
1 Post – 153 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Something something are these nuts fitton in you face...

Which is the only legal remedy you'll ever get against qualified immunity btw. There has to be a specific procedure for this that has been unmistakenly violated.

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As a German, the contrast in education and training for police is unfathomable. Yes, we still have a problem with some cops being Nazis, but cops don't kill people because "I was scared" here. They usually kill them after an act of terrorism that killed a lot more people, or if they had a standoff for like 2h and the guy has a gun.

Which absolutely is the better way.

But ofc, banning guns is really helpful in the first place, because wouldn't you know, banning a killing device rapidly decreases the amount of killings. Funny how that works. I would even argue it's cause and effect and not just coincidental.

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So let me get this straight, it's not bribery because they had written contracts and it was afterwards? So if I let an official make investments into my company on behalf of me and I gave him money for it, it's only a problem if I gave him money before or I had no contract to show for it.

That is such a bonkers distinction I really wanna see how the fuck they define if the contract for the legal bribery is sufficient or not. Does it need a stamp? What the fuck

There's exactly two purposes: auto updates for drivers and a user interface to quickly install and uninstall drivers.

The cons include that there's annoying banners everywhere, the drivers itself are the same that you'll find on their website, you need to create an account for Nvidia, and they will harvest you data (most likely).

Pick your poison xd

You're 100% right. The supreme Court ruled on the duty to protect and on qualified immunity, the only way the state could get a verdict is if it's very narrowly tailored to either "extremely egregious and inhumane behavior" or for "stopping the parents". There's no other way for a judge to make a guilty verdict and at the same time make it appeal-proof to some degree.

And we just gotta hope and pray this gets through and doesn't get overturned.

It's devastating that this is one of only a few times cops might actually be held accountable.

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I wanna see the evidence and the law in this case

This is gonna be interesting af

Looking at the European fascism trend, I'd vote an actual trashcan over those funko-pop Nazis.

Free education? Hell yeah brother!

How the f do you even start killing people for this? I mean the PR crisis that follows an assassination makes everything way worse doesn't it?

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What a bullshit law. If things have flaws, they don't just have flaws for the benefit of police or government agencies. They have flaws for anyone that knows them or discovers them. This stuff will still be accessible for smart criminals, even more so in corrupt governments.

An encryption with exploits is not an encryption, it's a time bomb and it will blow up in your face at the worst moment.

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Yeah been following the rust cases closely.

Kari Morrissey was the one who secured the conviction for Hannah Gutierrez Reid.

Important things to note for Alec Baldwin's case: he's got more money and resources for his defense. There's a bunch of high class attorneys that entered appearance for Baldwin. But he has 2 major problems: those attorneys are not from new Mexico. A good lawyer knows the law and a great lawyer knows the judge. Additionally, he is known for being bad at safety and security. That was already becoming clear in HGR's trial. But legally things are bad as well: he held the weapon. Now in other states that doesn't make him more culpable than HGR, but in new Mexico basically everyone holding a weapon is held accountable for the consequences of whatever they do while holding the weapon. This, together with what I would predict are looking like pretty bad facts for him rn, is an indication that he has a steep climb to make, unless Morrissey fucks up in a major way.

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Can't tell if this is a shitpost or serious and I swear I'm trying

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Ok but what about double time? This rule is so ridiculous if it was a joke I would think it's too unrealistic

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It was worth more than my initial 70$

What an absolute donkey. Maybe he doesn't realize, but 70$ can be the difference between a healthy meal every day or not.

There's games I would pay 60€ for (I can count them on one hand), and I can assure you that the rest is usually worth way less. Ain't no way I'm leaving an additional tip. What the fuck.

If he likes tipping so much, maybe he can tip the game devs this money directly, considering he likes their game so much. He should start with his own.

What the fuck


I didn't expect this strong and transparent sign of opposition, but now that it's there, I like it.

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Probably because he was imprisoned. It's hard to say what his results would have been, but a lot of experts said just by virtue of being the only opponent he could have beat Putin in a fair election.

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Yeah it bothers me so much that ppl don't realize how the legal process works. If merchan makes any mistakes, his decision will get overturned. I want trump convicted and I want him to be unable to change that.

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confirming the developers will take a look at it

I can tell you with 99.9% certainty the developers did and do not give a duck about this or might even be opposed to the pricing model.

Why would you rope them in? It's not like Ben from level design personally specified the price of the missions. Why even involve them? If that's PR that makes it so much worse for me if they are trying to blame different departments internally. What a clusterfuck, I'm sorry for the humble low level employee who are being mangled in this mess. You are not the reason this is shit, but your bosses bosses made you part of this clown fiesta.

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I don't get why cheating the tax code is so glorified. "OMG this dude circumvents rules we made so that money works fairly. He's awesome" how do you even get there?

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whistleblower documents

Usually that stuff is not released for the benefit of the state, but against the state. And I really hope he realizes he just put children in the crossfire of a political debate that has become very extreme and heated.

Sorry but even with his policies in mind, this is more than neglectful for the children's safety. What the fuck.

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I played during a free week (dunno if it's still going). The game offers this world of awesome prospects. Even in a state where there's no additional content to the current, it's already a relaxing game with beautiful scenery. But: OMG the bugs. The tutorial waypoints sometimes don't appear for minutes. Interaction work at the servers whim. I bugged out one of my starter items (the helmet). I had to buy a new one. The first mission is the one I failed when I was delivering goods and they bugged out, so I couldn't deliver them anymore and the mission was bricked.

