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The fact that these decisions are coming down from the ex-CEO of EA Games, who was the CEO when EA was voted “Worst Company in the World”, just makes all this even more entertaining to watch.

GamePass and probably most cheap sales are all going up in flames because Unity has hired a demon to lead them into oblivion.

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No, no, no, no, no!

Is she looking at Feinstein and thinking “well, I don’t need to be propped up yet, so I should still be able to run the country!”

I don’t care on which side of the aisle these oldies sit. They do not represent the will of a people who are largely younger than they are by two decades.

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“More recently, you have described our DMA compliance as ‘hot garbage,’ a ‘horror show,’ and a ‘devious new instance of Malicious Compliance.’ And you have complained about what you called ‘Junk Fees’ and ‘Apple taxes.”

I’m sorry, but this exchange is just plain hilarious to me. 🤣 It reads like a recording between a couple going through an acrimonious divorce.

There is zero rationality behind the decision, especially given that it’s retroactive and there’s no language in their decision that handles unique user versus multiple users versus multiple accounts.

I’ve had two gaming PCs over the last ten years. On my last one, I replaced the hard drive twice, and I’m on my second hard drive on the newest one. With each hard drive replacement, I’ve had to reinstall all my games. I’m not paying for all of them again with each install but just getting the same files off Steam and installing again. According to this decision, the devs of these games would have had to pay Unity four extra times just due to my hardware upgrades. How is that on the developer at all, and Lord help us if Unity tries to run some BS where players have to pay for each new installation.

The entire gaming industry, even from the “disc era”, doesn’t work with a cost per install model.

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The moment you mention the Terminal, it’s a wrap for most users.

That said, Ubuntu is at a point where you could almost entirely avoid the Terminal if you wanted. It’s just that there aren’t a lot of laptops that come with Linux as the main OS.

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The fact that a Delaware judge made this ruling just highlights how egregious this package was.

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How dare people decide to hold onto their current cars instead of paying 9% on a 60K car!

Won’t somebody please think of the shareholders?!?

I’m kinda bummed it was an actor. It would have been miles more entertaining if it was just an AI model.

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As someone who made about $400 on AMC, I wholly support the apes in their endeavor to pump and dump Reddit’s stock into oblivion.

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He noted piracy was an issue of service and ease of availability, not price. Case in point, it’s far easier for me to wait for a Steam sale and have a legal game than it is for me to go through all the effort of waiting for a decent crack, torrenting the game, and then waiting for the crack to the patch because of something that doesn’t run well.

I used to pirate games to “sample” them, and now it’s simply easier to just buy through Steam. If I hate it…oh, well. It only cost $10 through a Steam, GOG, or Humble Bundle sale.

Video streaming used to be somewhat like this when everything was through Netflix. One place to get everything you wanted was far easier than trying to acquire things through piracy.

Now, however, you’ve got to have 6 different streaming services to get what used to require only one, and with the price of hard drives going down every year, it’s actually easier to torrent what I want and just have things in my personal collection that’s never going to just get removed suddenly because NBC Universal decides that they want a piece of the pie as well.

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Finally. Should’ve done it 18-months ago.

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If you have a four-year scholarship, for God’s sake, make sure you graduate in four years!

I’m shocked they’re moving to ads when I’ve been paying them $4/month for Discord Nitro for several years now. Surely, that revenue is enough for their upkeep???

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The show was “Zombie House Renovations” in case anyone was curious.

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But, if he spits out the fish like Mr. Burns, we’ll have a laugh that will last for decades.

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Ah, yes. A “glitch”. And, how fascinating that it affects links from the early days when Twitter was really gaining traction and being used to rouse populaces.

The thing is, Musk, whether he was paid to do this or not, is acting purposefully. This is all a grand scheme to fully dismantle what was once our global town square. Twitter was once a place where “the people” could hold politicians, corporations, and the generally wealthy accountable for their actions publicly. In the past year, the platform has become unsteady, blue checks are untrustworthy, and even the name has changed to something that causes one to pause.

I dislike the man as much as the next normal person, but all of this nonsense has been planned from the start. He’s not a complete idiot. These actions have been calculated steps to take away the voice of the people and eliminate a single source of truth as things get worse and worse.

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You know what really irks me? Lately people are using the terms “website” and “app” synonymously and there’s just no reason for it.

I was on the phone with customer service for my grandmother a few weeks ago, and the agent on the phone kept saying that my grandmother needed to go “on the app” to set her router name. I went three rounds with the agent explaining that my 94-year-old grandmother didn’t really have a phone capable getting to the app before I realized that the agent meant website, but was still saying “app”.

The improper usage of the words is far more an issue than the discussion about whether JavaScript is creating an application experience that is no longer a “website”.

I get that my generation is aging out of the “target audience” for tons of things, but I’m willing to stand my ground on this one til the day I die. An app and a website are two different things. 😡

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This isn’t new. One of my cousins did this to three of her four kids. 😬 This has been a thing for ages.

