14 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's an actual thing. When it feels more like you have a teenage son than a partner it's hard to get turned on by them, even if you weren't already too exhausted from clearing up after them.

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I don't know why you want fascists crawling all over your server but good luck with Gab2, I guess.

21 more...

It's instant verification for all their accounts and an instance that won't disappear on them.

Look, you're not entirely wrong. But this is a very gendered experience (as in, disproportionately affects women). Of course it happens the other way around, just nowhere near as often. You don't have to get so fucking defensive about it. This is the world you live in, deal with it.

Unearned income is taxed at a lower rate than earned income. I mean, pretty much everything about capitalism tbf, but that particular thing is saying the quiet part out loud and it still gets almost no attention.

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Most people have more than the average number of legs.

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Using the wrong picture is almost as ridiculous as reducing his career to Dumbledore. For shame.

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Yes. It's happened to me and it is a head fuck. The email was from a business with a perfectly legit email address.

We're in the middle of a global fascist spasm. If you want to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it's not happening, I think Threads is trying to be that place.

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The foreigner in question almost certainly did not know the age was 21. This happened to me in the US. Sitting with my mum and sister in the hotel bar, having a quiet beer. Then I get asked for my ID and it all gets very confusing. "But I'm 18, what's the problem?"

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This springs to mind.

Individual choices are constrained. Admonishing people for living in this world that we live in is straight from the Big Carbon playbook.

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Completely harmless? C'mon.

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Every right-wing accusation is a confession.

#explore on Mastodon is a good way to find stuff you wouldn't see on your own feed. (It's how I found this article.)

And there are various bots that allow you to follow people on Twitter ( etc). Although my instance has decided they don't like that so it's a bit harder to find them than it was.

But yes, I think the article does a good job of articulating the problems. I hope they get solved because there's a lot I like very much about Mastodon but it does not have the depth and breadth of content (yet). And hashtags do not work well enough as a replacement for search (I followed #BBC to get more news in my feed and ended up with a bit of news and a lot of porn).

You can just join Gab?

The problem with providing them a platform on your server is that no one else will want to be there. And no one else needs to be there because there's a thousand other instances with decent moderation policies.

I don’t understand why there would be such list, it would be pure censorship and waste of time.

A major point of the Fediverse is that you can choose instances based on their moderation policies. If you want fash crawling your timeline, join an instance which allows fash to crawl your timeline.

Something being a social construct does not mean it has no real world effects. That's kind of the point of identifying it as a social construct. HTH

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He's not smoking.

Pure nicotine is about as harmful as caffeine. Some people will want to quit it altogether, others find it useful. It's all good.

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You can follow Lemmy communities from Mastodon.

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If you're going to drink that much sparkling water (as I do), invest in a Drinkmate or similar. It's about as cheap as the very cheapest sparkling water but you end up with much, much less plastic to pretend to recycle.

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They're circular. If the text is too predictable it was written by an LLM* but LLMs are designed to regurgitate the next word most commonly used by humans in any given context.

*AI is a complete misnomer for the hi-tech magic 8ball

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It's OK. Ordinary people will have no trouble at all making sure they use a different vehicle every time they drive their kid to college or collect an elderly relative for the holidays. This will only inconvenience serious criminals.

The subhead misses out the worst stuff. How on earth?

Criminal charges still in the works, I would hope.

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The beauty of the Fediverse is you do not need to make everyone else agree with you. It is important that mods know what you want; what you think other people should want is irrelevant.

If you were meeting up somewhere you'd arrange to have someone who was at home (and thus by a phone) to orchestrate any last minute changes of plan or notifications of late arrivals (via payphones, which were a thing, once).

You'd go into town regularly to pick up the new bus timetable.

You'd have a huge pile of maps in the back of the car, or one very big map book, often both. If you drove somewhere once, you'd remember the route the next time.

There was a set of encyclopedias at home to look up facts.

And a calendar on the wall. (That's probably still a thing?)

There were a lot more newspapers and magazines around.

Everyone had a little notebook with all their important phone numbers in it. Filofax was revolutionary.

And we still remember the most important phone numbers from that little notebook because we had to dial them so very often.

