Texas grid paid firm to stop mining crypto during heatwave

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 357 points –
Texas grid paid firm to stop mining crypto during heatwave

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At first glance, this makes zero sense, but once you dig in and read the details, it makes even less sense

I especially like the part where they say encouraging crypto mining will somehow create power grid innovations. What?

Either you innovate or you pay that company $32M every summer forever

I'm pretty sure their goal is the latter based on the other part of the article which says they can act like padding.

Not in Texas, at least. Our government here is in the habit of actively making everything worse, not better.

Trickle down grid, food, climate, whatever just fucking gimmie peasant. /s

That has the same energy as someone claiming they drive better tipsy than sober

pro tip, be born with a parent who runs a large power grid who can buy your debts

Makes sense to me, just sounds like the crypto company is holding the state's power grid hostage

Who has the keys to free the hostage? ERCOT or the Crypto Mine?

Don't blame the Crypto Mine for the decisions of the State or ERCOT.

TVA doesn't give energy credits. They give you a thirty minute notice that your ยข/kwh is about to quadruple.

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