J.B. Pinkle

@J.B. Pinkle@beehaw.org
1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Somewhere on this timeline I'm the Pirate King. No, the Wizard King. No, a published author. I'll let you know when I get there.



They are called TWEETS, ELON! TWEETS!

Elon Musk: For now...

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Least destructive decision he's made since acquiring it.

It's honestly kind of sweet that you sound so surprised.

They don’t want to feel bad about what their ancestors did.

I don't think you need to feel bad about it to acknowledge it. That's part of what makes it so infuriating. They throw around white guilt like it's something progressives suffer from, but it's very clearly something they cower and hide from.

My family hasn't been here long enough to have been slave owners, but my grandfather was a little bit racist by today's standards (and I acknowledge he may have been more racist than I realized). My dad is a boomer who always taught us to treat people equally, but he says things now (and did back then) that would be really offensive to a modern ear. I never heard the N-word from anyone in my immediate family nor grandparents, but I'm not sure it was never said out of ear shot, and I definitely heard it from a great-uncle or two.

It's a little uncomfortable for me to say that out loud, but so what? It's nonetheless true. It reflects on them, not me, and it would be no different if I could go back a couple more generations and find a slave owner in my family. Awful, uncomfortable, but something that does not reflect on today's generation beyond their reluctance to admit it and what it meant and what it did and continues to do with regard to impacts on the community and the people who are descended from enslaved ancestors.

They should be feel bad about their own cowardice about admitting what happened in the past, not for the details of those past events.

If your great great grandparents did bad shit, don't make it worse by trying to lie and whitewash it, make it better by encouraging those truths to see the light of day so society is bettered for it, or at the very least stop trying to prevent others from doing so.

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what an amateurish logo, looks like what a tiny business puts up on their wordpress when they have no designers & are only making a logo

To me it looks legitimately confusingly like the xorg logo, which ironically you usually see on a Linux system only when the config to display the correct logo for something is missing or invalid.

They are not cool

I mean, not with that attitude.

This is like Deja Vu.

Even the same state.

In the article I linked about that prior incident , note that the driver who was PIT'd did exactly what the arkansas drivers manual said to do. (If challenged I can try digging up the pdf of the manual again, but I assure you it's there.)

I have stronger opinions on this topic than I'm really going to get into here. Suffice to say, we need a change, and there needs to be more of an impact on police than a settlement a year later paid by taxpayers.

Just created my account here in the past day. I know it probably can't last, but I don't think I've had that "cozy" feeling right away in a forum or other online community like this in decades, and I'd say it was somewhat rare even "back in the day."

So far folks seem to live up to the stated goals of the place and I think that's pretty great.

As a child of the 70s, the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes have been a part of my earliest understanding of space and our exploration of it. I learned about them (multiple times) in school, and was excited (spoiler alert) years later with how central the fictional Voyager 6 was to the plot of the first Trek movie.

Every single time I have read that they are still sending data back I'm excited to hear it, though from what Wikipedia says there is really no likelihood either will be doing so later than 2025/2026 respectively.

This headline gave me a little "oh no" moment until I read the article. 😀

Before you all fall for the shamless clickbait,

I used to start and end my day at Ars Technica. For years.

Has really never been the same since Conde Nast took over. I usually only end up there now when someone links an article from there. Thanks for saving me a click, and I'll pour one out for what once was...

Feels like just yesterday in some ways. But how the world has changed since then. Really sad about this.

On purpose.

Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

I truly thought it was just tone deafness and overconfidence on the part of Musk for a good potion of this. But the last few events, along with various comments he has made along the way, have me concluding that this must be true.

Funnily enough, Trump would very much agree with you.

And you’d both be wrong.

Hmm, probably. But we need to rethink the details of how US democracy works.

First past the post elections are as much or more a problem than the current state of gerrymandering to our overall health as a nation (IMO), and I bizarrely find myself agreeing in different measures with both supporters and detractors of the electoral college system.

