Supreme Court questions obstruction charges brought against Jan. 6 rioters and Trump to politics – 84 points –
Supreme Court questions obstruction charges brought against Jan. 6 rioters and Trump

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I just imagine what they’d be saying if the J6 people had stormed the Supreme Court while they were in session instead of storming Congress. Wonder if they would still feel the same lol.

Let Clarence Thomas hide in a fucking closet fearing for his life for a few hours, come out to shit-smeared walls, broken windows and a stolen laptop and then let’s see what he thinks about it.

There are Republican representatives who were hiding and cowering on that day and are trying to rewrite history now.

So it's not a stretch to say that he'd certainly suffer any indignity and still excuse his team's malfeasance.

Who says that's not your average Thursday night at the Thomas residence?

Why no, I don't have a point. Why do you ask?

How ironic would it be if word got out they were going rule that people couldn't be charged with obstruction of justice, then people stormed the Supreme Court to prevent them from issuing the ruling?

Is that ironic? I might have gotten my definition from Alanis Morisette. Either way it would be hilarious.