Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 435 points –
Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox & Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs - TwistedVoxel

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The fact that these decisions are coming down from the ex-CEO of EA Games, who was the CEO when EA was voted “Worst Company in the World”, just makes all this even more entertaining to watch.

GamePass and probably most cheap sales are all going up in flames because Unity has hired a demon to lead them into oblivion.

The fact that these decisions are coming down from the ex-CEO of EA Games . . . .

This guy speedrunning the enshittification game. Oceangate needs to build another sub, stat.

Microsoft learned never to leave an EA exec at the wheel ten years earlier, with the disastrous launch of the Xbox One. You know, the all seeing, all knowing, all credit card charging privacy invader with its hooks permanently sunk into the internet, and a camera you couldn't cover, like it was some motherfucking episode of Max Headroom. Allow me to say, "Fuck you, Don Mattrick, and the DRM and surveillance-laden horse you rode in on."