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Joined 1 years ago

In my entirely anecdotal experience, MacOS is significantly better at RAM management than Windows. But it's still a $1,600 USD computer, and 16GB of RAM costs nearly nothing, it's just classic Apple greed.

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So I've got a couple feelings on this.

  1. This is a fools errand. It's like antivirus companies, no matter how well you make your product, the hackers are always going to be one step ahead. If they manage to obscure ads so well they can't be detected the way we do them now, ad blockers will find a new way to go about it. Especially when the way Google wants to do it involves pushing shitty web DRM that other browsers have actively said they won't play ball with.

  2. These tech megacorps seem to think they're invincible. Like people have always used their services, and will always use them. That just isn't true. Youtube, for example, is impossible for me to use without adblock these days. It's just a horrendous experience without it. And when your product is awful to use, that opens the door for someone to come in with something that isn't awful. Yes video hosting is difficult and costly, but it's not nearly as bad as it once was. I really feel like they're digging their own grave here. At least I hope they are.

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When I was still watching I remember he said if LMG ever tried to unionize he would take it as a personal failure. The intention of that statement may mean well, but it's a really not great view to have and profess. Unions can (and should) maintain a good relationship between the workers and management.

Lmao, yeah you deserved to have your trash take "censored". Gender affirming care saves lives, and has a less than 1% "regret rate". For reference, knee replacements have about a 15% rate. Shocking how trans-inclusive spaces don't want transphobes around.

I'm sure Spez will think its a win, but the rest of the world knows that when John recognizes your fuckery, you're in trouble. Man knows how to throw an intellectual punch.

I'm gonna be honest, I saw this coming. Maybe it's because I've had experiences with abusive media companies (though not nearly this severe), but when I saw Madison left with no real explanation, I had a feeling something was up. I still follow one of the women who was on their camera team, and she posted some vague but knowing comments after the news first came out that Madison quit.

Fuck these egotistical tech bros that think they own the world because they got lucky. The worst part is they'll never understand that they did something wrong.

Or Linux users

Man if you're complaining about getting banned of dogwhistles, you should re-evaluate how you align yourself. It's not enough to just turn you attention away from the Nazi shit, it has to be stamped out. When we do the "well just don't look at it" thing, we allow them to keep recruiting and pulling vulnerable people in with their propaganda. Fascism is an evil ideology, flat out, and has no place in the world.

Low key using this thread to do that. Lots of closet fascists being shitty in here, but hey, the nice thing about them is they make themselves easy to spot!

The end of Twilight Princess is permanently embedded into my mind. Just the silence of Ganondorf standing with the sword plunged through his chest is incredible and a little haunting at the end of that game.

That, and when my dad showed me DOOM. That was a good day.

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That's a lotta words for "I don't respect what people want to be called". When you call someone by the wrong name and they correct you, is that also compelled speech to you? Because that's all pronouns are. By your definitions all of language is compelled speech, because you're being forced into using specific words to communicate.

It can be your opinion all you want, but it's one you should evaluate and change, because it doesn't make any goddamn sense.

I'm genuinely sad. Not to be dramatic, but there were times where Reddit saved my life. Seeing the number of comments and posts I had made while I was scrubbing my account hit me harder than I thought it would.

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Right but the instance I'm on could get taken over by an asshole, and get defederated by, or defederates from, my favourite subs. Then I've got to abandon that account and start a whole new one, same as I did leaving Reddit. I'm really not sold on this model until I can transfer my account somehow.

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A list I saw had Freedom Social and Parler on it entirely seriously. Really shocked me to see, and made it a lot harder to figure out what was going to be the replacement. I'm glad I stuck with Kbin.

I think Jacob Geller is the best video essayist out there, he posts a nebula exclusive for all of his videos too.

Then they don't transition. Unless you want to make up some imaginary enemy to validate your hate.

Dishonored, I absolutely adore that game, and it still looks so good because of the art direction they took with it. Funny enough, it was the same art director as Half Life 2

The main metric has been with Adobe apps. 2017 Macs with 8GB of RAM are still able to run Premiere and a few others things smoothly simultaneously. Windows machines with the same config were crashing constantly and kept going.

But I'm still not defending Apple here. It's been 6 years, and their base level MacBook still ships with the same amount of RAM.

@Eigengrau Fully agree, even if they're empty I don't like that they're sitting as a kind of invitation to transphobes and bigots.

I don't see this as a bad thing. I hate Facebook with a passion, but if it means more money going into UX development of federated services, I'm all for it. To me that's the biggest problem with them right now.

The concerns about data use are worth noting, but I don't think are to be worried about. They can get the data anyway, and what we really need is better data privacy laws in place in general.

This article has some strange framing to me.

Currently, these protests are impacting a small percentage of Reddit’s more than 100,000 active communities.

This completely ignores that the 8000+ subreddits that went dark account for a VAST majority of content and traffic on the site.

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Given their name is "OpenAI" and they were founded on the idea of being transparent with those exact things, I'm less impressed that that's what they're upset about. The keep saying they're "protecting" us by not releasing us, which just isn't true. They're protecting their profits and valuation.

Because for this to work long term we need adoption. Protocols only work if there is large adoption, which means making all this comprehensible to more than just the tech nerds that are really into it. Plus isn't the whole idea to get everyone to start using these open protocols so we can make the internet a more open place? It defeats the point if we essentially just make this in to a niche silo too.

Also, I think "fediverse" is really bad branding. It makes this whole thing feel too close to those crypto-scammers.