1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You are in fact wrong lol. Actual film has a resolution equivalent of something like 18K.

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For real. I got on Reddit in 2009, I was a mod for awhile blah blah blah. It’s been going downhill for almost a decade. It was slow.

Last comment I made there I got a 3 day suspension on my account. A video of a guy standing in the street and knocking down a guy in his motorcycle, stealing his keys and refusing to give them back.

I said he should have punched the dude out or choked him. I mean this dude could have killed the guy on the bike. He was unhinged. So I got a ban for “inciting or promoting violence” or some bullshit.

But here’s the thing lol. You can post about punching Nazis all day long. Fuck Nazis. Punch every one you see. But the double standard is outrageous. This is the same reason I permanently deleted Facebook. Getting a ban for saying the word “bitch”. And I was quoting Jesse pinkman! We don’t need to be babysat on the fucking internet. It’s absolutely insane what these companies do.

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^ this is true.

This post is insanely misleading.

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I hadn’t saved a meme from Reddit in a looooong time.

Joined lemmy July 1st and have been filling my phone with memes.

This place seriously reminds me of old Reddit. We don’t need a huge influx of users. Maybe just a few more but it’s pretty much perfect as is.

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I did this with two different UV resistant clear sprays and both yellowed and faded in a relatively short amount of time. And I didn’t buy super cheap bottom shelf stuff or anything. I believe I got rustoleum and another brand I don’t recall.

Simple fact is plastic is going to deteriorate in sunlight. I miss square glass headlights. Get off my lawn.

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I kinda like don’t stop believin’, because for a pop song it has one extended chorus to end the song. I like unique song structures though especially when really popular songs do something interesting like that. Journey kinda played around with structure and phrasing, given their musical backgrounds. Arena rock with fusion roots.

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It is technically possible but you’re right it would be absurdly expensive.

Something like that.

As far as lens optics, we’re really splitting hairs here. 70mm through a quality lens in an imax theater is going to look absolutely fantastic and stunning. Digital is just more convenient and at some point it will catch up and surpass film.

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Fuck spez

I’m a skilled trade worker doing maintenance at a university but I also troubleshoot my own PC issues, have built half a dozen gaming PCs

Equilibrium is so goddamn good.

I also loved terminator genysis. It was fun and entertaining, ok!? Also a huge sucker for time travel movies.

Rendering video and rendering games are pretty different. Video is generally easier especially once it’s mixed down.

Reddit kind of got lucky with the development of modern smartphones.

Old format forums that were designed for desktops were way too cluttered for mobile, especially with how small screens were back then. Reddit comes along with its streamlined take on forums as well as the ability to have a forum for any and every subject all on one site and it just took off.

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I had the same question. If I had to guess, I’d say they buy bundles of games often, where the bundle includes a game they already have but 4 games they also want. The price is right and the condition is good so why not? If a cart ever fails you have a backup right there. If the value goes up (likely) you can sell one of the copies down the line.

Edit: nvm, op replied here

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Fuck off

I’m in love. Can’t wait for this. Wish listed and shared.

Commenting to check back later

Dad wouldn’t buy me an NES when I was a kid. My next door neighbor had one and we played Top Gun and legacy of the wizard. Got an NES 20 years ago and still have it though my game collection is pretty small. Also have an old crt to play it on. Still bust out SMB3 every once in awhile for the nostalgia.

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I worked at a movie theater in high school in the 90’s, all the older employees were huge movie nerds. I asked them what the greatest movie of all time was. Got diff answers but pulp fiction and fight club were two common answers. Watched both of them and they still hold up for me to this day.

IMO Tarantino will never top Pulp Fiction. As good as his other movies are, they just don’t even come close to the magic of Pulp Fiction. And maybe that’s my nostalgia speaking but I’ll bet if I sat down I could make an objective argument if I tried. His other movies sort of drag in places but PF keeps the viewer locked in with seamless, brilliant editing. By the time it gets to the gold watch monologue you’re just riveted. The last time I watched it and it got to that scene I was like oh right, this is easily a top 5 movie for me still.

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Can’t figure out how to ‘save’ a post in the wefwef app. Anyone?

I was going to say something about him being too self indulgent in all his later movies. That’s exactly what it is. Too in love with his own style. It should work but it comes off a bit…cartoonish.

Easily Rocket League. I think I’m somewhere around 2,000 hours at the moment.

Hopefully that day comes soon

Since my vans fell apart, I’ve been wearing my sketchers work shoes I bought for a job like 4 years ago. I didn’t wear them a ton but I’m wearing them to work daily now, they are still functionally new besides being dirty.

My ex was cheating on me, because that’s what she did irl too. Fun times.

Not the person you asked but yeah I’ve been referred to that many times.

How did you save this post? I’m using wefwef but I can’t see where saved stuff actually goes…

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I would say more than half of all NES games are insanely hard to beat. Way harder than modern games honestly.

It wasn’t popular long before smartphones. It was known about, sure. But the development of modern smartphones is what made Reddit one of the biggest sites in the world.

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Mad respect for you

I think he’s the greatest human being to walk the earth.


Come to think of it my supervisor has those and I remember him saying they were several years old. They look almost new.

I mean they were the basic all black pair. $70 was way too much for them considering how fragile they were. There’s a skate shop that sells beefier ones but I don’t want a heavy shoe, I want something fairly light and a bit breathable.

I agree it was cringe, but help me jog my memory. Wasn’t that phrase initially like, started as a cringe joke? Like “if we had a stupid catch phrase it would be _____”, not intending for it to catch on but then it did? Either way it was awful and I don’t want to see anything like that here.

Anyways my submission is “The bitches always fuck my shit with cum bubbles when the vomit is ejaculated from your rotting pussy warts at midnight”

It was one of the biggest sites in the world prior to smartphones? Ok

I’m not surprised at all honestly

It sounds insane to say, but 13.4 or whatever felt way too young

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That doesn’t bother me so I’m going to still consider them. The pair I tried on fit better than any pair of shoes I’ve tried on.

You’d have to send it to a lab.

Bleach is literally going to kill everything in there. The bottle says 99.99% of bacteria and viruses only for legal reasons. Really it kills 100% when used properly.

Just bleach it twice, use a brand new scrubbing brush, hit the outside of the bowl and every little crevice you can see and you’ll be good to go.

And yet, some of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time were made based on people’s feelings and intuition. Fucking shocker I know right. I’ll bet you’re fun at parties.