We played eye spy a lot.

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And we still get charged a fortune for it. Yay capitalism!

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Make him give you the evidence. Here's a systematic review of nicotine side effects and heres the RCP report on vaping.

Physicians who spread fear about vaping are killing people. They should go back to medical school and pay more attention in their epidemiology classes.

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I think they may have realised that federating whilst they're still not allowed to operate in the EU would hand hundreds of millions of EU users to independent instances.

There’s an added complication that the left lane on the roundabout is for the A610 only:

This is not an "added complication", it's literally the answer to your question. You use the right lane to allow the traffic taking the first or second lefts to peel off and you move over after they've gone.

In context. And that is exactly how they work. It's just a statistical prediction model with billions of parameters.

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many years now

This appears to be an escalating fraud, affecting newer models more than old. So I'd guess that's ^^ the answer.

It's not just a Reuters investigation, they've been fined by a few jurisdictions and they absolutely do have the ability to pay lawyers to defend those charges if they're false.

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Apart from the fact that you're pretending 150 years (with the civil rights legacy still not resolved) is much the same as a whole millennium, you're also ignoring the substantial differences between the slavery your ancestors endured and the chattel slavery practiced as a result of the transatlantic slave trade.

Chattel slavery meant a lifetime of slavery and children born into slavery, often through rape-for-profit by slaveholders. Enslaved families being ripped apart on a whim if a sale was convenient for their enslaver.

The transatlantic element meant enslaved people were permanently recognisable as slaves.

And the creation of the particular form of racism found in the Americas to prevent poor whites from fraternising with their most natural allies.

This is a terrific read, if you want to educate yourself: I know why poor whites chant Trump, Trump, Trump

An investment in African slaves also ensured a cost-effective, long-term workforce. Female slaves were often raped by their white owners or forced to breed with male slaves, and children born into slavery remained slaves for life. In contrast, white female servants who became pregnant were often punished with extended contracts, because a pregnancy meant months of lost work time. From a business perspective, a white baby was a liability, but African children were permanent assets.

As the number of African slaves grew, landowners realized they had a problem on their hands. Slave owners saw white servants living, working, socializing, and even having babies with African slaves. Sometimes they tried to escape together. What’s more, freed white servants who received land as part of their freedom dues had begun to complain about its poor quality. This created a potentially explosive situation for landowners, as oppressed workers quickly outnumbered the upper classes. What was to prevent freed whites, indentured servants, and African slaves from joining forces against the tyranny of their masters?

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Of course it’s legal. Why wouldn’t it be?

I'm assuming you're USian?

The question almost anywhere else in the wealthy world is why would it be legal? The manager does not need to know therefore the manager has no right to ask.

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Link your evidence and I will critique it. I can't do anything with this hand-wavey nonsense.

There's a lot of really terrible anti-vaping research out there (as there is in any field). Like the one that claimed vapers were more likely to have heart attacks which was withdrawn after reviewers and editors demanded they state which happened first, the vaping or the heart attack.

It is a difficult area to study, no doubt. If you're relying on observational studies which show an association but cannot determine whether there is a causal arrow, or even which direction it points in, you need to be very careful about how you interpret it. You can't rely on the authors or the headlines. Pub Peer is often a useful first port of call to find any concerns raised, a citation search is also useful.

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It will almost always be detectable if you just read what is written. Especially for academic work. It doesn't know what a citation is, only what one looks like and where they appear. It can't summarise a paper accurately. It's easy to force laughably bad output by just asking the right sort of question.

The simplest approach for setting homework is to give them the LLM output and get them to check it for errors and omissions. LLMs can't critique their own work and students probably learn more from chasing down errors than filling a blank sheet of paper for the sake of it.

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If he's living out of his car, she doesn't need to clear up after him. Do keep up.

You can follow Lemmy communities on your Mastadon account. But I wouldn't recommend it. You get a string of out-of-context posts dominating your feed.

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I'm sorry you went through that but a temporal link is not causal evidence. There are millions of people convinced MMR vaccine caused their child's autism too, but it did not.

Australia does have an extremely wrong-headed approach to vaping. It will kill millions.