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I’m sure this won’t have a major ecological impact, right? Right…?

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You’re looking at it, buddy.

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In many US states have what’s referred to as “at-will” employment. When you accept the terms of your employment, there’s a small disclaimer that states that you can be fired for anything at anytime for any reason and without notice.

This is also why we have so many lawsuits here.

So, while there’s no full protection, there are laws available that say you can’t be fired for certain things, and if you can prove that you were fired due to simply being of a “protected class” or in retaliation for reporting a workplace violation, you can sue and can likely win through settlement or decision.

The thing is, few employers will maintain records that indicate that they fired Anita because she was black or Howard because he was gay. It’s usually “Anita had 4 errors in the last year” if pressed for detail. That’s why if you feel any sense of discrimination or other unfairness on the job here, it’s a good idea to keep records of the incidents and dates in a CYA file (Cover Your Ass), just in case.

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You didn’t know? Only the most patriotic Americans would support the violent overthrow of a democratically elected government.

Likely just a hamburger. Cheese can sometimes be pricey.

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Well, we are nearing the 30s 😬

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Too bad they didn’t have this attitude before cutting 1900 jobs, most of them Blizzard employees and making the cut after promising not to make massive cuts.

Um…does the CEO know that horses are still a thing and that horse barns (aka stables) are still in use? Also, the invention of the automobile didn’t instantly displace the horse. It was well into the 1920s before they became a regular sight.

Also…there’s lots of reasons to buy gas-powered cars these days. For one, not everyone lives in a home where they can install the necessary charger, so you’d always be on the “hunt” for charging stations, and fuel cars are generally cheaper at this time. Once we see the market flooded with EV cars, the prices will come down and fuel cars will no longer be the norm, but we’re likely a decade or more away from that.

I get what the CEO is trying to say, but it’s still incredibly tone-deaf.

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Burrito season, according to Chipotle, runs from March to May

And, here I was stupidly referring to this time period as Spring!

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How dare the common staff attempt to save money?!

That is not their lot in life! They ought to be thankful for the pittance they receive as it is, and they are entirely ungrateful wretches to think of saving and trying to improve their situation!

Entirely ungrateful!!

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That’s not how PCs work. Once you’ve downloaded the data, it’s on your hard drive, not the RAM. This sounds very much like you’ve experienced hard drive failure.

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That’s why Jellyfin exists, though admittedly, it was a little more difficult for me to set up the sharing than I would have preferred. Now, I’m up and running, so all is well.

Heck, Emby is still an option if you don’t want a fully open-sourced one. Plex has been steadily moving in this direction for at least the last year or so, which makes me surprised at folks’ surprise over their “privacy” with Plex.

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Why won’t you ever consider the shareholders?! Won’t somebody please think of the shareholders!

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After rising for 10 consecutive quarters starting in fall 2020, the median U.S. home sale price has now declined for two straight quarters, to $416,100, according to federal economic data. That is still $87,100 above the quarter just before the pandemic, or an increase of 26.4%.

A person who buys that median-priced home with a 20% down payment and an average interest rate would have a monthly mortgage payment of about $2,300.

Any 1-3 folks wanna go in on a house together since it’s going to take a min of 2 full salaries to buy a home these days?

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Why is the assumption that the individuals who will receive these jobs won’t be qualified for them?

I mean…I still owe $8K and I spent the last three years paying directly to the principal as well. That said, I still hate this. Rather than being able to pay off in another year or so, it’s going to be closer to five years.

There’s options available. Like, how about a “step up” rather than just reopening the floodgates? Turn on the repayments, but not the interest. How about keep the interest off the last $20K if you’re not in the rears? Allow people to get a chance to make progress on their debts, or at least give an incentive on keeping the payments current.

A direct return to the status quo doesn’t get lenders their money in a time of rising rates, and it definitely doesn’t help those in debt nor the overall economy.

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Like, seriously. It’s always been a thing.

In the 1800s, you could rent a space on a rope overnight so that you could drape yourself over it and have a place to sleep that night that wasn’t on the freezing, urine-soaked ground.

This has long been an issue.


Oh…oh, I get it. Learn Latin.

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Many scientists are based out of corporations or universities who contract with Microsoft, so Excel would be the default solution for working with spreadsheets.

Also, when it comes to “office” applications, there is no real substitute for Excel. Word processing, presentations, email, notes; there are many open and closed source alternatives that will do the same if not better than MS Office applications. Excel, however, is the exception.

LibreOffice Calc, G-Sheets, Apple’s Numbers, or the myriad of competitor office solutions have never matched Excel for in-depth analyses or overall function. For just basic features, one could limp by with most alternatives, but doing real analytical work within spreadsheets requires Excel.

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“Had to be me. Someone else might haven gotten it wrong.”

Brutal every time. 😭

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