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Joined 1 years ago

The fun thing is that even if you’re not there, they have a shadow profile to track you

Just to put the storage issues in perspective, a minute of HD video is about 120mb. Moby Dick is 1.2 mb in plain text. So for every one minute of video, you could store all of Moby Dick 100 times.

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If the hydrogen and oxygen get redistributed in the wrong way, the room will fill with water and you drown.

But if we just included the blockchain think of the shareholder value we could be generating. We could be decentralizing the blockchain with crypto NFTs in the cloud or whatever.

I wouldn’t now but I 100% would have when I was in college. Although I would try to get away with making fake email accounts.

Not enough beans

Probably something like wr90

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Crazy what can happen when you don’t need to pay back investors and hire teams of developers to optimize ad revenue. Not to take away from the heroic development efforts that have gone in to the backend and all of the apps that are popping up. It’s cool what we can accomplish when you cut out the venture capitalists.

How many people are less engaged in the internet at the beginning of summer because they’re on vacation or partying? I would think drops like this as the weather improves are pretty normal.

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I discovered there’s giant 5 hour+ videos of entire Saturday morning cartoon blocks from all different networks from the 90s on YouTube. Complete with bumpers and vintage ads.

I have to be up early on Saturdays now because the baby doesn’t understand sleeping in so I put these on.

You are here in bad faith. You’re not asking a question you just want to vent.

Reddit is stupid but do we really want to be as big as Reddit? The quality has tanked in the past several years in large part because of how big it is. I think we’re on a good trajectory. Looking at it as a zero sum game where Reddit has to fail for this to be successful will only leave you disappointed. Reddit doesn’t need to fail for Lemmy to be good.

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Maybe but the one thing I’ve learned in my time as an American is that any time you’re counting on Florida for anything, you’re gonna be very disappointed.

What kind of things do you craft?

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PWA always have a ton of UI quirks that make them hard to use. It’s a cool idea and I wish they would take off but they just aren’t there and I’m not sure wefwef will be able to overcome that, as good as it looks.

PHP is an interpreted language which is inherently slow compared to a compiled language, such as Rust which is very fast. Modern PHP isn’t so bad kinda but I’m guessing a guy who hates programming and decided to start a new PHP project in 2023 isn’t really optimizing anything. Also, you’ll never get anyone you help you write PHP because gross. It’s a dead language with a small community of masochists and maintainers of legacy projects.

It would be like if you saw someone building a fighter jet and thought “hey, I can do better!” and then started getting your paper mache out to start playing air plane designer.

There’s a lot of money wrapped up in the Linux ecosystem. They would be no shortage of people to sue them. It would also be pretty hard to hide that your operating system is secretly Linux. The operating system image can be pulled off the phone and inspected. It would be a massive effort and probably futile to obscure. On top of that, Google has a lot of employees and someone would whistle blow. They would have to really go draconian locking things down.

This has always been true of course but we used to have much faster turnover in social media sites. The current players have been around so long they seem like they can’t fail. But it’s not a coincidence that we’ve been riding a wave of cheap capital since about the time the current players started to dominate. Now that the free money tap is shut off, everyone’s scrambling to be profitable. The grow as fast as possible and never care about making money paradigm is over.

We’re basically in the ??? phase of “steal underpants, ???, profit” underpants gnome economic model.

I think we’re also seeing the ad model start to break down. It was always a Ponzi scheme. Everyone hates ads and goes out of their way to avoid them. If less and less people engage with ads, no one is going to pay as much because it’s not worth it. This forces companies to be more and more invasive in their data collection and ad targeting which erodes trust in the companies and degraded the user experience.

We’re seeing both these things converge and it’s shaking up the entire internet order.

I don’t really think he’d pick Mittens but it would be really funny if he did. But he would 1,000% take the job and justify it the same way Mike Penis did. They have no principles or soul. Being “moderate” a strategic choice.

I’m pretty sure it’s just scraping which is difficult to block. You probably can’t log in, post, comment, vote, etc right?

They haven’t shut down entirely. They’re in this weird restricted state where flairs can respond to old unanswered comments and they have these daily themed discussion threads. But you can’t ask new questions right now.

The mods seem pretty committed to Reddit and not moving. Their goals aren’t quite in line with the third party app devs and they’ll probably get enough of what they want eventually to come back. They want better mod tools and Reddit will give them a few minor improvements which they’ll call a win and turn back on. They’re not holding out for third party apps to come back or anything like that.

I find this really disappointing, they should find more meaningful ways to at least spread out from Reddit. They could mirror questions and answers in the fediverse at least which would give them a foothold outside of Reddit when it does eventually implode. But the mods are somewhat hostile towards these kind of ideas. But I don’t have any insight in to their private conversations so I could be off base. They just get kinda snippy with people who suggest anything besides hope Reddit improves.

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I guess you’re a HAM radio operator in this analogy

It’s kinda tricky because you can get a VPS set up really cheap. Like 5 dollars a month cheap or a bit more if you want something more feature rich. But the more instances you federate with, the more storage you’ll need since you’re basically mirroring all of the content you can see. So your cost for storage will go up every month pretty much forever.

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Oh yeah, teenagers getting smart phones is a big piece of it. We used to joke about summer Reddit when all the kids were off school and everything got dumb and horny. And then that became the normal.

The fact that they’re connected makes it very romantic

On yeah, teenagers getting smart phones is a big piece of it. We used to joke about summer Reddit being terrible with the influx of teenagers and then summer Reddit just became the normal

Nothing. I miss being more informed on what’s going on in the world but I don’t miss mindless Reddit discussion about it. I miss a lot of subs though. If AskHistorians goes back to normal, I might pop in for that occasionally.

This is getting better and better though, I’d rather ride out our awkward phase than get sucked back in to the Reddit cesspool and drift away. Although we really need to stop talking about Reddit so much.

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Switching between Memmy and Mlem. They seem to compliment each other in missing features. Although as Mlem improves, I’ll probably stay there. I’m used to Apollo.

Yeah it sucks Facebook marketplace has become the dominant way to sell things online. I used to use Craigslist all the time but the only thing there anymore are scams. I deleted my Facebook in 2017 but ended up coming back with a fake account for marketplace but I feel gross about it.

Can we get it to nuke your Facebook account too?

Oh man I always thought the saying was table steaks and it was like the kind of steak you’d eat normally and nothing special. I’m pretty dumb.

That hurts my heart

I used to live in a house that looks almost identical to the Baltimore one.

2,000 employees with an average salary of 100k (which I pulled out of my ass but probably on the low end) is 200 million a year just on payroll.

Did you find a company that pays you in beer?

Someone change the avatar

It’s a good thing Twitter was there to take him down. I’m sure he’s learned to be more thoughtful in the future.

I don’t think it’s inevitable Threads will have a better user experience than non-corporate apps. Meta has different goals and will optimize the user experience to drive profits. Look at how they continuously make Facebook and Instagram worse to drive engagement.

Also, see Reddit. Apollo was one dude’s project that blows the official app out of the water. And all the other apps scrambling to support Lemmy benefit from apps like Apollo and Reddit is Fun lessons in UX. It’s early days but we’re already seeing Lemmy apps with a lot of potential.

Linux is another example. Technical issues for new users aside, there’s a lot of beautiful, easy to use desktops that blow windows 10/11 out of the water. And other less new user friendly options for power users are available as well.

The community driven approach has been demonstrated to work because it’s only goal is to give the community a good experience.

I see them in traverse now. Before, it seemed to only have one or two random communities even though I’m subscribed to dozens so I thought it was just some in development discovery thing. That’s neat, thanks.

When did Trump beat Mittens Romney?