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Joined 12 months ago

Oh my god, it's on one of those disgusting porn sites. But which one? Which one specifically?

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Auto industry looking at their overly inflated prices, "well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions."

I really wish Biden would step down. I'd love a better option from the Dems. That said, no way in hell am I voting for Trump.

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GUMBIES isn't real, it can't hurt me...

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What's the matter? The machine will cover your junk. Plus you can high five your buds after you finish together.

I don't know if they still exist. But there were these machines in casinos that took dollar bills, and always seem to pay out really well. 1 of paper equals 4 of coin everytime.

I disagree. An 80 year old is not the best option we have.

I cant wait to use my flash drive to get one of these.

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That's it? If you won the lottery, you'd do two chicks at the same time?

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Key word, shouldn't

I take the $15 and invest it in the market. Now I am billionaire. If only you all would do the same \s

Well anyway, here's wonderwall

Both sides are the same! \s

Breakfast for dinner with challah French toast! First time trying it with this bread

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Having used both, immich wins by a landslide. I was initially waiting until it got to a stable release, but it's already so much better. I'd recommend anyone to just use immich.

My wife and I had very different experiences. I had one bad day in bed and was fine after. She was sick for at least a week and lost her since of smell (and much of taste) for about 6 months with another 6 months recovering.

I've gone smell blind!

Id like to think it would still work both ways mechanically, but would be one sided electrically.

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Your post must be taken down and you must submit to questioning or else. \s

You have to be capitalistic, no not like that!

This is extremely fucked up. First time I've heard of this, thanks for commenting

This is definitely an order of magnitude calculation, but doesn't that correspond to $60 per person in the US? Is this big number scary article?

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It's simple, we eat the rich.

Meeting my spouse. They make me want to be a better person.

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

My father wanted to name me Inigo. Unfortunately he passed shortly before my birth. On an unrelated note, do any of you have 6 fingers?

Of course you'll live longer! Now we can raise the age of retirement. We promise you'll live long enough to see it. Almost there!

It's simple. We nuke the clouds.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. And it'll happen to you too!

Bought a Vizio cause it was cheap. Ended up seeing vertical lines just outside of the warranty window.

You get what you pay for. Now I have a Sony, and no looking back

Sitting on the right side of the couch, now sitting on the left side of the couch.... Merged with my dog. Very animorphs

This will protect me from the harmful Covid causing 5g rays I've heard so much about.

+1 for CS50. This is where I started and I've since transitioned to python. I think the basics will make you a better programmer overall (instead of python first), but it really depends on what you're looking for.

I'd say a lot of my favorite Asian dishes follow this pattern. Most of them are pretty challenging to recreate due to the amount of ingredients and types of cooking involved. Guess there's a reason they taste so good

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Oh yeah, now this is an avengers level threat!


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You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

You're allowed to fast travel, but only after walking there first.

Playing through hades and now I get the hype. Super fucking fun

Did this to a guy to get him to try whataburger and admit it's good.