solution or at least disapprove the new media piracy.

There is no solution I can think of, unless something radical like UBI. Also I can't disapprove the new media privacy, because I find it more positive than negative. Some people losing money (negative), me not getting beaten up on the street for fun by teenagers because they are bored (positive).

One of the arguments for pirating new media is the demo effect. If you want to play a game, you don't want to spend money then realize you don't really enjoy it. Used to be a standard, now demo versions are non existing. Bought a few games after finishing them and enjoying. Same with movies.

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He was tortured long time. Little food, humiliation. In time he died afaik.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. The downvotes are because you are jumping to conclusion about lolis and other sexualization.

The fascination with child personas for most anime fans are just that. It's cute. The same ways dogs are cute, and cats are cute. I really doubt they have a fetish on children, although there are some that do. I really don't think it's right to mash them all together.

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But stealing from people who actually want to monetize on the content they created? (...appeal to emotion...)

It's not stealing, it's copying data my dude. If they want to monetize on software, they can completely. SaaS exists and it's everywhere. Me downloading a piece of software and running on my machine doesn't actually cost them anything either. And they are not losing sales, because I would not have bought it otherwise. I dislike being forced to pirate, and would love my fellow friends not being forced to use Photoshop for example just because it's an industry standard. It's closed, it's very limiting, but they can't use Gimp due to limited collaboration possibility after, so using a pirated piece of software to convert to and from correctly just to work with it seems more than reasonable.

I came here expecting to get tips on piracy and instead I saw a bunch of people claiming they were doing God’s work. Insane.

I know it seems insane, but there are other schools of thought than the dominant capitalism model we live under. Religious communities also seem insane. For bloody sake Kopimism also exists. The problem everyone sees is that your only argument is lost sales (which is valid and correct under capitalism) and there are other points that must be acknowledged. Some may argue, they are more important than what money can measure.

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There is always sourcehut

That's extremely surprising. At least here in Lithuania we were taught about it in schools. Also during folk festivals like "Mėnuo Juodaragis" or "Kilkim Žaibu" there are tradesmen, they often have accesories for sale including the sun symbol.

Where are you from?

It's a symbol, often used by the baltic cultures, often symbolizing sun, god, or perkūnas (a god similiar to zeus). And boy was it popular.

Many traditional clothes, chests, doors, furniture are often decorated with svastikas.

It's a neat little symbol and fuck the nazis trying to monopolize it.

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Does nix require the exact commit be written out for the package, or does it generate a hash during the build taking the newest git commit?

So far, “fitting in” has been the worst excuse for stealing. So, can people go into an IShop and steal Iphones because they want to fit in?

No, stealing an object is not copying my dude. I don't encourage stealing unless it's a basic human right ( water/food stealing for survival is another subject for example ).

How is stealing anyone’s effort and hard work fine? Just because the work can be duplicated easily doesn’t mean that it didn’t take a lot of effort to produce and should be sold individually.

Again copying is not stealing. I'm not disregarding he should not be compensated for his work. I'm against pay walling for people who can't afford the information. It's needlessly cruel.

Imagine telling a book author that they only sold a copy because everyone agrees copying and sharing his book was fine. It took him 5 years to write it. He’d probably kill himself. Again just because something can be duplicated doesn’t mean it doesn’t take work!!!

Imagine me writing a new book which basically is the same book, then going full on on ads and selling way more then the first guy. Then suing the first guy for stealing my ideas (disregarding the fact it was I who stole) and getting a monopoly on it. Then imagine it becoming a staple book on which everyone in an industry must have. Is it ethical to steal from me or not?

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What are the offensive actions EU is taking on the global stage?

The point is that there are cases that it's okay and ethical. That was the point from the beginning. Also that creative works are special and there should be a different way to compensate creators for them than to gate keep the poorest people from enjoying the media or getting crucial information for deepening their craft.