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Joined 11 months ago


I hope this is the one thing that he actually follows through on. Drive a stake through it already

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Yeah I'm into Gitness

Gitness goddamn code to compile

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At first glance, this makes zero sense, but once you dig in and read the details, it makes even less sense

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Why is Pixel Pass being discontinued?
We offer the best value of our hardware products and give users the flexibility to purchase their favorite services. We continue to evaluate offers based on customer feedback and provide different ways for them to access the best of Google.

Is this answer anything?

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$100k each to two projects is $200k

Just in time, too. Another settlement needs our help

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2016, Part 8

I absolutely love Apple Silicon—the performance to power ratio is wonderful, and the high-speed memory makes things like LLMs work great—but the RAM upcharge is insane, and shipping anything "Pro" with 8GB of RAM should be criminal in 2023.

I really hope that Qualcomm can make some noise with their new laptop/desktop processors. Anything to light a fire under Apple's ass and make them stop skimping on RAM.

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tips distro m'linux

Well, I thought tunnel excavation would be exciting, but...

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If someone tells you no or you try and fail at something, life actually just continues on from that point, and you can try other things

Have you ever, like, really looked at a window? I mean, reeeeaaally looked at it?

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get their company name in the news

I feel like this really worked out well for Drinks Company

Thank you for posing that question! I think the tendency to blame Russia/China/whomever is a complete failure to address the actual root of the issue.

If everyone who works for a non-American intelligence agency suddenly lost the ability to post on the internet, would Americans start getting along better? Or would a significant percentage of Americans still have a reactionary hate fest running on their televisions every waking hour, their opinions reinforced by Facebook echo chambers full of other actual Americans? I think the difference would be so small as to be imperceptible.

When it comes to tearing each other apart and working against our shared interests, America has a well-oiled machine running that hardly requires any foreign intervention.

All sports leagues and teams. (Thank you,, for doing the Lord's work in the meantime)

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Yes, 2023 is widely regarded as the worst year ever in gaming

“Buy, wait, never touch”

Cool, they’re describing most of my game library

Arc (Mac-only for now) is pretty great and has been my daily driver for a while now. Lots of great quality-of-life improvements, a great approach to tab management, and new optional AI features that are useful instead of annoying.

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I am absolutely gonna spend $200 and countless hours of frustration to get this thing to run Yoshi’s Island at ~20 fps

That's clearly for a whole bunch of people though. What a poser

It's gotta be Microsoft building it into Windows. The Apple Silicon transition wouldn't have been nearly as smooth if people had to pay for, say, CrossOver or something to use their Intel apps. And the tepid response to the ARM Surface models makes me think that it's a must, despite the UWP dream.

The good news is that Rosetta 2 shows it can be done extremely well!

It's got that Chrono Trigger Feel™. The first time we triggered a battle, the party and enemies all jumped to their starting places on the map. I was so happy

Thanks to the power of smart contracts and NFTs, the community can now bet your ass for you in faster-than-real-time

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You can ask the admin ( to add specific accounts. The posts propagate pretty quickly from Twitter, and you can have them either on your main Mastodon/Firefish timeline or a dedicated list. The downside is that you don't get the Twitter replies, but those are mostly garbage blue-checks now anyway.

* basagnas

Reeder for Apple platforms is pay-once and lets you sync using your iCloud account

It's all fun and games until you get to the Inverted Range


New Indian food delivery term just dropped

As a Gamecock, thanks for all these nice pictures of Columbia.

Also, I'm so sorry that you're in Columbia during the summer

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Either you'll get a sweet iced tea, or they'll ask "sweet or unsweet" before bringing iced tea.

Durham, North Carolina here.

Just giving you a hard time. I prefer FOSS generally, but most of my time on a desktop is spent on the web, and Arc's tab/space management is far ahead of anything else right now. It genuinely makes my life easier. The UX is thoughtfully designed and cohesive; even if I could get close to this setup with Firefox extensions (and I tried), it would be janky (and it was).

I'm very much hoping some of Arc's UX and workflow ideas will be picked up by browsers generally.

We homeschool in North Carolina and get exactly zero dollars for it. You're correct in general about the terrible effect that vouchers have on public schooling but incorrect about it being applied to homeschooling. I don't know if it's different in other states.


I carefully hid some of the reasons I use it in the parent comment

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Interstate 76 was my go-to OST for a looooong time. What a gem.

It’s definitely not the nonstop right-wing hate machine media infrastructure that’s entrenched in American life. And it’s most certainly not an American capitalist class that hoards the wealth and has every incentive to keep the working class at each others’ throats.

It must be cHiNeSe pRoPaGaNdA

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