Bram Moolenaar, creator of vim, has passed away

J.B. to – 295 points –

A person is lucky to do one thing that affects a huge number of people's lives for the better, and even luckier if they know what it was and have been appreciated for it. Well done, Bram.

It's difficult to compute the additional world domestic product that was created due to vim, to compute the impact one person had on... everything.

A very sad day.

Wow. Now I wish I knew more about him. I've used vim nearly every day of my career.

I use it now as part of ranger file manager. Such a great text editor and all I use it for is editing config files.

He finally figured out how to exit.

Dark humour aside, sad to hear this. Vim is my favorite text mode editor; the contribution he has made to the open source world, as well as his charity work for Ugandan AIDS victims, will not be forgotten.

GNU Bram Moolenar

Bram was notoriously possessive of the Vim project and consistently avoided bringing in other lead maintainers or adding widely demanded features (like async processing). Maybe that changed while I wasn't paying attention, but it had a lot to do with the very successful neovim fork. Bram eventually added an async feature but not before neovim exploded in popularity.

It's tragic to hear of Bram's passing, and at such a young age. I will be interested to see what happens to the Vim project now, in his absence.

As unseemly as it might be to talk "business" immediately after someone's death (though maybe it's not so impolite by this time), it is an interesting moment for the Vim project, which in reality is really no more without Bram and will probably continue along as one or many forks (on top of neovim that is). However, given how much of a mainstay it is, it'll be interesting to see if anyone is willing and able to pick up the project in a way that will continue this core role in the *nix ecosystem.

Bram obviously gave so much to the global community, and directly to Uganda through his persistent charity efforts, and no more need be said about what a devoted and generous person he was. We'd all truly be worse off without his contributions and I say that as a devout Emacs user.

Still, it always rubbed me wrong that his stated plan for the project was immortality.

How can the community ensure that the Vim project succeeds for the foreseeable future?

Keep me alive.


Damn, only 62. I don't see a cause of death yet, just "a medical condition that deteriorated over the last few weeks." I appreciate that he always connected VIM to his charities.

VI was the past and NeoVim might be the future, but Bram carried the torch for a long time with VIM. Much respect.

My main editor for many, many years, grateful for his efforts. R.I.P.

A person is lucky to do one thing that affects a huge number of people's lives for the better, and even luckier if they know what it was and have been appreciated for it. Well done, Bram. Rest easy.

Starred with plain vi but I just calculated I've been using Vim for nearly half of my life.