Pirate Software put it best: "what the game wants to be is great, but the only thing I see expanding is the storefront and I'd like it to not be that"

And I would extend that quote to "as long as the storefront expands while the core game doesn't function, this is not a game but a development service and as long as it's not a game you shouldn't buy it or anything related to it". I wanna play games and not glorified tech demos. Especially when there is more than 10 years of development. We definitely gave them enough leeway.

A lot of ppl just pretend that the Supreme Court already made up their mind, but honestly I'm not sure.

No honor among thieves.

Trump is now on the other side of the power imbalance and if they stick to Trump they can't trust him and might eventually go down with his ship.

There's a good chance they say "fk it, let's get rid of him" so they can formerly make it look like they actually wanna be neutral and just stay in power, which in my opinion is the better move rationally (thinking as a psychopath).

So for me, there is a real choice to be made and I will stay invested. Also, the bond issues on his civil trial still stand iirc, so he's got very slippery pockets and a few vultures are getting acquainted with his situation.

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Unlike block chain, there is a solid chunk of new use cases to be conquered with AI. These might be very technical in nature, but for example, text suggestions on smartphones might already be done with AI, depending on your OS.

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We can't rule it out, but Occam's razor says we should think of it as an accident right up until the moment where we find evidence for sabotage and an accident isn't enough anymore to explain it.

I was gonna say you might not have to sue again for taking down the post, you could just ask in judgement phase that you get x amount of money for every day the post was and is up since it was created. Should do the trick.

IANAL tho.

Good. Unions are doing their job.

So many assumptions here.

Let me refute them through educated guesses.

  • most people don't have anything other than stereo
  • most people don't want anything other than stereo
  • not everyone has the money to even get a decent TV, let alone 5.1 or God forbid 7.1
  • Kirby does not focus an people with high end playback devices. It's traditionally a kids game.
  • 2secs Everytime you open the game can add up and be really annoying. Especially for kids, which are the core audience.
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There's plenty of people who want that sort of discussion on Lemmy.

Btw there's legit uses for the "dark web". Getting crucial drugs that are illegal (e.g. opioids against PTSD, maybe even abortion drugs soon), communication channels for politically targeted people and more.

And obviously especially when it is so co controversial, that is even more of a reason for a public discussion forum about it. Lemmy is all about different perspectives, so that fits perfectly.

Generally, because of his criminal conviction and his intention to run for office, there's a lot of interesting legal questions that will make for new law when we litigate them.

I do like your argument, unfortunately I'm pretty sure most courts will disagree. It's two fold: first of all if you make felons unable to run, you incentivize people to prosecute someone when they wanna run for office. Secondly, this form is pretty straightforward with what possession or acquisition of firearms means. There is not enough wiggle room to stretch that definition to fit the a guy in his role as president being commander in chief over the military. I think no reasonable court would greenlight that argument.

But in general there's gonna be very interesting implications.

Having stakes in a conflict really tints your perspective even for those respectable organizations... That's annoying.

I noticed the same with aljazeera. They are regarded as really good neutral journalists on a whole list of topics. I honestly didn't expect a very foreign news organization to have such nuanced takes, but they consistently made a better job in their reporting than a lot of US or EU journalists. But when it came to something they are involved in, you can see their neutral reporting slowly decay - it's sad to watch.

Reminds me a bit of ASUS' current bold strategy to hold customers ransom over their graphics cards through pressure and deception.

Sounds pretty unenforceable to me.

Dumb af

Even the best parents are not responsible for their kids crimes. Some teenagers have bad ideas, some kids are narcissists, and parents can't always be near them to assert full control. You can not jail someone for the crimes of someone else, unless there is involvement, period.

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Right, so with all me very specific troubleshooting questions I should go where exactly?

Ecosia? Very limited search results

Yandex? More obscure results, probably not what I'm looking for

Bing? Ok on general stuff, not great on very specific questions

Yahoo? Never tried it, heard the enshittification has become bad

Duckduckgo and similar? Proxying Google

Edit: apparently it's proxying Bing and not Google. Idk if that's better but I got that wrong.

There is no way to get around Google. Everything else is either highly specialized, very limited or unusable in general.

Also feel free to chime in with your experience, I'm so down to hear what everyone has to say.

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I can give you a mixed answer to this: New York usually doesn't broadcast trials, BUT: the reason for broadcasting trials publicly is because the public has an interest in transparency, and this trial is the one where this is arguably the strongest. I would say there's a good chance.

And if not, you can just buy the transcript. Should be fun too. Thinking about it, we could crowdfund it probably....

I find this concerning.

That gender disputes reached such an explosive level, that women say they'd rather a bear join them than a man and that man get super upset over this. There's a little truth in everything. Imagine trying your hardest as a man and still being told ppl prefer a wild animal over you. Imagine knowing as a woman you can't trust men to the point where you'd prefer a wild and dangerous animal keep you company. And also imagine hating another gender with such a deep passion that a meme becomes a toxic war of insult and discrediting.

I don't like this timeline, I want a do-over.

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What the fuck are you on about. There is evidence that the right-wing party AfD in Germany has financial support from China and other various support from Russia, as well as ties to at least Russia.

This is not a "yeah right", their political proximity is very much on full display, even just listening to their speeches.

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It's really hard playing both sides when you do it by alternating mistrust. The curious part is how long they managed to keep the facade...

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