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Facebook, if my feed is any indication.

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I don’t spend enough time on Facebook to bother with any of that shit, I just notice it’s incredibly prevalent whenever I do happen to open it up

Don’t give her any ideas

Electricity does not take the path of least resistance. It takes every path available, inversely proportional to that paths resistance.

When the voltage gets high enough, it will literally start ripping molecules apart in order to make its own path.

Also, nice meme, nerd.

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Real Estate has historically been a relatively safe investment platform compared to other options, so you have a large concentration of people who think they are entitled to a massive ROI with basically no effort or risk on their part.

And if there’s any group of people that think they are entitled to sit on their ass and rake in the money after reaching a certain level of success, it’s conservatives.

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Every birthday you have, for your entire life, being on a Wednesday.

Sounds great.

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It will never stop being entertaining to me how the wannabe-iconoclast performative behavior of conservatives has them all acting like hippies lol. Raw milk, anti-vax,now they’re all happy about gun laws with Hunter’s conviction. Next thing you know there will be a conservative free love movement thinly veiled as a way to boost our low birth rates.

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To be fair Trump doing literally fucking anything that someone other than Vladimir Putin asked him to do, without bitching about it, is incredibly newsworthy. In fact I’m not sure it’s ever happened before.

He wouldn’t have caught such a beating if the erection hadn’t gotten even larger during the beating.

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Hey, democrats tried “when they go low, we go high” for 40 years and look where that got them.

Now they’re trying “when they go low, we knee them in the fucking face.” I say good on them for trying something different for a change.

If you think this is the first time in American history that our politicians have resorted to petty name calling I’m going to have to assume your lessons in American history stopped sometime in the third grade, right after you traced your hand and colored it in with crayons to look like a turkey.

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Every time I have heard Spacey speak or have read things he’s said since his career imploded it just perfectly illustrates the reason he was so damn good at playing creepy, detached dudes throughout his acting career: he wasn’t acting.

I just imagine what they’d be saying if the J6 people had stormed the Supreme Court while they were in session instead of storming Congress. Wonder if they would still feel the same lol.

Let Clarence Thomas hide in a fucking closet fearing for his life for a few hours, come out to shit-smeared walls, broken windows and a stolen laptop and then let’s see what he thinks about it.

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Thanks to Morrowind and Skyrim i still find myself absent-mindedly noticing “alchemy ingredients” when walking through the woods on hiking/camping trips, despite the fact that I haven’t played either game in a couple years at this point.

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Not a day goes by that I don’t wish that Biden were as far to the left as the GOP pretends he is.

Tell that to the Chinese government lol

“We’re not selling an evil product, we’re just running a multibillion dollar cartel in an evil way. That’s totally different.”

Obama deported more illegal immigrants than George W Bush and Donald Trump combined. Biden deported more illegals in his first 18 months than Trump did during his entire term.

Democrats being “weak on immigration” is nothing more than a racist dog whistle to stir up GOP voters.

Nobody wants illegal immigrants pouring over the border. That being said, some of us are a lot more understanding about it than others, because there would be a lot fewer people trying to cross if the CIA didn’t spend the last 60 years deliberately destabilizing South American governments. Fortunately, that’s not how most illegals get here. Most of them just overstay their visa after it expires. Which means that most of the time, deporting illegals involved lots of boring paperwork and happens one person at a time. There’s no drama in it, so it doesn’t really make the news like immigrants at the border do.

Democrats understand that simple fact. Republicans don’t.

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It wouldn’t be such a concern if they didn’t make up like 40% of the population.



If you make the rules complicated enough, you can always find a way to justify anything. This is the cornerstone of the modern legal system.

Sounds like a great way to make sure the number of marriages plummets even faster than it already has been

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When she snores I pinch her nose shut until she stops.

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Hell nobody died and he still hasn’t shut the fuck up about it.

The man has never shut the fuck up about anything, ever.

Well except for his currently underway trial that he was totally going to testify in, that the defense just rested their case without him testifying in. Because his lawyers know that not only can he not shut the fuck up, he can’t make it through 3 sentences without telling at least one blatantly obvious lie, and that is a generally unadvisable thing to do when you are under oath.

What’s the old saying, Ben Franklin said it if I remember right?

Those who would give up freedom in exchange for security deserve neither and will lose both.

Rest in peace you absolute legend.

Given the life he lived I’m amazed he lasted as long as he did.

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We already have that. You can spend your entire life in a loving relationship with somebody and still not have rights to medical information, power of attorney, or any of the numerous tax benefits that come along with marriage

Spacex owes its success to Gwynne Shotwell if anyone, that woman is a powerhouse.

I do not have enough hit points to be that reckless lol

Don’t Think Twice it’s Alright

Europe was a pile of smoking rubble after World War 2 and they didn’t want to deal with all the Jewish refugees displaced by the war. So they used a Bronze Age fairy tale as an excuse to drop an entire country in the middle of somebody else’s country in the Middle East and steal a bunch of land from the people who had been living there for centuries, if not millennia.

Therefore, Israel has a right to exist. QED.

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It’s been bad for a few years at least but it has gotten even worse recently, I assume due to incorporating AI/LLM’s into the mix.

Found the centrist.

I am not a lawyer, but I believe you have to have evidence of a crime in order to charge somebody with a crime.

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Yes but taking so much water from the river that it no longer reaches the fucking ocean is not.

Yes but on the surface at least they also insist on monogamy or at the very least serial monogamy. Free love is typically more of a polyamorous movement.

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I don’t give a fuck what you have to say and I’m not going to listen to you if you say it, and I’m certainly not going to let you walk into my house and spew your bullshit genocidal lies.

There, did I stifle your free speech? No, I didn’t.

It’s no different from what these congresspeople are doing. To say nothing of the fact that Netanyahu isn’t a fucking US citizen so the bill of rights doesn’t apply to him anyway

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The conservatives ethos in a nutshell.

Doing the right thing is expensive, and the only thing in the world that actually matters is money, therefore we should be allowed to do the evil thing, otherwise you hate freedom…or something.