I don't have much in the way of solutions, but smarter folks than me should be figuring out how to fix these issues fairly (and probably already have) - so we can modernize without destroying our system.

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It’s all fun and games til someone gets beaten with a cane.

I mean... in this case I think that's where the fun begins. No matter who does what to who between the two of them I will have no sympathy. I only hope it happens where we can get cspan footage.

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Dumb? I thought so too, then I reread their comment and looked at their post history. Not by a long shot, they know exactly what they’re doing.

So I took a peek based on this comment and you are surely correct.

My GP is booking 2 months in advance these days, and my only alternatives are doctors with such heavy foreign accents I can barely understand them. It’s only going to get worse with mass immigration.


I’m burnt out and can’t focus at work. Really wish I had more that 2 weeks of vacation time a year

Have been there, and am never far from there. It sucks and I wish you the best in overcoming it. Any chance you've got a supportive boss? Mine is and it helped a lot.

ok but how about you tell me why to move from mastodon to firefish?

I like the UI better (by a lot), I like the "antennas" feature, I like that I can do a traditional blog post if I choose ("pages" they call it), it's very custom-configurable, and in the 3 days since I've joined I've already seen bugfixes and improvements deployed.

Why move? If Mastodon is 100% great for you and nothing about the look/feel/functionality of Firefish jumps out at you then there is really no reason.

A confession of unrequited love. (And one of my top 10 songs of all time.)

An affirmation that things might not be as bad as you think.

You've got a fair point, but it just makes me feel really hopeless. I think this is going to take a lot of years to turn around and fully undo the damage that's being caused while half (or at least a third) of our country works on developing anything resembling emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills - and in the meantime they are degrading our educational system, civil rights, and the general state of public discourse. It feels like they are dragging a blade through the side of our social norms - how long is this going to take to heal?

I have a neighbor who would have just been my Republican neighbor twenty years ago, if I even knew his political leanings at all. Now he's got handwritten signs in front of his yard proclaiming anyone who voted Biden is a moron. They rotate from time to time, and some of them are hard to read. One of them said something about "all four guns" but I couldn't read the rest. Now is there any chance that man and I are ever going to be friends? Absolutely not, because I have no interest in ever speaking to him, and if we did have an honest conversation he'd learn I was a member of a group he's maligned via publicly posted handwritten sign tens of times in the past few years. (Anyone who votes Democrat) I swear ever since the bud light thing Kid Rock is nearly the only artist I hear blaring from his garage when I drive by.

But maybe if things were like they were 20 years ago we'd get to know each other before we knew those things about each other, and we'd either be friends despite those things, or just never learn those things about each other at all. That's gotta be repeated around the nation millions of times with different variations - what's that doing to the state of our cohesiveness as a society and nation?

I really used to think people were over-reacting to how much influence Trump could really have, but I have no choice but to eat my words now. Lasting damage has been done which is surely causing people to be killed or traumatized every single day because these people are so terrified that trying to make things better will require some kind of admission of complicity regarding how shitty things are.

Sorry for my rant, has been really eating at me lately.

It is a real breath of fresh air though in terms of features and great UI!

I want to be able to do more than just upvote this lol. I was so pleasantly surprised. In minutes I was sure I wanted to migrate my Mastodon account.

FWIW migrating from Mastodon migrates all your followers automatically and you can interact with them just as you did on Mastodon.

You do need to manually recreate your list of people you follow though, from what I could tell.

Once that's done you haven't really lost anything unless you were or were intended to be heavily active with the feed on your local mastodon instance. (Vs federation etc)

I'm aware, but it doesn't change the level of enjoyment I'd get from one of those two taking a cane to the other. :-)

Fair enough, I see your point. 🙂

I'm more than a year into using a Trilium instance at home and another at work for taking notes and keeping track of various information.

I love it love it love it, maybe especially at work, but I am certain I use only a tiny fraction of its capabilities.