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Joined 1 years ago

A comedian isn't forming a sentence based on what the most probable word is going to appear after the previous one. This is such a bullshit argument that reduces human competency to "monkey see thing to draw thing" and completely overlooks the craft and intent behind creative works. Do you know why ChatGPT uses certain words over others? Probability. It decided as a result of its training that one word would appear after the previous in certain contexts. It absolutely doesn't take into account things like "maybe this word would be better here because the sound and syllables maintains the flow of the sentence".

Baffling takes from people who don't know what they're talking about.

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They're straight up razing the region into the ground. How the fuck are governments okay with this wanton destruction of people's lives and homes.

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He died in 1982 but his works are hugely influential:
Philip K Dick.

I don't get what's so mysterious. The morality police saw her and clubbed her head until she was in a coma then the resulting brain bleed killed her. Case closed.

I don't understand the comments suggesting this is "guilty by proxy". These platforms have algorithms designed to keep you engaged and through their callousness, have allowed extremist content to remain visible.

Are we going to ignore all the anti-vaxxer groups who fueled vaccine hesitancy which resulted in long dead diseases making a resurgence?

To call Facebook anything less than complicit in the rise of extremist ideologies and conspiratorial beliefs, is extremely short-sighted.

"But Freedom of Speech!"

If that speech causes harm like convincing a teenager walking into a grocery store and gunning people down is a good idea, you don't deserve to have that speech. Sorry, you've violated the social contract and those people's blood is on your hands.

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The problem with flat earthers is that they don't listen to reason.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

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Microsoft - erosion of any motivation to understand your PC so they can put whatever they want in their updates and you won't know until you dig through the logs

Facebook - erosion of any critical thinking by rewarding echo chambers and groupthink. Just look at their Metaverse shite.

Amazon - erosion of labour standards and publishing anti-union propaganda to prevent workers from realising they're being abused. Also, instituting anti-competitive measures and strongarming third party sellers.

OpenAI (insert any LLM/generative model company) - erosion of the creative process thus allowing people with zero artistic expression to plagiarise other artists' work

EA (or any AAA studio but also Nintendo) - erosion of consumer rights to own the products they buy and preventing any effort to preserve their games AND THEN complaining about piracy.

Dear lord, it is so exhausting to list these out.

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Genuinely one of the best pieces of software that these heroes are giving away.

South Africa used to be an apartheid state so if they're callling you out...

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Can anyone explain why they all look like they have tomatoes for heads?

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One of the few games I don't regret buying before release was Baldur's Gate 3 but that's an anomaly. Most games I'm happy to wait a year or more when it's in better shape.

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I see Reddit's solution to the class problem they created on their platform is to checks notes create another class problem.

Don't work at Bethesda. Not going to claim this is in anyway accurate. Maybe the reason they left was because they weren't allowed to design interesting quests and thus were tired of being railroaded. I say this because any quest designer is essentially a storyteller so for quests to be so bland to lack character has to be intentional.

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Okay this article is shittily worded and the Bloomberg article it links to is paywalled so I found this which goes into much greater detail.

TLDR: Valve and five other publisher's were blocking activation of keys sold to people/distributors from distributors/vendors who purchased them from cheaper regions.

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The easy part is posting the picture.

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Even the Wayback Machine has limits to what is available.

In fairness, some companies, especially the big ones, won't accept a hard truth until a third party agency tells them directly. This is primarily because the grunts of the workforce often have the most knowledge of the systems but whose opinions are easy to dismiss.

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I don't think the comments here are really understanding the meme. The image is based on Cruelty Squad, a game about a hypercapitalistic society. Pyrocynical has a really in depth video with clips from his interview with the developer.

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It amazes me that people don't notice this is the exact same formula for roguelikes.

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I believe there's a middle ground between a) paying migrants terrible wages and b) not hiring migrants at all.

Clearly, Fairfax County Police are doing something the other counties/states should be taking notes on.

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I'm a data analyst moving into data science. I have been ranting about this since the beginning but everyone's too obsessed with the new shiny thing.

It's just an optimisation algorithm that's learned certain words have different probabilities of occurring depending on context.

I had to remind my friend, "when it tells you something, it has no idea what it's just told you" because that's all it really does; it spits out text on a guessed context but has no precognition of that context. has a huge archive of ROMs and I can see Wii counted among them.

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Exactly! You can glean so much from a single work, not just about the work itself but who created it and what ideas were they trying to express and what does that tell us about the world they live in and how they see that world.

This doesn't even touch the fact that I'm learning to draw not by looking at other drawings but what exactly I'm trying to draw. I know at a base level, a drawing is a series of shapes made by hand whether it's through a digital medium or traditional pen/pencil and paper. But the skill isn't being able replicate other drawings, it's being able to convert something I can see into a drawing. If I'm drawing someone sitting in a wheelchair, then I'll get the pose of them sitting in the wheelchair but I can add details I want to emphasise or remove details I don't want. There's so much that goes into creative work and I'm tired of arguing with people who have no idea what it takes to produce creative works.

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The equivalence the person is drawing is something like what Denuvo does on PC. Games that ship with Denuvo suffer significant performance issues but when Denuvo is cracked and the game is put on the high seas, they don't come with Denuvo so the pirates end up having a better experience.

There's so few instances of corporations doing actually good things so opinions tend to skew negative. Epic hasn't been thought of fondly since they started doing those exclusivity deals to try and bring people to their platform rather than making their platform a worthy competitor to Steam.

And I say that Nacon's problem is fucking over Frogwares over the Sinking City game. How about you pay the developers you scum

Free speech abolitionist

This is the second time I'm seeing this amogus logo AND THEY'RE STILL NOT MOVING CLOCKWISE.

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The amogus is not moving in a clockwise direction and it makes me angry.

How are people okay with this sort of treatment of children? They're kept in cells and punished for acting out when their needs aren't being met. They're fucking children, you can't do this to them and expect them to turn out healthy. It's so sadistic and cruel and it makes me want to hurt the monsters running this facility.

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Looks great, I'll give it a bash

You're correct
Demoman is the giveaway.

The audacity!

They may be dramatised but the Linux stuff he does by typing commands into the terminal is real.

Case in point, Brexit.

Yeah but the difference is we still choose our words. We can still alter sentences on the fly. I can think of a sentence and understand verbs go after the subject but I still have the cognition to alter the sentence to have the effect I want. The thing lacking in LLMs is intent and I'm yet to see anyone tell me why a generative model decides to have more than 6 fingers. As humans we know hands generally have five fingers and there's a group of people who don't so unless we wanted to draw a person with a different number of fingers, we could. A generative art model can't help itself from drawing multiple fingers because all it understands is that "finger + finger = hand" but it has no concept on when to stop.

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I completely disagree. The vast majority of people won't be using the open source tools unless the more popular ones become open source (which I don't think is likely). Also, a tool being open source doesn't mean it's allowed to trample over an artist's rights to their work.

They’ll just pay us artists peanuts if anything at all, and use large platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Artstation, and others who can change the terms of service to say any artist allows their uploaded art to be used for AI training - with an opt out hidden deep in the preferences if we’re lucky.

This is going to happen anyway. Copyright law has to catch up and protect against this, just because they put it in their terms of service, doesn't mean it can't be legislated against.

This was the whole problem with OpenAI anyway. They decided to use the internet as their own personal dataset and are now charging for it.

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The major homeschooling lobbyist group

Excuse me, the WHAT

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That's what I hate about it. They made such an empty soulless game and now expect modders to make it interesting while they reap the rewards.

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